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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. My sympathies and condolences to you and Marc's family. I am so very sorry to read of his death. He sounds like an incredible human being, much too young to be taken, and especially by this disease. Again, I am so sorry. We are all here for you as you work through the pain and grief Christine
  2. Jim My heart breaks for you and Ron and all that you both have endured. Randy is correct in saying that you will be with him again. It is so tragic that the family was unable, unwilling to honour his wishes in the end. From what you have shared with us here, I believe that you did all that you possibly could for Ron and I feel very, very strongly that he knew and knows to this day that you were there and continue to be there. Please know that we are all here to help you through this painful time. Let us know what you need, be it a shoulder to lean on or just someone to listen or anything in between and we will do our best to help you through. Too many of us understand the loss you have suffered. Sending you many prayers and hugs Christine
  3. Tina Glad Dad is home. My prayers continue for all of you. Christine
  4. Hello Jennifer So sorry you had need to find a place like this but glad you have joined us. Please let us know how we can help you and know that we will do our best to answer your questions, offer advice, support and hope. This is a great family you have joined. Christine
  5. Cindy I was glad to see your post as I have been wondering how you are doing. Thinking of you today, tomorrow and over the next weeks. Sending prayers for strength and peace as well. Please let us know how your surgery goes. Will be thinking of you and sending healing prayers. Hugs Christine
  6. MsC1210

    Rib Mets?

    Tom I am so very, very sorry about your daughter. Please accept my sincere sympathies and condolences. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Christine
  7. MsC1210

    My Dad

    Sheri I am so very sorry... Please accept my sincere sympathies and condolences. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers, Christine
  8. Dar, Keeping your neighbour and his family in my thoughts and prayers. I know this scenario so well, eating right, working out, never smoking, all that you described was Brad's lifestyle as well. Another example of how cancer does not discriminate or recognize lifestyles.. so so sad Christine
  9. I am so very sorry. My prayers and thoughts are with you. Christine
  10. I went to the Greater Springfield area Relay for Life on June 1st of this year. This is the first time I had ever witnessed this event and although I did not go to participate in the relay itself, it touched me to see the survivors on the track as well as the family and friends of those souls who have been taken by cancer of one kind or another. It was an incredible experience even for the hour that I was there. The REASON I was there was to enroll in the cancer prevention study that the ACS is running. I fit the criteria to participate and felt very strongly that this was something I wanted and needed to do, not only to uphold my promise to Brad but for everyone here as well as all of the other people whose lives have been torn apart by cancers of any type. I am not defending the ACS for their lack of support for lung cancer. I completely agree with the facts as they have been presented here. I am just pointing out that the ACS, as flawed as they are in some areas, are still there providing some very beneficial programs. I want to add that while I was doing all of the paperwork that was involved in signing up for this study, I made darn good and sure to tell the folks working in the registration area that I lost my best friend as well as 3 other very close family friends within a years time to LUNG CANCER. I also told them that I am a member of this community and had my LCSC t~shirt on as well. I guess my biggest hope, wish, dream is just to see and end to ALL forms of cancer so all of the pain and suffering will end for us all. Just my two cents worth and I hope my words don't offend as they are certainly not meant to. We are all in this fight together. Christine
  11. MsC1210

    He's Here!

    Missy, Congratulations!! Many prayers being sent for you, Xavier and the whole family. Christine
  12. Ves I am so sorry there is so much going on right now. I am glad that you have posted though and are letting us help you as much as we can. I am not only sending many prayers for you and Mom, I am also sending you the hug you need ((((VESPA)))) I am sorry that the siblings are being so difficult. There are many of us here that can relate to that. Just keep doing your best for Mom. NOBODY deserves lung cancer, no matter if they smoked or not. Sometimes people just need to blame something/someone in order to cope with the situation but that does not make it any easier for you. Please continue to keep us posted. We care. Christine
  13. Hello Leela and welcome I hope you will find this site helpful. Please don't hesitate to ask any and all questions. The people here are great about helping and offering advice. Christine
  14. MsC1210

    Thank You

    So very sorry about your Mom. Please accept my sincere condolences. You and your family are in my prayers. Christine
  15. Bobby, I am so sorry to read this latest news about Bev. Keeping you both in my prayers, Christine
  16. One thing I can guarantee is that since you found and joined this community/family, you will never be alone in this fight again. As for your profile, it looks great! Christine
  17. Hi Pearl My avatar is my new "baby", DeLyla Hope. She is a purebred miniature dachshund and will be joining my family in 11 days. I am glad you have the pets, they DO make such a huge difference in our lives. I am so glad to hear that the dogs are a positive force for your husband. He needs that now as I am sure you are more than well aware of. Just keep being supportive and gently persuasive with him, remind him how much your life together means and maybe he will begin to think about things and get a little more rational about his health care. I will continue to pray for you both and please do not hesistate to PM me if I can do anything more. Hugs to you, Christine
  18. Hello Pearl I wish I could add something here but I just don't know what to offer. I think the idea of consulting with his doctor is the best way to at least begin. Hopefully that will lead to him getting the medical attention he needs. I will keep you in my prayers and please keep us posted on how things are going. Christine
  19. Hello KHTM You have gotten some very good advice here already. I will simply say hello and welcome and please let us know how we can help you along the way. Best, Christine
  20. Jenifer I cannot offer you any information about the VATS but wanted to welcome you to the site. I am sure that some of our knowledgeable folks will be along soon to offer you information and support about it. Wishing you all the best, Christine
  21. Mikee and Char I cannot add to the great words of wisdom you have already gotten here so far but wanted to say hello and welcome~ Christine
  22. Candy, I am so sorry. Please accept my sincere condolences. Christine
  23. Kate I am so sorry about your Mom. Please accept my sincere condolences and sympathies. We are here for you when you need us. Christine
  24. MsC1210

    One Year

    Michele Thank you. Such a beautiful and heartfelt tribute to your wonderful Mom. Christine
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