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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Hello and welcome I am sorry about your father but glad you have joined us. Please let us know how we can help Christine
  2. Today marks 23 months since Brad's passing. It is incredible to believe as some days it feels like it was an eternity ago and others like it was yesterday. I have done my best to keep those promises I made to him the day before he left, the promises to never stop searching for THE CURE and to never stop doing what I can to help others who are touched by cancer. I have done my best to do those things. Brad also taught me and my family to ALWAYS find the positives in any given situation. I think I have done that, as well. I am not using this forum as a way to self promote my cause as that does not seem really appropriate to me, but I do want to ask for your help and suggestions. I know that some people here are aware that I have been working on my own website, nothing at all like this wonderful community, but a website devoted to Helping People Touched By Cancer. It is all in memory and honor of Brad and those promises I made but it has grown to become so much more than just that. All of the resources on my site are used strictly by permission only. I am working on a few new ventures, including a new page devoted to kids and helping them deal with cancer, be it their own or that of a parent or other loved one. I am also hoping to gain a non profit status by early next year and am hoping to have my own foundation to help provide funding to lung cancer research as well as to some other worthy causes that I have become involved with. Lung cancer will be my primary focus as that is what took Brad, took too many of our loved ones here and needs to be brought to the forefront of awareness as well as receiving more money for funding research and treatment options. If you'd like to see what I have done, and please do not think I am here talking about this for any other reason than I would really appreciate your suggestions and input, the site's address is www.cancergrief.com I'm sad today, thinking about how much time has passed since Brad left this life, but I am also very happy to be a part of this community. I pray for each and every member here every day, I ache for those of you who have lost loved ones, and I cheer for those who come and share their wonderful and most welcome good news. I also pray every day for THE CURE to be uncovered and for a future without cancer in it. Thank you all for your warmth and caring and support over the past couple of years. I am so grateful to all of you for being here.. Warmly Christine
  3. I am sending you and your grandmother many prayers and postive thoughts. You are such a wonderful grandchild and have so much compassion. I am sure she is very, very proud of you.. Please keep posting here and let us know how we can help you through this painfull and difficult time. We all understand and we are here for you.. Warmly Christine
  4. MsC1210


    Hello TooTogged So sorry about your grandma. Can you tell us a little more about her and yourself? Christine
  5. Hi Debbie and welcome I am so sorry about your Mom's diagnosis. I am very glad you found this site, though. The beginning of this cancer journey is tough but once your Mom has a treatment plan in place and is able to get on a schedule it will get a little less hectic. Please let us know how we can help you and know that we are always here.. Christine
  6. MsC1210

    Mom Passed Away

    I'm so sorry about your Mom. Please accept my sincere sympathies and condolences. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. We will be here when you need us. Christine
  7. Jerry Best of luck with the race this weekend. We will be waiting to hear how it goes! Will have you in my thoughts and prayers.. Christine
  8. Thank you Atlanta1.. Lidocaine is one of the ingredients in the mouthwash and yes it is by prescription. People who have posted about it here have had excellent results. Lysine is excellent for cold sores. It cuts the breakout time in almost half. It is available in several forms, including a lip balm which is very soothing. Hopefully the mouthwash information as well as the lysine will be of help Christine
  9. You will be better off asking in the NSCLC forum or even in the General forum. Looking forward to getting to "know" you Christine
  10. Nanci I shared this piece with another of my online support groups which deals with the loss of a loved one. All of the members thanked me and I am passing on their thanks to you for sharing it. Holding you in thoughts and prayers Christine
  11. Hello Sparky and welcome. I am so sorry about your Aunt's diagnosis but very happy you found us. Please feel free to ask any and all questions you have and know that there are many people here who will be able to answer you or point you in the right direction. Let us know how we can help you and know that we will.. Warmly Christine
