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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. My heartfelt condolences. May your mom rest in peace. Trish
  2. What a cutie!!!! Enjoy him. Trish
  3. I'm so sorry your family isn't there for you, Tracy. I have found that those people I couldn't count on BEFORE my diagnosis still can't be counted on. Let those help who want to help; they're doing it out of altruism not obligation. And altruism trumps obligation every day. Take good care of yourself and I wish you nothing but great success with the trial. My continued prayers are with you and yours. Hugs, Trish
  4. Welcome. You'll find lots of support, knowledge and encouragement here. Let us know how we can help. Trish
  5. trish2418


    Taxotere did a number on my tumor, but left me feeling like crap for the first 4 days after treatment. I found it to be much easier than Taxol, but very difficult anyway. Good luck with treatment. Trish
  6. Welcome. Look forward to hearing the updates as your husband regains his health. Please keep us posted and ask as many questions as you like. Trish
  7. Welcome, Joann. You'll find lots of hope, encouragement and knowledge here. Good luck and keep us posted as you continue through treatment. Trish
  8. I am just thrilled to pieces, Heather. Take care of yourself and follow doctor's orders. Still sending prayers for a quick recovery. Loved this news. Trish
  9. Awesome!!! Thanks Keri and Nick. Trish
  10. Good for Mom! I'm thrilled for both of you. Trish
  11. Welcome to our community. You will find lots of hope, knowledge, and support here. Please keep us posted on how your mom is doing. Trish
  12. Welcome, Will, to you and your wife. So sorry to hear about her diagnosis, but I hope the treatments start knocking the stuffing out of the cancer. Hang in there and keep us posted. Trish
  13. Praying that all goes well. Trish
  14. Welcome and congratulations on quitting smoking. I quit when I was diagnosed and I can honestly say the first 30 days are the hardest -- it gets much easier from there. Good luck and keep us posted with test results, etc. Trish
  15. trish2418


    Sending prayers that mom's surgery goes smoothly. Hang in there. Trish
  16. Lucky you and lucky puppy! Hope puppy adjusts to her new surroundings quickly. Happy bonding. Trish
  17. About 10 days for me to get the rash; never did have the diarrhea issue. Good luck to your mom. Trish
  18. I don't LIE about my age, but I usually try to avoid the subject. Keep 'em guessing.. Trish
  19. I can completely relate to your mom's impatience. I burned my wig 7 months after finishing chemo. My hair grew in very unevenly after chemo; the shortest hairs were about 1/4 inch and the longest hairs were about 1-1/2 inch. I'm taking Tarceva as well, so that may have contributed to the slow hair growth. I have it trimmed now about every 3 months. Hope that helps. Trish
  20. Sending prayers for Karen, you, and the children. Trish
  21. What a great way to start the morning! Thanks for the inspiration and you go get 'em, Perry. Trish
  22. I had unexplained swollen ankles about 6 months into Tarceva treatment, but no lumps. Please do let us know if the docs figure out what's causing the lumps. Good luck. Trish
  23. April '06 - 13-1/2 months. Trish
  24. Welcome, Barb. Hope your treatment continues to go well and the pain disappears soon. Keep us posted and good luck tomorrow -- I'm sure you'll do fine. Trish
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