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Everything posted by Jyoung20

  1. Jyoung20

    She's gone

    I'm so sorry Kelly. God's Peace Be with You during this time.
  2. The same thing has happened to me many times. I would let her doc know and maybe he could give her a medications that will be more effective. I used a topical antibiotic as well. Usually clears up in a few days.
  3. So sorry.... God's Peace be with you.
  4. AWWW.. What a pretty baby!! Congrats! God's Peace be with you!!!
  5. I think the answer is Club Black Trick Wand
  6. Kasey, You are sooooo wonderful! XOXO, Jamie
  7. Beautifully written...You two are definately soul mates. Have you two ever thought about sharing your story through a book? You two write such inspiring messages.. thank you for sharing. Peace be with you, Jamie
  8. I think it's a great idea Randy!!!!
  9. Hey Kelly!! Like Connie..I took steroids to help with the problem. It was the worst I felt during treatment. Depending on how bad it is will determine how long to be on steroids. God Bless!!
  10. (((Connie))) You're the best!!!! God Bless Connie!
  11. Prayers going up for you Sue!!! God Bless Sue!!!
  12. Tanks for the head's up....going to buy some fugi's today!!! God Bless Randy!!!!
  13. Thats awesome!!!!!!! Way to go!!! You are such an inspiration!!! God Bless You Rich!! Jamie
  14. Jyoung20


    I am sooooo happy for you!!!! Made my day!! Jamie
  15. Hey Dana, I have been on Tarceva for 2 years and I spoke with a lady the other day that has a friend that has been on it since 2002. It has worked well for her and myself and I pray that it will work well for Joanie if she decides to take it. The side effects are manageable and there are things that can be done to help alleviate them. If you would like any info. on what I have done or deal with during these last two years, please let me know. Please tell Joanie that I am thinking of her and praying that Tarceva is her miracle drug!!! Jamie
  16. (((Randy))) So sorry! God Bless DaisyDawg! Jamie
  17. Jyoung20


    Prayers going up for Roger!! God Bless Roger!! Jamie
  18. Jyoung20


    WOOOOOOHOOOOO!!!! God Bless Jan!!! Jamie
  19. I am in total agreement with everyone... enjoy yourself and enjoy your visit... If she were in a detrimental state with her counts, I am sure the onc. would warn her or give her medicine to help with getting those counts up. Let us know how it turns out!! Jamie
  20. I am thrilled to hear of your good news!!!! Prayers for continued success!! God Bless Heather!! Jamie
  21. My Bible Very witty jang! God Bless! Jamie
  22. Wonderful news!!! I am 2 years going strong on Tarceva!! Keep the faith. God Bless!! Jamie
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