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Everything posted by natalie

  1. Hi Debbie- I just wanted to let you know that I'm going through the same thing right now at this time and can completely understand how you are feeling. I'm here for you if you ever want to instant message me..i'll give you my phone number.
  2. Hi Cindy, From what I've been told, there's different ways to take it. If you want to "flush" the system, drink one bottle a day for four days, then go to 4 oz in the morning before you've eaten anything and then 4 oz at night.
  3. Thanks for all of your kind responses. It's nice to have a place where people understand and respond to you so quickly! I didn't go to work today and about to go to my parents house. Apparently my mom is in pain all over her body, she finally admitted it yesterday after my Dad picked her up and she started screaming. I think she's been in pain and doesn't tell us. I don't know why she keeps it from us. She's so strong emotionally, I don't know how she does it. Should she be in the hospital? I'm wondering why the doctor isn't admitting her, is it because she can't find anything majorly wrong other than the cancer? Shelly, do you think it could be the brain mets? Maybe they've come back? I told my Dad last night that we need to start talking about hospice and he got really mad at me and told me I had a bad attitude and that he was going to kick me out of their house last night if I gave him any problems. It offended me so much because I believe I've done so much in this situation and it was like a slap in the face. I was so mad at him last night that I couldn't but a brave face for my mom because I just wanted to tell him off...but I eventually sucked it up but I left without saying goodbye to him. I can't even begin to understand what my Dad is feeling and I know this is very difficult for him but he takes his anger out on me. I'm trying to get my Dad to accept what is going on and I'm doing it so gently. I think my Dad thinks that if I'm saying hospice it means that I think he's not doing enough to take care of my mom(he thinks like that, he's a very defensive person) I want to do whatever possible to have my mom be in less pain and I think hospice can give us that support. The doctor called this morning and instead of talking to her on behalf of my family, I decided it's best if she starts talking to my Dad...maybe she can get him to understand. So my Dad talked to the doctor this morning, but I'm not sure what she told him. Thanks for all of your support. It means a lot to me.
  4. I feel numb. We had to take my mom to the hospital today. She has been out of it for the last three days. She has been sleeping 24/7, not able to finish sentences, she's shaking, not eating or drinking, she doesn't talk and when she does her words slur, she can't walk, she can't get from one sitting position to the next. The doctor took blood tests today and they filled her up with fluids. The doctor said that from the blood tests, the only thing she can see if malnutrition. Then she stated that my mom needs to start thinking of hospice. I'm at work right now and just can't keep myself together. I'm so mad at everything, everyone, anything. I don't want to give up hope, but I constantly feel tested. I'm sorry I'm having such a pity party right now. I'm trying to get it out of my system while I sit here at my desk just sick to my stomach. Just last week they took an xray of my mom and they say my mom has a spreaded 3.5 mass in the right lung now. She just had a CT scan a month ago and nothing showed in her right lung. Could it have grown that fast? I thought xrays weren't reliable and thought that CT scans were better indicators. This has been a 7 month long nightmare that I just can't wake up from. I'm so sorry I'm being like this...I just have to get it out and I need to talk to people that understand.
  5. Veronica, If I remember correctly, I believe that Lance Armstrong had more tumors than that...so it CAN be beat.
  6. Where are you located in the country? I did significant research on Radiofrequency Ablation to the lungs and I highly recommend you inquire about it. www.suttercancer.org/rfa/
  7. natalie

