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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Cancer Victim Wins $1 Million, but Can't Get It Rules Say Prize Must Be Stretched Over 20 Years By MARCUS BARAM (Feb. 13) - On Jan. 12, Wayne A. Schenk thought he was the luckiest man alive. A month earlier, he'd been diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. But on this afternoon, the 51-year-old Marine veteran was hanging out with his buddy Domonick Gallo, enjoying the unseasonably warm weather in their hometown of Naples, N.Y., by indulging a favorite ritual: scratching off lottery tickets. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And one of Schenk's $5 High Stakes Blackjack tickets hit it big, winning the $1 million prize. It was more than enough money to pay for the $400,000 in cancer treatments that he desires. But Schenk's dream-come-true soon turned into a nightmare. When he contacted the New York State Lottery about paying him the money in a lump sum, he learned that the rules of that particular game mandate a payout over 20 years, providing him only $50,000 a year. And he's been given only 12 to 18 months to live. "Three times we talked to the lottery and they've said that they can't do it," says Schenk, who recently got a brush cut because his hair has started to fall out. "That was more depressing than anything." Schenk does not have health insurance but as an ex-Marine he's been getting some treatment from the Veteran Affairs hospital in Syracuse, N.Y. "The VA is good but only as good as they can be — they're not up to date on everything and they're a little slow." Schenk wants to get treated at a cancer center, such as the Eastern Regional Medical Center in Philadelphia. But that facility requires $125,000 up front and $250,000 in reserves for him to get cancer care. He's thought about selling the Orange Inn, a tavern he bought last year, but that would probably take too long and it might not sell for enough money. Gallo, his buddy, has been working the phones on his behalf, reaching out to hospitals and financial institutions. "When he won the million dollars — as soon as we calmed down and stopped high-fiving each other — he said, 'Now I can get myself into a cancer hospital and save my life," says Gallo. "Why wouldn't the lottery help him out? They just told him no." Schenk's plight has attracted some attention — State Assemblyman Joseph A. Errigo, R, has been in contact with the state lottery about assigning the winnings directly to a hospital, such as Buffalo's Roswell Cancer Institute. And he is putting together a bill to carve out a one-time exemption from the lottery's rules. But Errigo acknowledges that legislative action can take years. He says he would help organize a fundraiser for Schenk if all else fails. "What are the odds of winning the lottery and finding out that you only have a year to live?" Indeed, any change to the lottery's rules would probably take too long — time that Schenk doesn't have. Several years ago, when the state legislature passed a bill to allow a lottery winner who'd lost his ticket to reap his winnings, it took three years from start to jackpot finish. Lottery officials claim that they are doing what they can to help Schenk. "This is the first time that we've ever had something like this," says deputy director Susan Miller. "We wish we could [give him a lump sum] but we're constrained by the rules and the rules of the game stipulate that's the prize." Miller says that the best option is for Schenk to get a court order telling the lottery to pay out his winnings to a financial institution or a medical facility. "We're hopeful that we can help Mr. Schenk resolve this to his satisfaction." But Gallo says that he and Schenk approached several banks which turned them down and that hospitals are equally resistant. "They have to pay their electricity, their doctors — they have to pay those bills today — they can't wait 20 years for their money." They've also been in discussions with several buyout firms, which would pay $467,000 to buy Schenk's ticket. But after taxes, that amount would be reduced by almost half. "Why won't someone help out?" asks Gallo. "Wouldn't this be a great story — with great publicity — veteran who has cancer wins money to save his life?"