  12. Will I have no answers or suggestions but wanted to acknowledge your post and wish you and your wife the very best. Once the she gets through the next treatements and scans and you get to see the doctor I am sure they will offer you some kind of options depending on what the scans show. There is a mouthwash, I believe it is referred to as "magic mouthwash" that may help with the sores in her mouth. I cannot recall the ingredients but I am sure if you do a search on here for Magic Mouthwash you will find the information. Please ask the doctor about getting anti nausea meds for her. If she already has one, ask about having it changed. If she can get the nausea under control it will make a huge difference I am sure. Please never worry about coming here to vent and complain if you need to. We are ALL here for you and we will do what we can to help you and Diana through this. Warmly Christine
  13. Chelsea I noticed that your message had been moved. I cannot move it back though as this forum is not one I moderate. I will send a message to Katie about it and see if she can move it back to the introductions where it belongs. Chris
  14. Jerry Hello and welcome! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderfully inspiring story here with us. We LOVE stories like this as it give so much HOPE! I hope you will stick around and help add even more encouragement to this community Warm regards, Christine
  15. Teresa, Many prayers for your dad AND you.. Keep us posted and know we are all here for you Warmly Christine
  16. Mary Colleen We're glad you're here! Happy birthday/anniversary! Christine
  17. Ken One minute, one hour, one day at a time. Have a look at the GOOD NEWS forum. There is a lot of encouraging news there and loads of positive posts. We are all here for you and we will continue to be here. Just remember, baby steps..... Warmly Christine
  18. I would direct your questions to Dr West or maybe even phone your Dad's doctor and inquire with him. I do hope that all of the testing is completed soon so treatment, if needed, can begin. Sending prayers that it will prove to be anything but cancer. Keep us posted and wishing you all the best, Christine
  19. Hello Denise and welcome I am sorry you had need to find a site like this but am very glad you have joined us. Please let us know how we can help you along this journey and know that we will do our best. Christine
  20. MsC1210

    Thanks so much

    (((Rochelle))) Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Take your time and be kind to yourself. Hugs Christine
  21. I posted this earlier in the general forum and thought it fits well here, too. Just thought it might be of interest to some folks who want a different approach to treating neuropathy. Christine Learning & Resource Center Articles Treating Peripheral Neuropathy with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine By: Diane Joswick, L.Ac./www.Acufinder.com For some people it is experienced as the uncomfortable sensation of "pins and needles" or burning pain (especially at night) of their hands or feet. Others may suffer even more extreme symptoms such as muscle wasting, paralysis, or organ or gland dysfunction. With more than 100 types of peripheral neuropathies in existence, each with its own characteristic set of symptoms, pattern of development, and prognosis, the symptoms can vary as much as the cause. Nevertheless, Peripheral Neuropathy is a condition that can be treated with Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. What is Peripheral Neuropathy? Peripheral neuropathy describes damage to the peripheral nervous system, which transmits information from the brain and spinal cord to every other part of the body. In most cases, peripheral neuropathy is secondary to conditions including diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, alcoholism, nutritional deficiencies, AIDS, or poisoning from heavy metals, chemotherapy, or various drugs. Other causes include compression or entrapment (carpal tunnel syndrome), direct physical injury to a nerve (trauma), penetrated injuries, fractures or dislocated bones, pressure involving superficial nerves (ulna or radial) which can result from prolonged use of crutches or staying in same position, tumor, intraneural hemorrhage, exposure to cold, radiation or atherosclerosis. It is a syndrome which includes symptoms of numbness, tingling, pricking sensations, sensitivity to touch, burning pain, and muscle weakness and atrophy of the arms and legs. The feet and legs are likely to be affected before the hands and arms. Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy may include: numbness or insensitivity to pain or temperature a tingling, burning, or prickling sensation sharp, burning pain or cramps extreme sensitivity to touch, even a light touch loss of balance and coordination muscle weakness muscle wasting paralysis These symptoms are often worse at night. Many people have signs of neuropathy upon examination but have no symptoms at all. How can acupuncture treat peripheral neuropathy? Traditional Chinese medicine teaches that Peripheral neuropathy is due to dampness moving to the limbs, where it obstructs the flow of Qi (energy) and Blood within them. The treatment is twofold, to treat the underlying factor that is causing this dampness to accumulate and to directly facilitate the circulation of Qi and Blood in the affected area. By improving the circulation, the nerve tissues of the affected area can be nourished to repair the nerve functions and reduce pain. Peripheral neuropathy is a symptom for many different patterns of disharmony within the body. Oriental Medicine aims to treat each individual uniquely depending on what caused the neuropathy and how it manifests. Your acupuncturist may do an interview and ask questions about how, what, where and when you feel pain, perspire, sleep, eat, drink and exercise, to name a few. The practitioner may also feel the pulse and observing the tongue. This interview and physical examination will help create a clear picture on which your practitioners can create a treatment plan specifically for you. In addition to acupuncture, other methods such as transcutaneous electronic nerve stimulation (TENS), which uses small amounts of electricity to block pain signals, cutaneous acupuncture, herbal and physical therapy may be combined to achieve faster results. What is Cutaneous Acupuncture? Cutaneous Acupuncture is the use of acupuncture needles to stimulate an area superficially by tapping to promote the smooth flow of Qi and Blood. The Plum blossom needle and the Seven-Star needle are special tools that are composed of a small bunch of needles attached to a handle like a hammer or broom. They are often used in the treatment of peripheral neuropathy. The affected area would be lightly tapped starting at the toes or fingers and then up the legs and arms. Plastic, disposable plum blossom needles or seven-star needles are available for treatment at home. What Points Are Used? In treating peripheral neuropathy, acupuncture points on the affected area are used (treating the branch) as well as points on various parts of the body to treat the person according to their particular pattern (treating the root). Each patient is custom-treated according to his or her specific and unique diagnosis. There are many acupuncture points on the hands and feet. Often the points will be chosen by which are the most tender to obtain the best results. Commonly used points Upper Limb LI-15 LI-11 SJ-5 LI-4 Baxie Points Lower Limb GB-30 GB-34 GB-39 SP-6 Body Points DU-14 DU-12 DU-9 UB-14 UB-16 LI-11 UB-60 What will an Acupuncture Treatment feel like? There seems to be little sensitivity to the insertion of acupuncture needles. They are so thin that several acupuncture needles can go into the middle of a hypodermic needle. Occasionally, there is a brief moment of discomfort as the needle penetrates the skin, but once the needles are in place, most people relax and even fall asleep for the duration of the treatment. The length, number and frequency of treatments will vary. Typical treatments last from five to 30 minutes, with the patient being treated one or two times a week. Some symptoms are relieved after the first treatment, while more severe or chronic ailments often require multiple treatments. To find an acupuncturist go to www.Acufinder.com What Studies have been done on Acupuncture and Peripheral Neuropathy? Studies have suggested that acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are effective treatments for peripheral neuropathy. In a study of 46 diabetic patients with PN, 34 of them reported a significant improvement in their symptoms after six courses of acupuncture treatment, and only eight of them required further sessions. However, only seven of the 34 had complete relief of their symptoms. A larger study of 250 patients with HIV-related peripheral neuropathy compared the effects of acupuncture, amitriptyline, and placebo. Participants were assigned to receive acupuncture at standardized acupuncture points or at placebo ("fake") points, or amitriptyline or a placebo. The researchers found no significant difference in pain relief between the active treatments or the placebos. The acupuncture points studied in this trial were standardized so that everyone received exactly the same treatment. Acupuncture treatments are usually designed to fit the individual, and, as the researchers concluded, individualized treatments may have a different effect. What Lifestyle and Dietary Changes Should I Make? Adopting healthy habits - such as maintaining optimal weight, avoiding exposure to toxins, following a physician-supervised exercise program, eating a balanced diet, correcting vitamin deficiencies, and limiting or avoiding alcohol consumption - can reduce the physical and emotional effects of peripheral neuropathy. Consider relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, self-hypnosis or biofeedback. These can help you learn to control the external factors that trigger