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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Hello Fellow LCSC members I made mention to Nick about omitting the profile/time line info from posts. To do so, simply un~check the attach signature box found above the submit button at the bottom of the text box when you post. I hope this helps. My best to you all. Christine In clarifying this further, there are times that a person may wish to not include the timeline information when posting. The information I have given here makes it possible to omit the information from one post, not all. You must uncheck the attach signature box each time you wish to omit the information. I hope I have made this a bit clearer now. Christine...
  2. Hello Fellow LCSC members I made mention to Nick about omitting the profile/time line info from posts. To do so, simply un~check the attach signature box found above the submit button at the bottom of the text box when you post. I hope this helps. My best to you all. Christine
  3. Dear Pat and everyone who has posted here. I want to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you. When Brad died, I was in a complete tailspin. I had not found this site at that point but wish more than anything I had done so before he lost his fight. I had no idea what Lung Cancer really was until his diagnosis and although I was not a typical caregiver, I was his only "family" (his words, not mine) and I did everything I could possibly do, with the limited knowledge and resources I could find. I know that if I had been able to find this site, this family really, 15 months ago, it would have made the whole fight, the entire journey and in the end the indescribable loss and pain much more bearable. It is because of Brad and what I witnessed him go through in his fight that I am here, that I do what I can to help not only those who are the victims of this hideous disease but the caregivers, families and all too often, those who are left behind after the fight is over, to cope. I try so hard to offer hope, to offer support and encouragement and compassion. I do any and all research that anyone asks me to help with, and I do so gladly. I am devoted to the promise I made to Brad the night before he died to continue to do all that I can to make this fight easier on those who must fight it, and to do all that I can to help find the cure. I believe it is out there and I believe that together we will find it. I guess what I am trying to say is that by being here and by sharing the knowledge I have gained, as so many of you wonderful and loving folks also do, I feel that we are ALL serving a purpose to help educate and inform. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER... It is my hope that we all continue to do what we have been doing to help those who come here seeking information, support, help and answers. These are just my personal thoughts... My best to you all, Christine
  4. Nick I am with the others here. If I feel that Brad's timeline is inappropriate when I post to someone, I simply untick the attach signature box before I submit my post. Personally I have found it very helpful to see what others have gone through in their lives with Cancer. My profile line is short and very basic as I do not have the exact drugs and/or treatments that Bradley went through during his illness. I do know that in less than 3 months from diagnosis, he was gone and that is just so unfair to a 31 yr old. Thank you, Christine
  5. I am so sorry... Please know you and your family are also in my thoughts and prayers. Christine
  6. MsC1210

    Please Think

    Thank you Pat and well said. . Christine
  7. Hello Gina, Just wanted to welcome you to the site. Please keep us posted and let us know how we can help you. My best to you, Christine
  8. Hello Alli and welcome So sorry you had reason to find a site such as this, but glad you have joined us. You have gotten some wonderful advice here already and I cannot add to that other than to say please let us know how we can help you along this journey and know that there will always be someone here for you. My best to you Christine
  9. Don Sending prayers for strength and peace. Christine
  10. Scientists create anti-cancer chicken eggs Last Updated: Monday, January 15, 2007 | 9:50 AM ET CBC News The researchers behind the first cloned sheep said they have developed genetically modified chickens that can lay eggs containing proteins needed to make cancer-fighting drugs. The Roslin Institute, near Edinburgh in Scotland, said it has produced five generations of birds capable of producing useful levels of life-saving proteins in egg whites. The director of the institute, which cloned Dolly the sheep, told the BBC that the work could lead to cheaper and more readily available drugs. The findings will be published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "One of the characteristics of lots of medical treatments these days is that they're very expensive," said Prof. Harry Griffin. "The idea of producing the proteins involved in treatments in flocks of laying hens means they can produce in bulk, they can produce cheaply, and indeed the raw material for this production system is quite literally chicken The researchers behind the first cloned sheep said they have developed genetically modified chickens that can lay eggs containing proteins needed to make cancer-fighting drugs. The Roslin Institute, near Edinburgh in Scotland, said it has produced five generations of birds capable of producing useful levels of life-saving proteins in egg whites. The director of the institute, which cloned Dolly the sheep, told the BBC that the work could lead to cheaper and more readily available drugs. The findings will be published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "One of the characteristics of lots of medical treatments these days is that they're very expensive," said Prof. Harry Griffin. "The idea of producing the proteins involved in treatments in flocks of laying hens means they can produce in bulk, they can produce cheaply, and indeed the raw material for this production system is quite literally chicken feed." The institute told the BBC it has bred about 500 modified birds. Some have been engineered to lay eggs containing miR24, an antibody with potential for treating melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. Others lay eggs containing human interferon b1a, which can be used to stop the replication of viruses. The proteins are found in egg whites. The scientists at Roslin cautioned it would be another five years before patient trials are approved and another 10 years before medicine is developed.