    My wife Ada

    Hi Jim- It sounds like you are just as positive as Ada and it sounds like you have a lot of Ada's traits. I want you to know how special we all thought she was. I believe that God now has her placed her by his side as one of his top angels. She has touched me and I was so saddened to hear of the loss of such a beautiful person. Jim, you and your family are in my thoughts and I'm so glad that you have such a supportive family that can offer you comfort at a time like this.
  8. That is such great news! I am so happy for you! Heck yeah it's worth it (if you ask me)! I have to admit though, I don't know what its like to go through all the side effects so I'm hoping someone who's been through treatment will give you some feedback, but, you could be the 10%, so in my eyes, it's worth it. You go girl!!!! Way to beat this beast!
  9. My mom got taken off of the Gemzar treatment because it wasn't working and yesterday she took her first pill of Iressa. She's had a tiny break from chemo and already starting to get her strength back. I feel some comfort from her going on Iressa knowing that she won't have to sit in the infusion room, make all these trips to the hospital to have the chemo and she may feel a little bit better. Also, Iressa is still fairly new and can be more effective than previously studied in small groups of people in the trial process. There are people on this board who have been stable with Iressa for a year. Since your mom has the history of blood clots I'm not sure what to tell you what to do, but I thought I'd give you the thoughts that are going on in my head to assist you in making the decision. Take Care and we are here for you.
  10. Cindi, I just wanted to respond to say I can completely relate. My mom sounds like she's in similar shape that your mom is in right now. She loved to watch movies, do crosswords but now she can't concentrate so she just sits there and watches a little bit of the news or sleeps. Sometimes I catch her just staring off into space. His morale is lower now and she's not as much in a "fighting" mode...my mom is someone that before her diagnosis, loved life and enjoyed being alive, could find positive in everything. It just breaks my heart. I'm an only child too, so I find it hard to not have a sibling to help me take care of my mom or be there emotionally feeling the same thing. Cancer has got to be one of the worst diseases out there...the treatments are just horrific. I'm a little bit glad my mom is on Iressa, ask the doctor about it since your mom is feeling a bit weak...I hate to see what the chemo is doing to my mom and I'm hoping the Iressa lets her get back her energy. I was told there are less side effects and it doesn't seem as toxic. Cancer is just so prevalent and I don't know one person that hasn't been affected by cancer some how in their lives. They just have to find a cure for this thing! Sorry for venting, I'm just in MAD mode today. I'm mad that anyone has to go through this ordeal. I mad that our mom's and people on this board have to be sick like this. It just doesn't seem fair. I hope the best for you and your mom and please know that you can instant message me for support anytime. Remember to take care of yourself too.
  11. How devastating. Cheryl, I am so terribly sorry to hear about Dick's passing. I hope you can find comfort with your family and less pain in your heart knowing that Dick is no longer suffering. You are in my prayers.
  12. natalie

    update on my dad

    Jason, if I were in your position, I would go down to the hospital and stare them in the face telling them that you have called them repeatedly to receive no call back. Remind them that you wait on pins and needles on results of the scan and that its gut wrenching and nervewracking to go through. You can always follow it up with a letter and fax it over. I've done this twice and both times I got a call in about 10 minutes after I've faxed it. I combined forceful with nice and it seems to work. I'd compliment the doctor on her skills but then remind her that this is my mother and I will go to all ends to take care of her properly just as she would if it was her mom. Now, we get terrific treatment. Now, my mom's doctor even calls my mom to check up even on her days off. I wish you the best of luck.
  13. natalie

    Dick Update

    Cheryl- I am so sorry that you have to go through this, it's just so awful that anyone has to go through all of this. Please know that we are here for you and are praying for you. Keep us posted, please, we all care about you...you are not alone.
  14. natalie


