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Posts posted by Fay

  1. Hi Dean,

    In the operating room we give a drug called ephedrine for low blood pressure. I'm not sure though if it comes in pill form and can be used at home. Unfortunately, I'm on holidays and won't be able to ask, but perhaps hospice will have some answers for you. If you feel dizzy, make sure to lie down with your feet elevated that should help.


  2. I am deeply saddened by the news. Terry will be greatly missed. He had such a fighting spirit. My deepest sympathies are extended to all the TBone clan. May you find comfort in friends and family.


  3. Hi Minnie,

    Great to hear from you again. I agree that it is good that your mom is having an MRI. Signs and symptoms of brain mets are different for different people.

    I will keep your mom in my thoughts and prayers, and cross my fingers for good results.


  4. Mine too didn't take much thought!! Real name: Faylene, shortened to Fay. I was never called Fay until I started working in the O.R. 16 years ago. Now that is what I am called at work. Friends still use Faylene. I can't quite think of any nick-names I had, except names my brothers called me, and I won't repeat those!


  5. Connie, I like dizzy, how about dizzy and lizzy.


    My friends mom had gamma knife procedure for a brain met today. Procedure went well, and she is feeling fine. Hopefully that will be an option for you.

    You guys will be in my prayers,


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