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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. I love your attitude, Bucky! Haven't had WBR myself, so can't comment on that. But with your attitude, I'm sure you'll do well. Glad you got your girls with you. Trish
  2. Do you live near a college? You might find that nursing majors or early childhood ed majors might be able to fashion unpaid internships that count toward college requirements. Maybe you can find a sorority that would love to help out -- I was always involved in activities like that when I was in college and it was always so rewarding to me. High school future teachers or future nurses clubs? Big Brothers/Big Sisters? You're incredible, Tanner. I sincerely hope things improve for all of you. Hang in there. Trish
  3. My heart goes out to all of you, Tanner. What a difficult situation. Is there a social worker at the onc.'s practice or in the hospital that might be able to help with suggestions? School is ending soon and you might be able to get the girls into a camp situation. good luck to all of you. Trish
  4. I'm sending lots of prayers for you and your husband. Hope the elevated liver enzymes turn out to be insignifcant and that the WBR can succeed with great success. Hang in there. Trish
  5. Hi Leslie, I worked half-days while I was doing radiation and took the whole day off (Friday) and the next work day (Monday) off when I had chemo. I took a long nap when I got home from work and went to bed early every night. Fortunately, my employers were very understanding and never made me feel that my job was in jeopardy. Good luck to your dad during treatment. Take care. Trish
  6. Radiation keeps working on your body 2 weeks. As you go further into the radiation sessions, the cumulative effect is just exhaustive. I'm a strong woman but radiation knocked me on my butt for sure. I did start to bounce back about 2 weeks after radiation ended. Good luck to your MIL. You're a very special DIL. Trish
  7. trish2418


    So sorry you had to find us, but Welcome. I think you'll find a lot of hope and encouragement by reading the profiles beneath our signatures. We have lots and lots of IIA NSCLC survivors. Keep us posted on how treatment is going. Trish
  8. Now that's funny! Trish
  9. trish2418

    She's gone

    I'm so sorry, Kelly, and I'm sending lots of prayers for you, your mom and your entire family. Your dedication to your mom was just beautiful. Trish
  10. That's great news, Jane. Sending lots of prayers for you and your mom. Trish
  11. So glad you're doing well, Cindy. You are an inspiration to so many of us. Stay well. Trish
  12. trish2418

    Roll Call...

    Has anyone talked to marym? Mary from the Tampa area? She hasn't posted since March. Hope all is well, Mary. Trish
  13. Sending hugs to you, Bucky. There's lots of hope for you as there are many successful treatments for brain mets. Hang in there and have faith that the treatment will work. Trish
  14. Welcome, Tammy. So sorry to hear of your mother's diagnosis. I hope treatment goes well for her. Hang in there. Trish
  15. Aw, Joanie, I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. Hopefully the antibiotics will take care of the infection and the docs won't have to do any further exploring. Take care of yourself. Trish
  16. I'm honored to have "known" your mom, Dana. She was so unselfish with her kind and encouraging words. She will be missed. My heart goes out to you and your family. Take care of yourselves in this difficult time. Hugs and prayers for all of you, Trish
  17. I'm glad that you'll be there with your dad. Hope everything goes well and the treatment does a number on the cancer cells. Hang in there. Trish
  18. What great news, Carol. Thanks for sharing. Trish
  19. Sending prayers for great results in June. Until then, Nonni, don't go looking for trouble. RELAX!! (I know, easier said than done.) Hugs, Trish
  20. Please accept my condolences. May your mother-in-law rest in peace. Trish
  21. I had the horrible white head rash and, like Joe said, the combo of Minocycline and Duac gel got rid of it pretty quickly. Call the oncologist, they may prescribe over the phone. Good luck. Trish
  22. Any time there's no growth, that's GREAT news. Enjoy the time off from chemo and keep the good results coming. Trish
  23. We're here for you, Jessica. I'll be saying lots of prayers that the nodules turn out to be nothing to worry about. Hang in there. Trish
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