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  1. If I do indeed have lung cancer, I'd like to know what health insurance would be the best to have since I am not rich and wouldn't be able to afford the treatments. What's the difference between PPO and HMO? Should I get one with lower deductibles?
  2. For several months now, I've been having horrible coughing spells. It usually lasts for hours and leads to dizziness and heavy phelgm production. My throat feels scratchy and I can taste blood after each cough. I don't smoke and never have. But my dad used to smoke two packs a day up until 10 years ago. Even with the coughs, I usually play basketball for hours and often jog for three hours straight without a problem. I don't have a problem with shortness of breath while exercising. Does any of this sound like sign of lung cancer or am I being paranoid?
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