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Everything posted by Jyoung20

  1. Thank goodness!! Glad to hear that!! God Bless and I am soooo glad he is feeling better. Jamie
  2. Geri, I am so proud of you!! That is so awesome!!! God Bless!! Jamie And here's a toast to many many more milestones!!!
  3. So sorry to hear about your mom's passing. Prayers for your family during this time!! Welcome to our family. God Bless!! Jamie
  4. I have been reading a book called "Crazy Sexy Cancer" and after reading Patti's post I thought I would ask you survivors if you ever pull your cancer card out? I know I have....Especially during treatment. I must confess that I parked in the pregnant mother's parking spot at the grocery store numerous times during treatment. Never questioned about it but I definately had a good excuse.. XOXO, Jamie
  5. Okay Patti, You and I are on the exact same page here. I can totally relate to what you are saying. Have you ever read, "Crazy Sexy Cancer". If not you should take a peak. Cause Kris Carr is the first person I know to address these issues in print. It is a very good book. This really helped me to relate to alot of the survivor-emotion issues. My best friend of 24 years and I hardly speak, she said that I was too judgemental cause I didn't want to go and party like a rock star with her e4very night. Certain members of the family would tell me to quit pulling the cancer card... I tell them that if they get cancer (and I pray they don't) that they can pull their cancer card too... You should try pulling it, it does come in handy sometimes especially when insensitive neighbors want you to baby sit their sick child. Hello!! I have cancer!!! Hang in there girl and keep your spunk!!! Attitude is everything!!! God Bless!! Jamie
  6. Your doc sounds great!!! Prayers for complete success and a quick recovery!!!! XOXO Jamie
  7. I am so happy for you!!!! That is wonderful!! God Bless! Jamie
  8. (((Christy))) I pray that you guys find out what's going on and can get it fixed so your mom can start feeling better!! God Bless You!!
  9. Jyoung20

    Dadstimeon ~ Rich

    Praying for a quick recovery!! God Bless Rich!!
  10. Hey everyone!! Another survivor here!! Going on 3 years as a IIIB survivor and living large every day. God Bless!! Jamie
  11. Did you know that the Latin word for survivor is supervivere meaning "super to live"? And yes it is!!! The definition states that it is a: a person who continues to function in spite of opposition, hardship, or setbacks To me, this means you are a survivor at diagnosis... Why can't the doc say... You have cancer and but you are a SURVIVOR!!! What do you guys think? God Bless!! Jamie
  12. Does juicing count? If so, I take a daily 5 powder with apples, broccoli, spinach, wheat grass powder, oat grass powder, barley grass powder, blueberries, spinach, carrots, strawberries and a few other anitoxidant veggies and fruits.
  13. Too funny. You are so right!! Never wrestled!! God Bless!! Jamie
  14. So I would say that you don't eat ice cream every night cause being from TN, I know you are a UT fan... How did you time the April 1st babies..Now that's talented... 1. I wrestled on Bourbon St. in the ring. 2. I was 5th in the nation amateur women's 8 ball champion. 3. I was a guest of Tower of Power and hung out with the sax player.
  15. I am so glad you pointed that out. I was a little disappointed in this interview and felt it was directed more toward the negative aspects of the disease, namely smoking. It seemed she wanted to spend alot of the interview focusing on this area. I never saw it on TV (don't really watch it) but I hope they got it right there.. God Bless!! Jamie
  16. I actually just bought this book..... Just starting... I have heard alot of good things about it also!! God Bless!! Jamie
  17. Jyoung20

    Mom Passed Away

    And we are here for you now and forever!!! I am so sorry about your mom..please accept my sincerest condolences. God Bless You during this time. Jamie
  18. Jyoung20

    Thanks so much

    We love ya!!! God Bless! Jamie
  19. What a wondeful trip!! It was great meeting Barry (longest avastin survivor) and Dr. Berry. They are awesome and inspiring. We had 20 interviews with radio and tv from all of the country. It was a great opportunity to get the word out about lung cancer!!! Very exciting!!! God Bless!! Jamie
  20. Jyoung20

    Our father

    I am so sorry. God Bless You!!! Jamie
  21. Jyoung20


    I'm just getting this and I am in such shock. I am so sorry. Please know that I am praying for you during this time. He will be greatly missed. God Bless You! Jamie
  22. Jyoung20


    WOOHOO! Now if Tn will follow suit!! God Bless!! Jamie
  23. Have they mentioned anything about radiation pneumonitis? I developed this after radiation... made me feel like crap and had a terrible cough to go along with it. Hope you find what's going on.... Tussionex always helped with my cough... I would ask your doc... God Bless!! jamie
  24. I am grateful for being able to take a deep breath again....
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