  11. MsC1210

    moms gone

    I am so sorry about your loss. My prayers and condolences to you and your family. Christine
  12. Hello Traci and welcome, You have gotten some wonderful replies already. I just wanted to add my welcome to you as well. Please keep us posted and let us know how we can help you.. My best to you Christine
  13. Hello Lisabeth and welcome, I am so sorry you had reason to find a site such as this, but very glad you have posted. My first thought when reading your post is GET A SECOND OPINION~ That is probably the biggest thing you can do right now, find a doctor who is willing to treat the disease and be aggressive! Perhaps at a comprehensive cancer center? Please give us more information about the cancer, the treatments so far, etc so the other members can offer you some more and in depth advice. Let us know how we can be of help and know that the wonderful people on this site will do what they can to be here for you. My best to you, Christine
  14. Hello Deenee and welcome So sorry you had reason to find a site such as this, but very glad that you have joined us. Please let us know how we can help you and your family out. As you can see already there are many wonderful people on this site who will give you answers, advice, support and most importantly, hope. My best to you Christine
  15. Hello Karen and welcome I am sorry to hear about your dad but glad you found this site and have joined us. Please read through some of the sclc forum posts as well as the good news postings. There is so much hope and support here. Let us know how we can help you, ask any and all questions and voice your concerns and know that there will be someone here to address them. Keep us posted on things and know that we care, Christine
  16. Just an added, off topic note... capsaicin also has been shown in some obscure studies to ease migraine headaches. I have in fact found that it does help.... Christine
  17. Hello Gayle and welcome I am sorry you had reason to find a site such as this, but glad you have joined us. Please let us know how we can help you and your family and know that there are many caring and wonderful people here that will do what we can to help you out. Keep us posted and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you, Christine
  18. Hello Baillor and welcome Please let us know how we can help you out. This is a wonderful site and you can find all kinds of support and hope here. My best to you, Christine
  19. Welcome Kerri I am so sorry about your Mom. Please let us know how we can help you and your family and keep us posted on your Mom. All my best Christine
  20. Hello Max and welcome I am sorry you had reason to find a site such as this, but very happy you have joined us. I am sorry about your husband but it does sound as if he has a great attitude and outlook and that is so important when fighting this disease. Please let us know how we can help you both. This is such a wonderful community of people who are willing to give you advice, answer any and all questions you have, as well as give you tons of support and HOPE. Keep us posted and know that you have found a wonderful family here, My best to you and your husband, Christine
  21. Randy, Thanks for posting this. A tragic loss regardless of the type of cancer. It is folks such as Bobby Hamilton using his "little bit of celebrity" that helps so much to draw attention to the need for more money, more research and more awareness of ALL cancer. My condolences to his friends and family. Christine
  22. Hi Jill, I did some searching over the weekend for Issels and aside from their website which Mary Colleen has posted here, I found the following (rather old please note the date)article. Most of what I found in my reading made reference to Issels Treatment being used WITH traditional treatments such as Chemo and/or radiation. Again, my personal advice would be to discuss this with your oncologist. I hope this is helpful.. If there is more I can do, please do not hesitate to let me know. My best to you, Chris ISSELS THERAPY THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, MAY 23, 2003, FRONT PAGE SECTION B NEW WEAPON IN CANCER WAR “Immunotherapy may be one of the only ways left to deal with cancer. We’ve gone as far as we can with chemotherapy”, says oncologist Herman Kattlove, an editor for the American Cancer Society. With few new drugs coming out, he says, chemotherapy is “sort of a dead area”…. With dendritic cells, “what convinced me is that we saw responses,” says Dr. Levy (Stanford University). INNOVATIVE IMMUNOTHERAPY AT THE ISSELS TREATMENT CENTER The treatment program is a comprehensive non-toxic strategy for cancer of all types and stages. In cancer patients the body's regulatory, repair and defense mechanisms fail to prevent formation of a cancerous tumor. This failure is called by some researchers a "regulatory freeze" or “tolerance” which is due to a combination of causal factors that vary from one individual patient to the other. In each cancer patient, however, this "regulatory freeze" has led to an internal terrain, a "soil" that promotes the development and multiplication of cancer cells. The comprehensive immunotherapy is designed to break through this "regulatory freeze". It is a unique blend of treatment modalities that complement and enhance each other in an effort to restore the body's regulatory, repair and defense systems, of which the immune system is one important part. In general terms, some of these treatments work on the levels of the biochemical defense and help cancer cells to undergo differentiation as encoded in the genes that cause them to die through programmed cell death (called apoptosis). Other treatment modalities work on the levels of cell-mediated and humoral immunities. The Treatment consists of the following components: - Coley's mixed bacterial vaccine opens blockades in the body matrix (all solid, semi-solid and fluid connective tissues), stimulates the production of the body's own interferons, interleukins, colony