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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Hello Twinmom and welcome I am sorry you had the need to find a site such as this, but glad you have posted. Please keep us updated on things so we can help you as you get into treatments etc. This is a great group of people who are very willing to answer any and all of your questions and offer advice. Just let us know what you need and you will find it here. Best to you Christine
  2. MsC1210


    Hi Joann I don't have any first hand experience with Velcade but have a friend in Denmark who has been treated with it for multiple myeloma and is currently doing fairly well. He and his wife recently traveled from Denmark to the USA for a 2 week visit and other than perhaps a bit more than normal fatigue from a trip of such length, he had no problems. I hope this might help a bit.. I wish you great success with the trial. Please keep us posted Christine
  3. I am so sorry to read this. Please accept my sincere condolences and sympathies. Christine
  4. Aubree, Sometimes just being the one who does NOT have all the background and knowledge is the best thing. You will be able to offer Dad so much in the way of encouragement and support of a completely different kind than your siblings. With each of you able to offer him and your Mom so many different types of support and HOPE, it will make this journey much more bearable. Please also read some of the survivor stories and good news postings. There are so many wondeful people here who are surviving and thriving. There is no reason to think that Dad will not be one of them. As overwhelming and upsetting as this is right now, it will get easier to cope once the treatment begins and things get into a routine. For now, just let your Dad know you are there for him, cheer him on and remember, there is HOPE.. Keep us posted Sending lots of hugs and positive thoughts to you Christine
  5. Welcome Aubree I am so glad you have joined us. Christine
  6. I am so sorry that your family is going through all of this. I have no experience with Hospice but my feelings are this. If your Dad is comfortable at home, if your Mom and brother are able and willing to care for him when the Hospice aide is not there, I feel it is the right thing to do, keeping him at home. I cannot see putting him in a hospital or hospital type setting if that makes him uncomfortable and agitated. I am sure that others who have first hand experience can add much more to this for you. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts, Christine
  7. Hello Will and welcome I am sorry about your wife's diagnosis but glad you have found this site. You will, as you can see, find a lot of information and answers to your questions as well as so much support and hope. Just let us know how we can help and know that someome will be along to do so. Christine
  8. Hello tlc and welcome I can't answer your questions but wanted to welcome you to the site. I am sure that someone here will have some answers for you shortly. Please let us know how else we can help. Sending good wishes to you and your Dad Christine
  9. Rochelle I am so very sorry about your Dad. Please accept my sincere condolences and prayers for peace and comfort. Christine
  10. Andrea Keeping you ALL in my thoughts and prayers Chris
  11. Hello Gail and welcome I cannot add to any of the great words of wisdom you have already gotten here but wanted to say Hi and welcome. Please keep us posted and let us know how else we can be of help to you along the way. Christine
  12. Rod, Keeping you and your family in thoughts and prayers as you tell the other kids. Missy had a very good point about this site and all of us being here to help them deal with this, too. Christine
  13. Sue, Sending prayers and many, many positive thoughts to you and your Mom. Christine
  14. MsC1210


    Jen Sending prayers and positive thoughts for you and your Mom. Christine
  15. Hello and welcome. I am sorry about your diagnosis but glad you found this site. Things are overwhelming right now, but you will settle into a routine when the treatments and schedules are in place. Your positive and fighting attitude will be a great help to you as well. Feel free to ask anything here. There are so many knowledgeable and wonderful people here who will be more than happy to help you out. Keep us posted and let us know how we can help. Christine
  16. Hello Linda and welcome I am sorry about your Mom's diagnosis but glad you have found this site. Please let us know how we can be of help to you. Christine
  17. Hello Tova and welcome I am so sorry about your Mom's diagnosis. She does sound like a fighter though and that will work in her favour. This is all so new to you all. Give Mom a chance to process all of this information and I bet she will come out swinging and ready to beat this. Keep us posted and let us know how we can help. This is an incredible site for information, help and support. Best to you and Mom Christine
  18. Dar, Prayers and positive thoughts for Mom AND you~ Hugs Christine
  19. Hi Perry and Welcome~ Thanks so much for sharing your success stories. It is always so wonderful, not only for the newbies but for all of us to know that there truly are winners in this battle. Best, Christine
  20. Hello Barb and welcome, I am sorry you had reason to find a site such as this, but I am very glad you posted. Please keep us informed as to what the next step is with your treatment and rest assured that there are many wonderful people here that will be more than happy to offer you advice and support. Your good attitude will do so much to help you as you go along, too. My best to you, Christine
  21. Dana I cannot add to what the other wonderful people here have already told you. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers and this WILL get easier eventually. Christine
  22. Dear Brandie I am so very sorry about your Mom. Please know you are in my thoughts and I send my deepest condolences as well as many, many prayers for strength and peace. Christine
  23. Kelly I have followed you and your Mom since I joined this site and I am so grateful that you took the time to share this with us. What a beautiful tribute to an incredible woman. Sending love and prayers to you and your family, Christine
  24. Hello and welcome Sunny, I am sorry about your mother in law's diagnosis. However, as Kasey has pointed out there are MANY survivors here and they will be very glad to answer your questions. Keeping a positive attitude is such a help in this journey and do not listen to the statistics. Those are simply numbers and in many cases based on old and out dated information. As for the treatment, it is hard to say as people react and respond to things differently. Please keep us posted and let us know how we can help My best to you Christine
  25. Grace Sooooooooo glad to see your update! Have a wonderful and peaceful weekend. Chris
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