pain. Finding the Right Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Practitioner Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine work! But your experience with acupuncture will depend largely on the acupuncturist and herbalist that you choose. You want to find the right acupuncturist for you. If you like and trust your practitioner, your encounter with acupuncture will be more positive. You will also want to know about the acupuncturists training and experience and what to expect from the acupuncture treatment. Decide in advance what your expectations are and discuss them with your acupuncturist. A chronic illness may need several months of acupuncture treatment to have a noticeable effect. If you are not happy with your progress, think about changing acupuncturists or check with your western doctor for advice about other options. The clearer you are about who it is that is treating you and exactly what the treatment entails, the more you will be able to relax during the acupuncture session and benefit from this ancient form of health care. Find your acupuncture practitioner on www.Acufinder.com
  22. Midge I am so very sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences and sympathies Christine
  23. MsC1210


    Hi Kaja I thought I would share this article I found last evening. I realize it is lengthy and I apologize for that. I felt it was worth sharing in its' entirety here. Just another potential option for those who are suffering with neuropathy.. Warmly Christine Learning & Resource Center Articles Treating Peripheral Neuropathy with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine By: Diane Joswick, L.Ac./www.Acufinder.com For some people it is experienced as the uncomfortable sensation of "pins and needles" or burning pain (especially at night) of their hands or feet. Others may suffer even more extreme symptoms such as muscle wasting, paralysis, or organ or gland dysfunction. With more than 100 types of peripheral neuropathies in existence, each with its own characteristic set of symptoms, pattern of development, and prognosis, the symptoms can vary as much as the cause. Nevertheless, Peripheral Neuropathy is a condition that can be treated with Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. What is Peripheral Neuropathy? Peripheral neuropathy describes damage to the peripheral nervous system, which transmits information from the brain and spinal cord to every other part of the body. In most cases, peripheral neuropathy is secondary to conditions including diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, alcoholism, nutritional deficiencies, AIDS, or poisoning from heavy metals, chemotherapy, or various drugs. Other causes include compression or entrapment (carpal tunnel syndrome), direct physical injury to a nerve (trauma), penetrated injuries, fractures or dislocated bones, pressure involving superficial nerves (ulna or radial) which can result from prolonged use of crutches or staying in same position, tumor, intraneural hemorrhage, exposure to cold, radiation or atherosclerosis. It is a syndrome which includes symptoms of numbness, tingling, pricking sensations, sensitivity to touch, burning pain, and muscle weakness and atrophy of the arms and legs. The feet and legs are likely to be affected before the hands and arms. Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy may include: numbness or insensitivity to pain or temperature a tingling, burning, or prickling sensation sharp, burning pain or cramps extreme sensitivity to touch, even a light touch loss of balance and coordination muscle weakness muscle wasting paralysis These symptoms are often worse at night. Many people have signs of neuropathy upon examination but have no symptoms at all. How can acupuncture treat peripheral neuropathy? Traditional Chinese medicine teaches that Peripheral neuropathy is due to dampness moving to the limbs, where it obstructs the flow of Qi (energy) and Blood within them. The treatment is twofold, to treat the underlying factor that is causing this dampness to accumulate and to directly facilitate the circulation of Qi and Blood in the affected area. By improving the circulation, the nerve tissues of the affected area can be nourished to repair the nerve functions and reduce pain. Peripheral neuropathy is a symptom for many different patterns of disharmony within the body. Oriental Medicine aims to treat each individual uniquely depending on what caused the neuropathy and how it manifests. Your acupuncturist may do an interview and ask questions about how, what, where and when you feel pain, perspire, sleep, eat, drink and exercise, to name a few. The practitioner may also feel the pulse and observing the tongue. This interview and physical examination will help create a clear picture on which your practitioners can create a treatment plan specifically for you. In addition to acupuncture, other methods such as transcutaneous electronic nerve stimulation (TENS), which uses small amounts of electricity