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laurie2020 last won the day on July 8

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    Lung cancer patient/survivor

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  1. 3 years of survival to date of 4th stage Lung Cancer. God continues to hold me up and guide me through this unknown path.I thank you Lord and my family and friends. The daily love and support keep me alive and allow me to wake up daily. Thankyou and my love is larger than any words I can say. This year has had its ups and downs with my diagnose severe stenosis with arthritis being the worst experience of this year. It took 3 months to get the diagnosis and far more pain than the cancer at this point. Next week I will receive a shot in my back and begin physical therapy that should help me to feel as normal as possible hopefully. I also underwenty fist PET scan to identify any spreading of my cancer. The scans and MRI are not easy for me as I am closterphobic. As I spoke about in my last blog there is a specific lump under my left arm that continues to grow monthly but the majority of my body will be checked to update my status. I will update my blog when my results are in. Scan results are taking much longer these days. What ever the results, today is my celebration day of 3 years alive and tomorrow starts year 4. 🙌 And onward to another year with the people I love and serving the most important man in my life…God.
  2. 3 years of survival to date of 4th stage Lung Cancer. God continues to hold me up and guide me through this unknown path.I thank you Lord and my family and friends. The daily love and support keep me alive and allow me to wake up daily. Thankyou and my love is larger than any words I can say. This year has had its ups and downs with my diagnose severe stenosis with arthritis being the worst experience of this year. It took 3 months to get the diagnosis and far more pain than the cancer at this point. Next week I will receive a shot in my back and begin physical therapy that should help me to feel as normal as possible hopefully. I also underwenty fist PET scan to identify any spreading of my cancer. The scans and MRI are not easy for me as I am closterphobic. As I spoke about in my last blog there is a specific lump under my left arm that continues to grow monthly but the majority of my body will be checked to update my status. I will update my blog when my results are in. Scan results are taking much longer these days. What ever the results, today is my celebration day of 3 years alive and tomorrow starts year 4. 🙌 And onward to another year with the people I love and serving the most important man in my life…God.
  3. Hi Kathy. I am aligned with your belief. I am a 3 year survivor of stage 4 metastisized Lung Cancer and I continue to stay off the internet and away from many who try to pull me through the path they might take if they were in my shoes or if they may be against conventional treatment. I listen to many but follow my heart to choose from what my Oncologist and ND advise for me treatment wise. Stay strong and true to yourself and yes off the internet and you will do well. I choose to pray alot as many have been answered. Love and strength Laurie
  4. Scan results are in and no new growth or changes in the remaining mass. Such great news when you know your life depends on it. Now I begin again living through the next three months with my goal remaining for no changes with the tumor and no further growth with my next scan. This Has been quite the journey for the past 2 1/2 years. My life expectancy was projected for 3 - 6 months and yet I continue to live and make more memories with my family. Feeling so blessed with every day that passes. I continue to work from home. So fortunate that my job allows this. My goals this year are to attend a vacation week at the cape withy family. Eat fried clams while at the cape. Watch all my grandchildren fly kites I purchased for them while at the cape and to ring in New years with my family at the Coventry house we rent out for New Years. Any time I can get with my family becomes memory time for all of us. The grandchildren have grown so fast. It's been over a year now since the last two grandbabies were born. The babies bring us lots of laughs at Sunday dinners. Such blessings. I can't believe we have been living in the new house for over a year now. I do believe downsizing added a little more time to my life by making it easier. I am enjoying the peaceful surroundings the new house has to offer as well. Forward I go while it is still possible making as many memories as I can with my family I love so much.
  5. Thankyou. I am blessed with a great family that Haas been by my side since the day I was diagnosed. They arey life.
  6. moment with this disease. As usual my wonderful support system is available to help when ever I need them. In the meantime I continue creating goals to live for and experience with my family. Non are exotic or from any made up bucket list. However every goal I reach becomes a memory for me and my family to hold on to forever. They provide me the will to go forward and face the days I can survive knowing what this disease is known to do to many of us with this diagnosis
  7. Hello Kathy, I will pray for positive results for you. Stay strong and as hard as it is to imagine try to stay positive. Your system can use positive thoughts at this point. There may not seem to be much to be positive about everyday I am alive to be with my family is the focus I use to give thanks daily. Please keep me updated and thankyou for the interest in y story.
  8. Hello RJN I had the option 6 months ago to go off the immunotherapy or stay on it. I chose to stay on the Kaytruda as it has been helping me to date. I pray it continues as I have no intentions of dieing anytime soon. My Oncologist has a Stage 4 patient that Is on year 6 of survival. That patient and now you are clear examples of the hope and goals I hold on to. Thanks so much for your encouragement and I wish you well on your journey. It is relieving to be able to communicate with someone who really understands what I am expressing.
  9. I was diagnosed with 4th stage cancer metastisized at size 7 with 2 blood clots all in my left lung and lymph nodes. I was loaded with fluid at time of diagnosing believing I had pneumonia and learning my real diagnosis. I went into emergency surgury for a perichondrial window to keep the fluid building up around my heart and had over 4 cups of liquid drained out of my back that was surrounding my lungs. This was a little over 2 years ago. My oncologist refused to give me a time that my life may expire and for that I thank him everyday. A few months ago he told me my time expected was 3 to 6 months and that others he had diagnosed with 4th stage Lung cancer had passed long ago and I am considered ever so lucky. Before I left the hospital 2 years ago I placed my life in God's hands and refused to google lung cancer. I did not want Google telling me how and what I needed to feel and fill my head with the fear of what to expect. I chose treatment and continue to attend every 3 weeks. I tell myself that I will live my life until God decides otherwise. I prepared my will, moved to a smaller house and have spent these years making family memories and helping them prepare for my passing by letting them know that I am not afraid. They will move forward when I pass. I was forced to come to terms with reality the day I was diagnosed by myself in 2 separate hospitals due to Covid. All of this made me see that I wanted to move forward having a quality of life not a life of fear. Move forward with life in a positive manner.i believe it will help keep you alive. Stay strongl and off of Google.
  10. Than you Tom. You give me so much inspiration as I enter my Rd year of survival of 4th stage Lung Cancer. Thank you and I pray for man more years of survival for You
  11. I can relate so much. Petrified of being stuck in closed places or drowning. I too have to belightly medicated for scans
  12. laurie2020

