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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. So sorry, Leslie. I'm sending prayers for all of you. Trish
  2. So sorry you're going through this again. I'll send prayers for all. Trish
  3. Welcome. Good for you deciding not to smoke. I'd have to agree with Judy and say that Quitnet.com helped me tremendously with my quit. Still check in everyday. Keep us posted. Trish
  4. Welcome. It's been a rough few months for you. So sorry to hear of your dad's passing and your mom's illness. Please let us know if we can help and keep us posted on your mom's treatment. Take care, Trish
  5. Pursuit of Happyness - made me cry and made me a nervous wreck. Glad it all turned out well. Trish
  6. Absolutely amazing, Rich! What an inspiration you are to so many of us here. Here's to many, many more milestones. Trish
  7. "It's a Beautiful Day" - U2. I have it on my I-Pod and listen to it every morning while I'm walking. Doesn't always stay a beautiful day, but it sure starts out that way. Trish
  8. trish2418

    My sister

    Great news! Thanks for sharing. Trish
  9. Sending prayers for Mom. Hang in there, Sue. Trish
  10. Sending lots of prayers for you, Karen and the girls. I hope the docs can have Karen feeling better soon. Hang in there. Trish
  11. Hope you and your husband have a great vacation; you've certainly earned it. Please congratulate your husband on 1-year for me. Trish
  12. Welcome, Snoopy. You and your husband are going through so much. My prayers are with you and your family. Trish
  13. Welcome, Steve and Kathy. Please keep us posted on how Kathy's treatment is going. Will keep you both in my prayers. Trish
  14. trish2418


    Congratulations, Aaron! Very exciting news, indeed. Trish
  15. Welcome, Kathy. Please keep us posted on how treatment is going. Trish
  16. I am honored to toast Frank on his 60th with a beer and donut! Thanks for letting us know, Connie. Hope all is well with you and your family and I'm keeping you in my prayers. Trish
  17. trish2418

    No bone mets!

    That's great news, Jim. Trish
  18. trish2418

    4 years

    Hugs and a warm blanket for you today, Randy. Congrats on 4 years quit -- what a huge accomplishment. Trish
  19. Welcome, Dana. I'm praying that treatment goes well for your mom. Keep us posted. Trish
  20. Hi Nova and Welcome. Please keep us posted as to your husband's treatment and let us know how we can help and support you. Trish
  21. Hi Leslie and Welcome. I was diagnosed Stage IIIB adeno in August '05. I feel great today and, except for lots more doctor appointments and tests, my life is all that different than it was before diagnosis. Except I appreciate it a heckuva lot more. Good luck to you and your dad. Hope his treatment goes well. Feel free to PM me with any questions. Trish
  22. So glad the surgery went well. Hope all the news is good from now on. Trish
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