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  1. Hi everyone, I’m just looking for some advice. I’m a female aged 31. I went to the doctors with shoulder blade pain which radiates down my arm causing pins and needles. I’ve had this pain on and off for many years, but more recently the pain has radiated to my arm, armpit, rib cage and side. Initially I was diagnosed with a trapped nerve by a physio therapist. However when I seen my GP this time he wanted to investigate it further so sent me for a chest X-ray. The chest results have shown abnormalities in my lung, which the radiologist believes is a type of pnuemonia. I’ve been given antibiotics and have to have the X-ray repeated in 4 weeks. I had a full blood count done which was normal and biochemistry results done which indicated I have low calcium. There was no other indication of infection in my bloods results. Because of this and given the length of time I’ve had these symptoms I’m beginning to worry that it’s something more serious like cancer, which from what I’ve read online would not show up on blood results. I have no symptoms of pnuemonia, other than those mentioned above as well as joint pain in my knees & wheezing when excercising or climbing stairs which I put down to weight gain. I feel generally well despite this and would never have known I had pneumonia. Sorry for the long post, but considering the length of time I’ve had the pain, the blood results indicating no infection despite abnormalities showing in my lungs, I’m really worried that it’s something more serious like lung cancer. Does anyone have any advice they could give me. Am I likely to be overthinking this? Is it normal for the radiologist to request another chest X-ray 4 weeks after suspected pneumonia? I know no one can diagnose me. Just looking for some other peoples experiences. Thank you for anyone who takes the time to reply.
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