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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. I've had a PET every 3 months since diagnosis. My cheap as all heck insurance company has never denied payment. Could it be that her insurance company made a mistake? Have they paid for PET scans before? I'd have the scan done and keep fighting the insurance company. Good luck. Trish
  2. Terrific news, Fred! I'm doing a little happy dance in your honor. Trish
  3. I'm glad your mom is feeling well and I'll add my prayers for good scan results in July. Take care. Trish
  4. I am so sorry for your loss. Trish
  5. I've got my fingers crossed for good results! Trish
  6. I'm sorry Easter was made so stressful for you, Lilly. While you're going through treatment, you've got to give yourself permission to do what's best for you. If that means stepping on some toes, so be it. People will get over it. Be good to yourself, okay? Trish
  7. What terrific news, Kim. I'm so happy for the two of you. Thanks for sharing. Trish
  8. Happy Anniversary Gail, and enjoy the massage! Trish
  9. Hi Kelly, I used to swig viscous Lidocaine during radiation treatment. It numbed by throat and esophagus just enough to get a couple of bites of food down. Liquid aloe vera gel also helped. Basically, though, I lived on iced green tea, milkshakes, and creamed soups. It does get better though -- today I can eat anything. Funny, though, I cannot drink carbonated beverages. Just as well, I guess. Hope mom's treatment goes well. Trish
  10. I'm glad Tarceva is helping your husband. Hope you can soon have it funded by the NCI. Trish
  11. Welcome, Mary. Please accept my condolences on the loss of your husband. We're here to listen to you and support you whenever you need it. Trish
  12. Welcome, Marilyn. So sorry to learn of your diagnosis, but you will find many stories of hope here. You'll also find lots of friendship and support. Keep us posted as to how your treatment is going. Trish
  13. Welcome, Kaylei. I'm so glad treatment is going well for you. Keep on posting afnd inspiring the rest of us. Trish
  14. Good for you! I quit on the day I was diagnosed, and I don't miss it at all now. I found that constantly drinking water helped me. Buckets and buckets of water. And Skittles. Good luck and it does get easier and easier. Trish
  15. So sorry to learn of your mom's recurrence. Keeping my fingers crossed that the carbo/taxol will do the trick for her (I started with that combo and it worked well for me). Please keep us posted and know that I'm saying prayers for your Mom. Trish
  16. trish2418

    Port Removal

    I haven't used my port for chemo in over a year (I do have it flushed every 8 weeks). I'm superstitious about having it removed -- you know, if you have an umbrella with you it will not rain kind of logic or illogic. Are you thinking of having your's removed? Trish
  17. trish2418

    My Dad

    Terrific news, Karen!! Sending prayers that the treatments knocked out all signs of cancer. Trish
  18. What great news!!! I'm glad surgery went so well for you. Here's to many, many years of survivorship. Trish
  19. trish2418

    6 months

    I'm sending lots of prayers for comfort your way, Nick. I'm sure your Mom is watching you just as proud as can be at the way you give of yourself so easily to others on this board. You're gonna be one fantastic dad. Take care of yourself today. Trish
  20. What great news, Ned! Keep on knocking the hoo hoo out of that tumor! Trish
  21. trish2418

    KatieB 9000

    Pretty amazing, Katie! We're all so grateful to you both for this site and for your wise counsel. Please keep doing what you do -- you make such a difference in our lives. Trish
  22. trish2418

    Welcome back...

    Hope everythings ok now, Rich. You've been missed. Trish
  23. trish2418

    Chef's 3000

    Well done, Randy! Thanks for staying with us, keeping us informed, and keeping supplied with blankets. You're a wonderful gift to this community. Trish
  24. trish2418

    xray result

    I'm really happy for you, Mike. Thanks for sharing the good news. Trish
  25. trish2418

    PET/CT Scan Results

    What great news, Mary!!! The 2 of you must be thrilled. Trish
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