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Everything posted by natalie

  1. Shelly, I can't believe what these family members are saying actually... I can. I have an aunt who believes that I am poisoning my mother she also said that I don't love my mother and that I'm trying to kill her...just such awful, hurtful, unimaginable things (she thinks my mom just has mytes or microbes, whatever you want to call them). She has been an absolute nightmare. I have sent her doctors notes, she even talked to my mom's doctor but she is in denial. I have bitten my tongue so many times and it has hurt me so bad, but I took some time to think it over and decided to not address my aunt and I think it works in my favor that way. Her words dig deep in my bones and my gut and really give me anxiety, but it is an insult that doesn't deserve a response. It is a mental disorder. I may be wrong, but in my experience with stupid people, nothing you say is going to make them go, "you know, she's right" instead most people get defensive when approached and act like the victim...that is going to be even make you more mad. I think it says a lot more to say nothing. I realize the people that say the least happened to be more balanced. I'm usually a confronter and I notice I rarely feel better after confronting someone...so I've tried a different approach. I actually sent that aunt a Christmas card and wished her the best even though it took every ounce any kindness I have in my body. All that matters to me right now is what my mom, Dad and husband think. Has this whole experienced opened your eyes or what!? I thought I'd have this unbelievable amount of support (which I have) but there is always someone that manages to make the situation worse. These type of people are selfish people who have no clarity of what is important in life. Shelly, I am so sorry you had to hear that horrid conversation between your cousins. I would cut them off until you are a little more emotionally able. You have too much to go through right now. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  2. Richard Marx is tied to Lung cancer awareness...maybe we can get in touch with him?
  3. I'll sing! I'm too scared to do acapella, so I'll need some background music. I have someone I can ask about doing a LC demo. I'll do some asking and maybe we can put something together. Too cool! Sounds so fun!
  4. Maybe we can set up a live chat in a couple of weeks? Does anyone from California know how to do this? (trying to save Rick from having to do it) Laurie, my husband is originally from Salinas...sometimes we visit family over in your neck of the woods. Maybe we can meet up sometime in 2004. Thanks for sending the info out Katie. I really appreciate the help. I hope you managed to get through the holiday ok. Just for fun...anyone have any good pseudo names for our group? I'll start it off... California Rays of Hope We could have our logo have sunshine rays in it?
  5. oh my gosh kim, I just read your profile. I am so sorry for your loss. Today of all days....you must be devastated. you are in my thoughts and prayers.
  6. Laurie- I got mine yesterday too! What a sweet sweet person you are. Thank you! I will enjoy it!
  7. Deb, I am so sorry! I am shocked. I feel like our parents were similar with their disease and you always gave me such good feedback. Thank you for all of your help. I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I will be thinking of you and hoping you and your mom feel some comfort with family and memories. I'm just so saddened by your news.
  8. Donna! That is such a good idea! We should contact the drug manufacturers so they can advertise their new drugs or existing drugs needing more exposure on this website. I see procrit commercials a lot on TV, I'm sure they would like to be on this website advertising themselves. Genetech, AstraZenca, etc. good idea~
  9. Christy- I am so moved by your post and got the chills when I read it. Congratulations on the engagement!
  10. natalie


    As Don Wood mentioned before "The Purpose Driven Life" is good.
  11. natalie

    We have shrinkage!

