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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Wow, so much for you to deal with. Please keep us posted as you can, and take care! Prayers continue.... Christine
  2. Maryanne, I am sorry about your friend. My prayers and condolences to you and Joel as well as her family. Christine
  3. Hello and welcome, Hope your sister's surgery goes well. Please let us know how things turn out. I am praying that this is not cancer for her. If we can be of any help, just tell us what you need and someone will be along to answer your questions and offer great advice. My best to you and your sister. Christine
  4. Mary, Just a thought but maybe a local radio station could help you out? Email them a copy of your post here and explain to them why this is so important. Many times they have concert tickets and passes to use in promotional spots. It might even bring some new awareness to the whole lung cancer issue, too. Hope this helps, and let us know~ My best to you and your son, Christine
  5. Sarah, I had saved all of the voicemails Brad left me on my cell. He had the greatest sense of humour, he would call knowing I was not near my cell or out of range or had turned it off at night and leave the nuttiest messages. I used to call my voicemail just to hear his voice and try and re~live some of the good times before he died. I never realized that the service provider deletes those saved messages after a certain time frame. I was devastated to call one day and find out that the messages were gone. Forever. This grief stuff is no fun, you are so right. It is very, very hard. Probably the hardest thing we ever have to deal with and cope with. It gets bearable.. Keep posting, lean on us. We understand and we are here for you. Hugs Christine
  6. Lynn, I will be thinking of you and your hubby today. Praying for good news with the scans~ I don't believe you are jumping the gun when thinking about a 2nd opinion. It is never a bad idea to have that option in mind, as well as a 3rd or more if you are not comfortable with the doctor and/or the treatment plan(s) they set up. Please keep us posted. Christine
  7. Hello Lynn and welcome, I am a little confused here. Has your husband had a biopsy to confirm that he does have cancer? If not that would be, at least in my opinion, the very first thing that needs to be addressed. If I am missing something here and he has had a biopsy and it is confirmed to be lung cancer, I would think that an oncologist would be the wisest choice for the next step in order to get a treatment plan in place. I wish you and your husband all the best and please keep us posted and let us know how we can help you further. Christine
  8. Marco Jo I am so very sorry to read this. My prayers and condolences to you and your family. Christine
  9. Dear Lisa I am so very, very sorry to read your update today. My prayers, sympathies and condolences to you and your family. We will continue to be here for you. Christine
  10. Lisa, Sending many, many prayers for you and your family. Christine
  11. Just adding my congratulations and best wishes to you and your mom~ Christine
  12. Hello Diana and welcome, Let us know how we can help you and your hubby along this journey and know that there will always be someone here for you. Sending you my best, Christine
  13. MsC1210

    What now?

    6 months is truly not that long when you are grieving. My heart just aches for you and your boys. I am glad to see that you are posting and letting us help you even if it is only to lend an ear or shoulder. I understand that the Hospice counseling ended, but am wondering if you have looked into another line of therapy? Adolescent counseling definitely sounds like it would be in order for the 14 yr old. Such a tough age to begin with but to lose his Dad as well must be unbearable. Your little one might do well with a family or adjustment counselor. I wonder if you have spoken to your doctor about anti depressants? Many folks find that they are very beneficial and make things a bit easier as you are getting back on your feet and trying to adjust to the new life you are faced with. Your emotions are raw, this is still very, very new to you. The pain will become bearable with time, you will come to terms with it. Be gentle and kind to yourself and please remember that we are here for you. Keep posting, let us know how you are and what we can do to help? Sending many prayers for you and your children, Christine
  14. Randy I am so sorry to read this post. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Sending hugs Chris
  15. Hello Nicole, You have gotten some great advice here already but I wanted to say hello and welcome you to the site. I am glad you will be able to fly down to spend some time with your Mom and Dad soon. I am sure that will be a great lift for them. The one thing I will add to the words of wisdom you have already received is that your Dad should take the anti~nausea meds regularly. It is much easier to manage the nausea from the very beginning than to try and get it in control after it hits full force. Also, make sure he drinks PLENTY of water. Dehydration is a big concern with the treatments and is not easy to handle. As for the diarrhea, I believe that is a common side effect for some folks with certain chemos but it is best to let the doctor know about it if it returns. Please let us know how we can help and keep us posted. My best to you and your family, Christine
  16. Dear Grace, I am so deeply sorry for your loss. My prayers, condolences and sympathies to you and the girls. Chris
  17. Grace, I wish so very much that none of us had to ever "get it" but too many of us know all too well what you mean. My prayers and thoughts continue to be with you and Carlton and your beautiful young ladies.. May God grant you all peace, comfort, and understanding.. Chris
  18. Dear Grace Holding you all in my thoughts, prayers and heart. May God grant you all peace. Chris
  19. Sending lots of prayers for good MRI results!! Christine
  20. Hello Candy and welcome I am sorry about your Dad's diagnosis. Please let us know how we can be of help to you. If you could give more information about your Dad's treatments etc by filling out a profile it will enable the others to offer you more detailed information and advice. Please keep us posted on your Dad. My best to you, Christine
  21. Hello Stormwatch and welcome So sorry about your Dad but glad you have found this site. I have no first hand knowledge that I can offer but wanted to welcome you and let you know that we are glad you are here. I am sure there will be others along shortly that can and will offer you some advice and answers. Please keep us posted and let us know how else we can be of help. My best to you and your Dad, Christine
  22. Hello and welcome I am sorry you had a reason to find a site such as this but glad you have posted. Please let us know how we can help you and your mom. As you can see, there are many folks here willing to share their experience and knowledge. My best to you and your Mom, Christine
  23. Grace, My continued thoughts and prayers are with you, Carlton and your family. I am so sorry, Chris
  24. Grace, Thinking of you this morning and sending prayers for you and Carlton and the girls. Chris
  25. Grace, I want to say and/or do something, anything to help ease your pain and your worry. I know there is nothing that can be said or done. I know that as so many of us here do. I continue to hold you and Carlton and your girls in my thoughts and prayers... Sending love and hugs to you all, Chris
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