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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Hello Beth and welcome, I am very sorry about your Mom's diagnosis. You have gotten a lot of excellent advice here. A second opinion and even a 3rd are never a bad move. The important thing is that your Mom find a doctor willing to treat her aggressively and one who will fight for and with her. Please keep us posted and let us know how we can help, Christine
  2. Michele, What a beautiful post. I am sure your mom will be with you always, guiding you as you raise those beautiful children. I love that Nana has a giant snowglobe, What a sweet and precious thought. Thank you for sharing that with all of us. Sending you hugs and prayers for comfort and strength tonight. Christine
  3. I've read both of your posts about steroids and the first thing that is coming to mind here is that you should probably call his doctor and let him/her know what is going on. I wish I had more in the way of answers but if your husband is in that much pain, he needs relief and the doctor really should be alerted. Wishing you all the best, and please keep us posted. Christine
  4. bbear I am so glad that you have joined us. Please know that the folks here are some of the most wonderful people you will find when you need someone to listen, have questions or just want information. Just let us know how we can help and someone will be along to do just that. My best to you and your family, Christine
  5. Sending positive thoughts and many prayers to Nancy.. Chris
  6. Ann, We are always here to listen. Just keep letting us know what's on your mind. It does help to "talk" and around here you have the peace of mind of knowing we understand. Hugs, Christine
  7. Hello Ann and welcome I am so sorry about your Mom but glad that you have found us and posted. We will do as much as we can to help you along this journey. Please keep us updated on your Mom and let us know how we can be of help to you. There are many wonderful and caring folks here that will be happy to answer your questions and offer advice. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Christine
  8. MsC1210

    Great News

    This is wonderful news! I am so happy for you and your sister! Prayers for continued great news for you all, Christine
  9. Donna, Thanks for this! It almost underscores that adage about the power of positive thinking, too! Christine
  10. Hello and Welcome As you can see, there are many knowledgable and caring folks on this site. Please continue to ask questions and let us know how else we might be of help. My best to you and your Dad, Christine
  11. Hello inna and welcome I am sorry about your dad. It does sound like he is on the right track though especially with the 2nd opinion. Once he has gotten the treatment plan in place he can begin working with his oncologist and radiologist to explore the alternative approach. It is very important to make sure he keeps his doctors informed of ANYTHING he takes as it could react adversly with his treatments. Please keep us posted on his progress and the treatment. We will be here for you. My best to you Christine
  12. So sorry about your loss. My prayers and condolences to you and your family. Christine
  13. Hello and Welcome Please let us know how we can help you. My best to you Christine
  14. Hello Wendy and welcome. Please let us know how we can help you. My best to you and your husband Christine
  15. Thank you for updating us. I am a firm believer that attitude and the will to fight do play an enormous part in this fight. I will be keeping you and your Dad in my thoughts and prayers. My best to you, Christine
  16. Hello Sandra and welcome. As the others have mentioned, you can fill in the profile information which will appear on your posts. It will give us an idea of what you Father's treatments are and have been to date and enable us to offer you more in the way of advice and support. Let us know how we can help you out.. My best to you and your Father, Christine
  17. Hello and welcome~ What a wonderful story of HOPE. Thank you so much for sharing this and may you continue to share more great news with us for many, many years to come! Christine
  18. Beth, My sympathies and condolences on your loss. I am so sorry. Christine
  19. Hello Loretta and welcome. Please let us know how we can help you and your husband and know that there are many knowledgeable and caring folks here that will do their best to help out. Keep us posted and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Christine
  20. I am so sorry. My prayers are with you and your family. Christine
  21. From the Calgary Sun January 18, 2007 Drug shrinks tumours Medical world abuzz over doctor's cancer breakthrough By BROOKES MERRITT, SUN MEDIA EDMONTON -- Cancerous tumours can be shrunk without radiation by administering a drug already used safely in humans for decades, says a doctor whose research is creating a major buzz in medical circles. But because the drug cannot be patented, pharmaceutical companies won't be eager to fund clinical trials to bring it to market, leaving its future in question. "We've succeeded in reducing tumours with a drug shown to have little side-effects in humans. You could essentially take it as a pill," said University of Alberta researcher Evangelos Michelakis. The drug is called dichloroacetate, or DCA. Michelakis, working with several researchers in Edmonton and Ottawa, discovered how DCA can reverse the hallmark weapon of cancer's plague: The sudden ability of abnormal cells to multiply indefinitely, unchecked. DCA restores a specific function of mitochondria -- the mini power engines that drive cellular activity. Mitochondria normally cause unhealthy cells to die off, but that function is suppressed in cancer patients. "In more than 50 years, no one's been able to figure out how to fix mitochondria in cancer patients," said University of Calgary oncology professor Dr. Randy Johnston, who's been studying cancer for 25 years. "Dr. Michelakis has captured the attention of one of the world's most prestigious medical journals (Cancer Cell), and offers new insight into how cancer is treated." Finding funding to begin human trials will be hard. "Because the drug has no patent it will not attract investors," Michelakis said, adding patents are only issued for novel compounds. DCA has been used for decades to treat rare metabolic disorders in children.
  22. Sending you and your family prayers... I am glad you are with him. Christine
  23. MsC1210

    Mom is Gone

    I am so sorry. Please accept my condolences Christine
  24. Alli So glad that you have the appt. Please let us know how things go. Looking forward to your Mum joining us! My best to you, Christine
  25. Hi Sheri This topic has been brought up in a couple of other posts/threads today. Some folks had wondered how to omit the information for posting in certain circumstances. Thanks for asking and allowing me to clarify the need. Christine
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