    Going forward

    I was diagnosed with 4th stage cancer metastisized at size 7 with 2 blood clots all in my left lung and lymph nodes. I was loaded with fluid at time of diagnosing believing I had pneumonia and learning my real diagnosis. I went into emergency surgury for a perichondrial window to keep the fluid building up around my heart and had over 4 cups of liquid drained out of my back that was surrounding my lungs. This was a little over 2 years ago. My oncologist refused t give me a time that my life may expire and for that I thank him everyday. A few months ago he told me my time expected was 3 to 6 months and that others e had diagnosed with 4th stage Lung cancer had passed long ago and I am considered ever so lucky. Before I left the hospital 2 years ago I placedy life in God's hands and refused to google lung cancer. I did not want Google telling me how and what I needed to feel and fill my head with the fear of what to expect. I chose treatment and continue to attend every 3 weeks. I tell myself that I will live my life until God decides otherwise. I prepared my will, move to a smaller house and have sent these years making family monies and helping them prepare for my passing by letting them know that I am not afraid and they will move forward when I pass. I was forced to come to terms with reality the day I was diagnosed by myself in 2 separate hospitals due to Covid. All of this made me see that I wanted to move forward having a quality of life not a life of fear. Stay strong and off of Google.
  13. I was diagnosed with 4th stage cancer metastisized at size 7 with 2 blood clots all in my left lung and lymph nodes. I was loaded with fluid at time of diagnosing believing I had pneumonia and learning my real diagnosis. I went into emergency surgury for a perichondrial window to keep the fluid building up around my heart and had over 4 cups of liquid drained out of my back that was surrounding my lungs. This was a little over 2 years ago. My oncologist refused t give me a time that my life may expire and for that I thank him everyday. A few months ago he told me my time expected was 3 to 6 months and that others e had diagnosed with 4th stage Lung cancer had passed long ago and I am considered ever so lucky. Before I left the hospital 2 years ago I placedy life in God's hands and refused to google lung cancer. I did not want Google telling me how and what I needed to feel and fill my head with the fear of what to expect. I chose treatment and continue to attend every 3 weeks. I tell myself that I will live my life until God decides otherwise. I prepared my will, move to a smaller house and have sent these years making family monies and helping them prepare for my passing by letting them know that I am not afraid and they will move forward when I pass. I was forced to come to terms with reality the day I was diagnosed by myself in 2 separate hospitals due to Covid. All of this mad me see that I wanted to move forward having a quality of life not a life of fear. Bravo sweetie for deciding to move forward with life in a positive manner.i believe it will help keep you alive. Stay strong and off of Google.
  14. Karen volunteering sounds wonderful. I give what I can but my strength is very inconsistent and unreliable. I am 2 years of treatment and was suppose to only survive 3 to 6 months. I remain so blessed and hope to find a way to pay t forward
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