stimulating factors, tumor necrosis factor and other potent disease fighters. - Issels' autologous vaccine and biologicals work in a very complex way to "jump-start" the immune system. They are prepared from the patient's own blood and body fluids which represent his/her own unique internal environment. The preparation follows procedures that favor the development of antigenic peptides and other immunogenic compounds in the fight against cancer and other immune disorders. - Extracorporeal photopheresis with the dendritic cell vaccine, (FDA approved for cutaneous T cell lymphoma due to the research by Richard L. Edelson, Yale University,) works in the following way: Via the photopheresis apparatus pathologic immune complexes can be removed from the blood and a certain quantity of blood is exposed to a controlled amount of ultraviolet energy, which has an enormous immune boosting effect. During this procedure dendritic cells can be collected and separately cultured to maturity and re-infunded into the patient's vein. Dendritic cells are responsible for identifying pathogens (viruses, fungi, bacteria, malignant cells) and presenting their identifying markers, antigens, to key lymphocytes that then multiply and attack the disease. Photopheresis induces monocytes to transform into dendritic cells, thereby greatly increasing their numbers. By centrifuging blood in a cell separator and passing the white cells through the ultraviolet light chamber, millions of monocytes are converted into dendritic cells. By culturing them with growth factors, these cells can learn to ingest and process pathogens that formerly eluded the immune system. Thus, when they are re-introduced to the body, they awaken sleeping immunities. - Nutritional immunotherapy, blood oxygenation, glandulars, bontanicals, enzyme therapy aid cellular metabolism, tissue and organ function. The Issels Treatment has demonstrated the longest and most successful track record in cancer immunotherapy history. FOR INFORMATION PLEASE CALL IN NORTH AMERICA 1 888 4 ISSELS (1 888 447 7357), FROM ABROAD 480 585 6804 (USA)
  23. Kim I am so very sorry. Please accept my prayers and condolences. Hang on and remember we are here for you. Chris
  24. Benefits of Supplements: Sorting Fact from Fiction Take a Multivitamin Every Day, Expert Says Jan. 7, 2007 — - The news is filled with stories about the benefits of vitamins -- this one helps prevent prostate cancer, that one helps curtail diabetes. But with 29,000 dietary supplement products on the market, it's hard to keep track of what helps whom -- and how much it actually does for you. Dr. Andrew Weil, an integrated medicine specialist and author of the bestselling "Healthy Aging," shared his tips on what supplements people should be taking every day. The Multivitamin People should take a daily multivitamin. The body needs these vitamins every day. Our main source of them is fruits, and vegetables and whole foods, and most people are not eating those in sufficient amounts, or even every day. So the multivitamin is insurance for gaps in the diet. And even if you are eating fruits and veggies everyday, it's not a bad thing. Choose a multivitamin by reading the labels. There are some things that definitely should and shouldn't be on the label. The multivitamin should not contain any pre-formed vitamin A, which is usually called retinol. Don't get a multivitamin that has iron in it. You do want vitamin D3. If the label says vitamin D2, then it's not the good kind of vitamin D. Take More Vitamin D There's research coming out really month by month showing vitamin D prevents many kinds of cancer and multiple sclerosis. We used to think vitamin D was just necessary for bone health, but now we're seeing it prevent a lot of other diseases. But make sure you're taking D3. So often, you see orange juice or foods that say they're vitamin D fortified. But many times, those are fortified with D2. Vitamin D has to be taken with fat. Taking a vitamin D pill with orange juice isn't going to work; it won't stick to you. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Take one gram of fish oil every day. The body needs adequate intake every day for optimum mental and physical health, and there are not many dietary sources. You can really only find it naturally in oily fish from cold water [salmon, herring, sardines]. It helps prevent heart disease, aging, cancer and dementia. Co-Q-10 People should also take the antioxidant Co-Q-10. It helps muscle function, heart function and brain function. It is absolutely necessary for people with heart disease. Co-Q-10 is made naturally in your body, but more doesn't hurt. Herbal Tonics Tonics are natural substances, which, taken over time, increase general resistance to illness and encourage longevity. There are many different ones, and they're worth learning about and experimenting with. If you're lacking in energy or get sick a lot, these could be very useful to you. How to Choose a Supplement When it comes to supplements, there's not necessarily a correlation between price and quality, which is important to know. Start by reading the label. Be careful of the milligram amount you're getting per capsule. If the recommended dose is 1,000 milligrams and the pill only contains 200 milligrams, then you're going to be taking a lot of pills every day just to reach that dosage, so pay attention to the details. Try to get brand-name recommendations. Sadly, many doctors haven't learned about supplements in medical school, so your doctor may not be able to advise you on that. To find the best brands, do your homework. Either get names of products from people you trust, or go on the Internet and look these supplements up. Check how the different brands do quality control. Ideally, pharmacists will be able to help; but again, they aren't getting this in their education any more than our physicians are. For more information, visit healthyaging.com. Copyright © 2007 ABC News Internet Ventures
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