  2. Grace I have no words, just extra prayers for you and Carlton and your girls. I am so very sorry. Chris
  3. Jackie I am so very sorry about the loss of your Mom. Please accept my sincere condolences and sympathies. Remember, we are here for you, lean on us and let us help you through this. Christine
  4. Missy, One word.. AWESOME. Thanks so much for sharing this. I can relate so well.. Christine
  5. It was 14 months ago today that Brad lost his battle with this damn disease. I miss him every single day, his humour and wit and his insight. Some days it feels like yesterday and other times it feels like forever. It does become the norm, but the loss and pain and anger never seems to completely disappear. Someone told me that feeling the pain is not always a bad thing as it serves as a reminder of the impact our lost loved ones have had on us and our lives. In some ways that makes sense. Praying daily for all of us here that the cure will be found and no one else will have to suffer through this horrid disease and that we will not have to suffer the losses of anyone else. Chris
  6. Hello Julie and welcome. I am sorry you have reason to find a site such as this, but glad you have joined us. It sounds like your Mom has a great treatment plan in place. I am sure that before she begins chemo her doctors will discuss anti nausea meds with her and if not then she can and should ask about them. Drinking PLENTY of fluids is very important as well as dehydration is not fun. I am sure that others will have more suggestions and advice for you. There are so many knowledgeable and caring folks here that are more than willing to offer you advice, support and hope. Please keep us posted on things and let us know how we can help. Christine
  7. Betty I am so sorry about your sister. Please accept my condolences. Christine
  8. Hello and welcome~ Although I am very sorry you had need to find a site such as this, I am very glad you have posted and joined this wonderful family. I cannot personally offer much advice for your situation but I can tell you that there are many, many wonderful and knowledgeable folks here that will be along with tons of wonderful suggestions and advice. You will find a lot of hope and encouraging stories in the Survivor forum as well as the Good News. You might like to check out the NSCLC forum too. Please keep us posted on things and let us know how we can help. We are always here and willing to do whatever we can. My best to you Christine
  9. Grace I am so sorry.. sending prayers for strength for all of you. Chris
  10. Stable and decrease does sound very positive! Prayers for that trend to continue. Christine
  11. Grace, Holding you and Carlton and the girls in my thoughts and prayers. Chris
  12. I am so very sorry. My heartfelt condolences to Frank's family and friends. Christine
  13. Hello Pammy I am sorry about your brother. My only suggestions are about the same as Mary has mentioned. High calorie drinks such as milkshakes, Boost, Ensure, Carnation Instant Breakfast, maybe fruit smoothies, etc. Please keep us posted and let us know how we can help Christine
  14. Hello Gina and welcome, I am sorry about your Dad but glad you have posted here. Please let us know how we can help you along the way. There are many caring and knowledgeable folks here who will be more than happy to answer your questions, offer help and support as well as hope and we are always here for you to lean on. Feel free to vent anytime. Christine
  15. Crystal Thanks so much for letting us all know. I was thinking of you all as I watched the Superbowl last night. I am so glad that Darrell's Colts won and even happier that Kari has had the baby. Please give my best to her and of course you all remain in my thoughts and prayers. Love Chris
  16. Hi Raney The link sort of blended in with the other text. Sorry about that! Here it is.... http://www.lungcanceralliance.org/press ... media.html Christine I edited the link now.. it should work fine
  17. Hello Claire and welcome I am so sorry you had reason to find this site, but glad that you have posted. Please keep us posted on your friends treatments and let us know how else we can be of help. My best to you AND your Mum, Christine
  18. Huge is the audience it has the potential to reach during the SuperBowl! Praying this makes a difference. Christine
  19. Hi and welcome You have gotten some excellent advice here already. Please keep us posted on your situation and know that we are here to help in whatever ways we can. My best to you Christine
  20. I received this today and thought I would share it.. Hello Friends, We are so excited to share this news with all of you! Lung Cancer Alliance is launching a National Public Awareness Campaign featuring Joe Buck, Troy Aikman, and Cal Ripken, Jr. Joe Buck, the Voice for Major League Baseball and the National Football League, lost his father, legendary sports announcer, Jack Buck, to lung cancer. Cal Ripken, Jr., Hall of Fame Shortstop for the Baltimore Orioles, also lost his father to lung cancer. Troy Aikman, Hall of Fame Quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys, has been touched by the disease through his wife’s family. This is a watershed moment for the lung cancer community – let’s hope this fuels the movement to reverse decades of stigma and neglect long attached to this disease. For the first time three high profile figures are coming together to emphasize the need for increased funding for lung cancer research and early detection. LCA will be launching this campaign on Friday morning with a Satellite Media Tour with Troy Aikman. His interviews will broadcast live from Miami at Joe Robbie/Pro Player Stadium just days before the Super Bowl. We have many national interviews lined up with more being pitched through Friday. We have attached our press release announcing the campaign. This will hit the wires tomorrow night. Please feel free to distribute this to your local media to drum up attention. Would they be willing to do a story surrounding this campaign and featuring one of you? Would they run the ads? We have also attached one of the ads in PDF form to give you a feel for the campaign. This is the ad with all three of the spokesmen featured. (It would have taken multiple emails to send all four of them). We have also produced radio and television spots. All of these ads are available on our website. They can be reached from the home page or through this direct link, http://www.lungcanceralliance.org/press ... media.html. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have. Thank you for your support in spreading the word about our new campaign. Kay Kay Cofrancesco Director of External Relations Lung Cancer Alliance 1747 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Ste 1150 Washington, DC 20006 202-463-2080 202-744-1541(cell) www.lungcanceralliance.org www.screenforlungcancer.org
  21. Grace, Sending many, many prayers for you and Carlton and your girls. Christine
  22. Ellen Will be thinking of you and Len and hoping for the very best! Christine
  23. Hello Suzy and welcome, Please let us know how we can help you. You will find lots of support and information here. Christine
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