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Everything posted by Jyoung20

  1. It's up!!! WOOHOO!! Check us out at www.lungevity.org/playingforacure Anyone that is interested in sponsoring an honorary award, please contact me through pm or email me at playingforacure@comcast.net I need your personal survivor stories..This is our opportunity to make the community aware and bring lung cancer awareness into the spotlight in Memphis, Tn for one very special day!!! Please help!!! God Bless! Jamie
  2. Goddesses Don't Buy Green Bananas and Crazy Sexy Cancer
  3. Just wanted to let all of you know that we are making arrangements for this year's event. To be held in Memphis Tennessee on March 8th!! We should have the website up in a few days.. I hope you guys can come and be part of this!! It's truly an amazing event!!! God BLess You My Friends!! Jamie P.S. I will keep you updated on how we progress!!
  4. I have the book and have seen the documentary!! It's really amazing.. My husband swears by it!!! I'm sorry you are dealing with all of this now. And yes, one step forward, three steps back is definately appropriate. It happens to me all the time. Maybe I am not using my Secret skills well enough. God Bless!! Jamie
  5. Awesome!!!! Thank you for making a difference!!!! God Bless!! Jamie
  6. Great Wendy!!!! I will be in touch after I hear from Jan.
  7. If you would like to know more information, please send me a message. I am scheduled for my interview on January 29th.......
  8. UPDATE::: I have had 4 responses which means that would be $400.00 for Lungevity. All money donated will be going towards research. This is an awesome opportunity to support our foundation!!! If you are taking a targeted therapy and could give 45 minutes of your time with a phone interview ++++ earn $200.00 for yourself, please consider participating. I talked with the representative over the phone, she was a nurse and very nice. I am scheduled for Jan. 29th. Hey Guys!! I just spoke with a Genentech staff member who is completing a study on targeted therapies and here is the awesome news.... If you let me know that you are interested in participating and I can pass your info. along to her and if you qualify for the study they will donate $100.00 to Lungevity!!! How awesome is that!! It only takes about 45 minutes of your time and you are also eligible for compensation for your time!! Please let me know if you are interested and I will give Jan your information. She has already posted on this site. God Bless!! Jamie
  9. Hi Nova, Thank you!! He did put me on a medication called Colazal. I have to take 9 pills a day. He said if this drug works then I won't have to take the next step to steroids. He did not mention a thing about diet. Have you adapted your diet at all. Do you stay away from certain foods? Thanks again for all of your help.. Jamie
  10. ???? Has anyone developed this problem from having cancer or taking Tarceva? Just got diagnosed and wondering if any of you have experienced this problem.. Thanks in advance!! Jamie
  11. Cori, Lung cancer is not a death sentence. Don't believe that!! I am a 3 year Stage IIIB survivor and am cancer free!! Have hope and know that this disease is survivable!! There are many here with advanced disease surviving and thriving!!! Welcome to our family and know that we are here for you!!! God Bless! Jamie
  12. Cynthia, Welcome to our family. I am so sorry to hear of what your family is going through. I hope you can find the support here that will help you during this time. I can not answer that question but I was talking to someone yeasterday (another caregiver at support group) about the same issue. She was wanting her brother (stage 4) to come and live with her. But, he was not ready to make that commitment. He liked where he was living and was comfortable with having his place with his stuff. I am not sure if you situation is the same but she decided to wait until he was ready or was not able to take care of himself. Hope this helps!! God Bless You!! Jamie
  13. Hi Bridgett!! Hang in there and have hope. I was originally dx stage IIIB and given a ver poor prognosis. I AM CANCER FREE and going on 3 years survival! There are many long term survivors here!!!Treatment has come a long way for lung cancer ( not far enough) and can be treated as a chronic disease. Continue to be a strong advocate for your husband and get a 2nd opinion or 3rd if necessary. God BLess You on this journey!! Jamie
  14. Everything changed....my faith, my personality, my diet, my unhealthy lifestyle, stress, job...nothing is the same.... God Bless!!!
  15. Merry Christmas Donna!!
  16. Great News!!!! What a Blessing!!! Jamie
  17. God Bless You!! Will be thinking of you today. XOXO, Jamie
  18. Jyoung20

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    Wrapping paper What was your favorite game to play as a child?
  19. Kyle, Thank you for posting! That's a wonderful picture. Such a terrible loss God Bless Jamie
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