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    united states

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  1. Thank you so much! This is very helpful indeed!
  2. I have a friend, 60 yrs old, excellent performance status, nonsmoker, no other chronic illness, with few weeks of dry cough, led to new diagnosis of Stage 4 Lung AdenoCA, metastatic to brain, negative molecular markers, low PD L-1; received true beam XRT to brain lesions; has been offered treatment with Pembrolizumab and chemo with carboplatin+paclitaxel. She is worried that chemo will only make her feel way worse than she does now, and not add meaningful time to her life - so much so, that she is considering foregoing chemo. Can anyone in a similar situation, please share their experience. And if anyone knows of any clinical trials that explore adding surgical/ radiation therapy options to chemo in hopes of improving survival.
  3. I have a friend, 60 yrs old, excellent performance status, nonsmoker, no other chronic illness, with few weeks of dry cough, led to new diagnosis of Stage 4 Lung AdenoCA, metastatic to brain, negative molecular markers, low PD L-1; received true beam XRT to brain lesions; has been offered treatment with Pembrolizumab and chemo with carboplatin+paclitaxel. She is worried that chemo will only make her feel way worse than she does now, and not add meaningful time to her life - so much so, that she is considering foregoing chemo. Can anyone in a similar situation, please share their experience. And if anyone knows of any clinical trials that explore adding surgical/ radiation therapy options to chemo in hopes of improving survival.
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