    I'm so glad to hear of the good news!
  12. Like everyone else, I'm in shock...I had to do a double take of your post. He was such a warm, caring and knowledgable person. His picture reminded me a little of Jessie Ventura and I liked that...he looked like such a fun, warm person. My deepest condolences.
  13. Kristi, I am so so sorry. I honestly felt it in my gut when I read your post. I could always relate to you in your posts. I am so sorry for your loss and my deepest condolences. I just don't know what to say. Michelle, I am also sorry for your loss. I can't imagine the grief you feel right now, but I enjoyed reading that your grandparents were communicating to your mother. What a comfort to know that they were with you there and helped your mother through this. I will say a special prayer for you both.
  14. Hi Adam, sorry about my post... I don't know why I assumed! I edited it accordingly. It's a pleasure to meet you and I hope we can help you and your Dad through this ordeal. I agree with Stephanie...the Lance Armstrong book really inspired my mom and whenever she gets down I remind her of his battle with his cancer and it whips her back in fight mode. Take Care.
  15. Hi Rick, My mom has lung cancer and was diagnosed back in May. Along with other people on this board, we have been doing lots of research to help you all in your battle of this disease. As I have been reading and my mother's doctor has told me, there are new effective drugs set for FDA approval late December - early January. My mom is currently on Iressa and is starting to gain some of her strength back and her hair is growing back. We are optomistic that the Iressa is going to keep her stable and we are looking forward to hearing about the new drugs. We are going to help your son gather information for you and will do everything we can to offer you all the support you need. If your anything like my mom...you are tough, strong willed, and can beat this. No doctor can determine your future, that's why they call it a medical "practice". You stay strong and know that there are many people going through the same thing as you and know what you are going through. Some days my mom gets depressed because she can't do the things she enjoys and doesn't really enjoy eating as much anymore. She's tired of people asking how she is doing and she's tired of not feeling good. I can relate to your son...He is proud of you and thinks the world of you and will do anything for you. Let her take care of you in her own way, it helps him to be able to help you. I will say a special prayer for you.
  16. Kristy- I am so sorry that you have to go through this. You and your family are in my prayers. Please keep us posted.
  17. congratulations! LOVE the name
  18. natalie

    Iressa IS Working!!!

    Pier! I am so happy to hear that! You have given me so much hope today. I pray that I can speak the same good news soon.
  19. Jennifer- I sent you a PM last week. Did you get it? How are you doing? Is your baby okay now? Anne- Do you remember the name of the drug your doctor recommended?
  20. Thank you all for your time responding to my post. Since I wrote the post, my mom is doing so much better. She actually has managed to go shopping a couple of times this week and she's in better spirits, so she's back on Iressa. She actually isn't taking any pain meds now because she doesn't hurt. I don't know if she was fighting pneumonia and dehydrated or if her brain mets have come back. She is going in for a brain scan today and a lung scan tomorrow so we are a little anxious, but I'm praying for good results and trying to maintain hope. Cecilia, I asked to go part time and my manager said he would help me out but he's left for vacation for 10 days and I'm running our department right now. I'm trying to take a few hours off here and there and trying to do some things at home. It would just be great to have a set part time schedule, but it has helped to take time off! You are definitely right! Thank you all for your support.
  21. Andrea- I'm in the same boat. I read your post and can tell we are living the same nightmare at this time. Over the weekend my mom took a turn for the worse...she stopped eating, drinking, lost her motor skills, trembling, but then the yesterday she was okay again. She didn't even remember what happened over the weekend. It is such an emotional rollercoaster ride. I decided to work part time to help my Dad and be with my mom. If you need support from someone going through the same thing, please contact me. Take Care, your in my prayers.
  22. Andrea, I think we are both in the same situation. I'm angry too.
  23. Dr. David Gandera at UC Davis is highly respectable. We met with him and were very impressed. Since UC Davis is a teaching center, there are clinical trials offered there as well. He has a good demeaner and specializes in lung cancer.
  24. Kristy, I'm sorry to hear that your mom is down. Is she able to do a little shopping yet? Retail therapy works great for my mom and I. I will pray for you and your mom tonight.
  25. Cindy, Maybe have her take it after she eats something or try another brand of Noni Juice? I started my mom on it slow and then progressively gave her more each day. I started with 1/8 a glass, then went up to 1/4, then 1/2 and then she got use to it. All I know is it smells really bad so it's got to taste really bad...maybe if she plugs her nose?
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