to block pain signals, cutaneous acupuncture, herbal and physical therapy may be combined to achieve faster results. What is Cutaneous Acupuncture? Cutaneous Acupuncture is the use of acupuncture needles to stimulate an area superficially by tapping to promote the smooth flow of Qi and Blood. The Plum blossom needle and the Seven-Star needle are special tools that are composed of a small bunch of needles attached to a handle like a hammer or broom. They are often used in the treatment of peripheral neuropathy. The affected area would be lightly tapped starting at the toes or fingers and then up the legs and arms. Plastic, disposable plum blossom needles or seven-star needles are available for treatment at home. What Points Are Used? In treating peripheral neuropathy, acupuncture points on the affected area are used (treating the branch) as well as points on various parts of the body to treat the person according to their particular pattern (treating the root). Each patient is custom-treated according to his or her specific and unique diagnosis. There are many acupuncture points on the hands and feet. Often the points will be chosen by which are the most tender to obtain the best results. Commonly used points Upper Limb LI-15 LI-11 SJ-5 LI-4 Baxie Points Lower Limb GB-30 GB-34 GB-39 SP-6 Body Points DU-14 DU-12 DU-9 UB-14 UB-16 LI-11 UB-60 What will an Acupuncture Treatment feel like? There seems to be little sensitivity to the insertion of acupuncture needles. They are so thin that several acupuncture needles can go into the middle of a hypodermic needle. Occasionally, there is a brief moment of discomfort as the needle penetrates the skin, but once the needles are in place, most people relax and even fall asleep for the duration of the treatment. The length, number and frequency of treatments will vary. Typical treatments last from five to 30 minutes, with the patient being treated one or two times a week. Some symptoms are relieved after the first treatment, while more severe or chronic ailments often require multiple treatments. To find an acupuncturist go to www.Acufinder.com What Studies have been done on Acupuncture and Peripheral Neuropathy? Studies have suggested that acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are effective treatments for peripheral neuropathy. In a study of 46 diabetic patients with PN, 34 of them reported a significant improvement in their symptoms after six courses of acupuncture treatment, and only eight of them required further sessions. However, only seven of the 34 had complete relief of their symptoms. A larger study of 250 patients with HIV-related peripheral neuropathy compared the effects of acupuncture, amitriptyline, and placebo. Participants were assigned to receive acupuncture at standardized acupuncture points or at placebo ("fake") points, or amitriptyline or a placebo. The researchers found no significant difference in pain relief between the active treatments or the placebos. The acupuncture points studied in this trial were standardized so that everyone received exactly the same treatment. Acupuncture treatments are usually designed to fit the individual, and, as the researchers concluded, individualized treatments may have a different effect. What Lifestyle and Dietary Changes Should I Make? Adopting healthy habits - such as maintaining optimal weight, avoiding exposure to toxins, following a physician-supervised exercise program, eating a balanced diet, correcting vitamin deficiencies, and limiting or avoiding alcohol consumption - can reduce the physical and emotional effects of peripheral neuropathy. Consider relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, self-hypnosis or biofeedback. These can help you learn to control the external factors that trigger pain. Finding the Right Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Practitioner Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine work! But your experience with acupuncture will depend largely on the acupuncturist and herbalist that you choose. You want to find the right acupuncturist for you. If you like and trust your practitioner, your encounter with acupuncture will be more positive. You will also want to know about the acupuncturists training and experience and what to expect from the acupuncture treatment. Decide in advance what your expectations are and discuss them with your acupuncturist. A chronic illness may need several months of acupuncture treatment to have a noticeable effect. If you are not happy with your progress, think about changing acupuncturists or check with your western doctor for advice about other options. The clearer you are about who it is that is treating you and exactly what the treatment entails, the more you will be able to relax during the acupuncture session and benefit from this ancient form of health care. Find your acupuncture practitioner on www.Acufinder.com
  24. Adding my prayers and well wishes for your surgery Christine
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