    Terrific News Denise! I'm so glad to hear that your mom is stable. Give your mom a big hug for me!
  15. Susan, you will remain in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  16. This disease is so horrible. My prayers are with Darla. Please let her know we are all her supporting her!
  17. Hey Don, My friend bought me the book for my birthday a few months ago...you inspired me and I started reading it last night.
  18. Christy- It sounds like the doctor already has the results. If I were you, I'd request that you meet sooner to find out the results. In my opinion, the anticipation is worse than anything. It's better to know, then think about the next step and how to conquer this evil disease. Your going to find out anyway, so you might as well get the anticipation over with if you can. I hope Darrell decides not to have the ex-wife there...I agree with you and think that she shouldn't be there. You are definitely not crazy, and you can post your thoughts any day. It's nice to know that other people go through the same thoughts in their mind that I do. It reaffirms that none of us our crazy, we are just going through a very difficult journey. I took the day off today...burnt out and knew I would be able to concentrate on work. Took my mom to the hospital last night for dehydration and don't know how much more I can take of this physically and emotionally. I love her so much and hate to see her in any pain or feeling uncomfortable. Christy, you hang in there. You are doing such a good job and you have a lot of strength. We will be here for you to support you with the results of the test...you too Cheryl!
  19. Hey Kim- My mom takes an azemet (100mg) an hour before chemo. When she was on Taxol and Carboplatin, she took one azemet pill at the same time for three days then switched to the compazine for the remaining week. My mom had headaches, but no nausea. I think she managed to escape the nausea because she took the pills before any reaction. The doctors keep telling my mom to take her pills preactively instead of reactive. We try to do this with painkillers too. I think the azemet is stronger for the nausea, I would call and ask the doctor for it...also make sure she drinks plenty of fluids. Kim, I know how hard this is on you. Last night my mom was in a lot of pain and dehydrated. We had to take her to the hospital. It was just awful watching her suffer. You hang in there. Call me if you need to talk.
  20. Hi Norme- I'm so sorry to hear of the newest scan. Your Buddy sure sounds strong as do you. Is Buddy taking steroids? my mom had a cough and we discovered that the steriods caused my mom to get a fungus of some sort in her mouth and down her throat. Apparently its common. They gave her a prescription for it which she took for 14 days. My prayers are with you.
  21. Peg, that is terrific! I'm so glad that you and Bill finally got good news!
  22. Here's a website that discusses whether insurance companies should be paying for a clinical trial... http://www.cancer.gov/clinicaltrials/de ... rial-costs
  23. Cheryl- I'm so sorry that you and Tim have to go through this. I have special prayers going out to you both right now.
  24. natalie

    in need of help

    Okay Kate! I've got the medallion for you! Can you PM me your address?
  25. Overwhelmed? Uh...HECK YEAH!! I had to take the day off from work last Thursday because I was so burnt out. It's the worse I've been yet. I was too tired to even cry. Since May, I have not been able to relax, but Thursday I couldn't even get out of bed, I felt like I was a bowl of jello. My body was finally reacting. I felt numb in my whole body and couldn't even lift my arm. I stayed in my pajamas until 1:00 in the afternoon. Maybe I had a nervous breakdown...I'm not sure what a nervous breakdown consists of, but it felt abnormal...I highly recommend you take a day off for yourself. It rejuventated me and I feel better apt for the fight for my Mom. I am in the same position as you...I'm my mom's main advocate. My mom doesn't want to know anything and I have no brothers or sisters to share responsibility with and my Dad is busy with bills, cooking for my mom, trying to work, fixing up the house they just bought, etc. Neither one of them can take the medical burden on, which I completely understand as it can really burn a person out emotionally, physically...well, you know . When I'm not talking to doctors, going to appointments, going to work, I'm researching clinical trials and visiting my mom, mediating fights my parents might have , refinancing my house to help with financial burdens that come with the diagnosis (as if their isn't enought to worry about!), if I'm doing the right thing, is mom in pain,what if I make the wrong decision on my mom's behalf, etc. Another thing that was worrying me were their finances, on top of all this, I didn't want them to worry about how they were going to pay for everything, all the medical bills, days that my dad has to take off from work to take care of my mom, plus her disability checks are substantially less than what she would be making if she were working... I wanted my mom to not have as many worries as possible, the last thing her and my dad need are financial burdens. There are companies that settle life insurance policies so that you can enjoy the money now instead of leaving it for your family members..what a stress reliever it would be to pay all their extra medical bills, go on a family vacation, have my dad be able to not work and hang out with my mom, make up for the salary my mom is missing out on. They were going to take out their 401K's and stock options, but that's their retirement. I don't want to see them have to do that and then get taxed on it...so I talked to someone today that said they could probably settle my moms life insurance policy for 70% of what the amount is. Hey, I figure its money my mom should enjoy now, however she wants. I didn't even know there was such a service, but I read about it in the latest Coping With Cancer magazine. For any of you that is financially stressed and have a life insurance policy, I highly recommend that you look into this. I was told that they could probably settle in approximately 2 months...hey, it may come sooner than that disability check! Okay, I'm rambling. I tend to do ramble on this website, since I tend to not talk about all this at home or work...plus I hope you all can find value in my learning experience as I have learned from all of yours. Andrea, I understand your concerns and stress whole heartedly. I'm here for you anytime. I hope you can find comfort knowing that there are a lot of us that understand.
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