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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Hello Ken and welcome I hope you will be posting here again soon with good news! Christine
  2. Tina I am so sorry about your Dad. My deepest condolences to you and your family Christine
  3. My sympathies and condolences to you and your family Christine
  4. I am so sorry about your loss. My deepest condolences to you and your family Christine
  5. Debi I am so sorry to read about Tony. My deepest condolences to you and your family Christine
  6. Mary, I am so sorry for your loss. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I do remember your posts as Aliboo. I am glad you are back. Please let us know how we can help... Christine
  7. MsC1210

    Need some prayers.

    Jackie Many prayers for your friend and for you, too. Christine
  8. Hello everyone, First let me say a HUGE thank you to all who took the time to say a prayer or 2 for Laurie. It means more than you could ever begin to know, not only to me but to her as well. I have not had a chance to see Laurie yet but she is home and has been able to get out and about. I hope to be able to spend some time with her in the next day or 2 and see how she is doing. Again, thank you all so very much for the prayers and the concern. Hugs to all Christine
  9. Kim I am so very glad you shared this with us and I am even more happy that you are on the road to healing. Nobody ever said it is easy and in fact this whole grieving deal is probably the toughest thing we will ever go through. It IS doable.. just keep talking, lean on us, lean on your friends and lean on your therapist. We ALL care. Sending you lots of hugs and love, Christine
  10. My deepest condolences and sympathies to you and your family. I am so very sorry Christine
  11. Lillian I am so sorry to read this. Please extend my sympathy to your son for the loss of his buddy and know I will keep his friends family in my prayers. Christine
  12. Sending prayers for you, your dad and entire family. I am so sorry things have gone so quickly. Christine
  13. So sorry to read this news. You, your father and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Christine
  14. MsC1210


    Rachel Sending you prayers for strength and hope. I also was a caregiver but I do so understand anger.. I cannot add more to what the others have said but agree that Jaime's wisdom is priceless... Hugs Christine
  15. I am so sorry to read this post. Please accept my deepest condolences and sympathies on your recent losses. Prayers and hugs Christine
  16. Jack I am so very sorry to read of Cheryl's passing. I never had the opportunity to get to know her but had always read her posts and kept her and the family in my prayers. My sincere condolences and sympathies to you and your family. Christine
  17. MsC1210

    John's (Mr Ry) Mother

    Rochelle and John I am so very sorry to read this. Please know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers Christine
  18. Mitchell and Kathy I am SOOOO very happy for the both of you. I've followed your story since you joined us here and have shared in your ups and downs from afar... This news just makes me smile! Congrats on all of this wonderful news and be sure and keep us posted. Hugs Christine
  19. Carleen, I cannot say it better than Sue has... Happy Birthday Keith and love and hugs to you dear Carleen, Christine
  20. Hello Jackie Thanks so much for asking about Laurie. I talked to my step mom yesterday and she said there has been no news at this point. Lauries son told us that she has apparently had some kind of mental breakdown and has refused any and all treatment. I am so devastated. She has been through so much. Your continued prayers are so appreciated and thank you ALL so much for the love and support. It means more than you could ever know to me.... This has been so difficult... Christine
  21. MsC1210

    Mom is gone.

    Jill I am so very, very sorry to read your post here. Please accept my sincere sympathies and condolences. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers Christine
  22. A year ago the 25th of this month my family lost a very close friend to lung cancer. His wife of nearly 40 years was by my side from the days following his funeral until my oldest son left for 4+ months of basic training in Missouri. She held my hand, prayed with me and for my family and was the most incredible source of love, strength and support even in her own time of grief and loss and profound sadness. I learned yesterday that she is in the hospital, having undergone a complete hysterectomy which proved to be malignant. She also has been diagnosed with cancer in both lungs and my understanding is that it is extensive. It does not sound very good and I am so devastated to be going down this road yet again and facing the very real possibility of losing yet another very dear friend to this disease. If you could possibly spare a prayer, please pray for Laurie and her son and daughter in law. Thank you so much... Christine
  23. Hi Jill. I am just in from my acupuncture appointment. I had the opportunity to speak to Naomi at some length about acupuncture and pain relief, especially in cancer patients. She feels very strongly that there is a definite benefit to giving this a try for your Mom. She did ask me to advise you that acupuncture has a cumulative effect, meaning that it may work a little at first but the more treatments you receive, the better the results will become. It may take 3-4 treatments to see an improvement but the other side to that is the treatments are very soothing and relaxing every time which may help as well. There is a website you can check into to find a certified therapist in your area. www.nccaom.org At the bottom of the page is the link to finding someone in your area. An aside to this information.. Naomi is also an herbalist and is presently working on a paper pertaining to the use of herbs to counteract the side effects of chemotherapy on cancer patients. I hope to be able share at least parts of that when she has completed it. I hope this acupuncture information helps some. Please do not hesitate to contact me either here or via a PM if there is anything else I can do to help. My best to you Christine
  24. my appointment is at 8am Wednesday morning and I will let you know what she says as soon as I get home again. I will print out your post here and show it to her so I am sure not to forget anything. Again, prayers for Mom's comfort Hugs Christine
  25. I don't have cancer but can give you my experience with acupuncture. I am on so many meds right now for different problems. Ended up in the hospital on the 22nd of August for gall bladder and came home with a migraine that would NOT quit. After 2 days of debilitating pain, it was decided that with all of my other meds, adding anything for migraines was not possible. I was just desperate for relief and went to see the acupuncturist that works in my doctors building. After ONE treatment the pain was markedly decreased and by the next morning, it was gone. I also slept better that night than I have in months and months. According to her, there are benefits to using acupuncture to control any kind of pain, and she also treats patients with various types of cancer. I will mention the bone met pain to her when I see her on Wednesday and let you know what she says, if you like? The greatest benefit I can relate to is that this is a drug free procedure and would not have any impact on any chemo, etc. Wishing Mom relief in one way or another and sending many prayers.. Christine
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