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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Hello Russ and welcome I am wondering if you might benefit from consulting with your Mom's doctor and perhaps a social worker in regard to how to tell her about the prognosis. A 2nd opinion might be in order as well as it seems there is are a lot of questions that might benefit from another opinion Please keep us posted and let us know how we can help. My best to you Chris
  2. MsC1210


    Dawn I am so sorry about the loss of your Mom. Please accept my deepest condolences and sympathies. Chris
  3. Paulette I am so sorry about all of this cancer in your life. Please know that you and your family are all in my thoughts and prayers. I wish I could do more. Hugs Chris
  4. Susan Hello and welcome. So sorry about your Mom, but glad you are with us now. Chris
  5. Kelly I am so sorry.. Prayers and condolences to you and your family. Chris
  6. MsC1210

    Mom is gone

    Nutbar My sincere sympathies and condolences to you and your family. I am so sorry. Chris
  7. Radiation After Surgery Doubles Survival Time For Some Lung Cancer Patients 10 Nov 2006 Patients with lung cancer that has spread to mediastinal lymph nodes - located between the chest, breastbone and spine - who receive radiation after surgery and chemotherapy live twice as long as patients who do not receive radiation after surgery, according to a study presented at the plenary session November 6, 2006, at the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology's 48th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. The study was part of a larger randomized study, ANITA 1, which examined the effectiveness of chemotherapy after surgery in 840 non-small cell lung cancer patients and found that additional chemotherapy after surgery improves overall survival in cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes. In this study, radiation was not randomized nor mandatory but only recommended for patients whose disease had spread to the lymph nodes. 232 lung cancer patients received radiation after undergoing surgery to remove their tumor with or without chemotherapy. Researchers found that additional radiation after chemotherapy benefited patients whose cancer had spread to mediastinal lymph nodes. At that stage, those who underwent chemotherapy and radiation after surgery lived almost two years longer (47 versus 24 months) than those patients who had only chemotherapy after surgery. "This is the first time that a clinical trial has examined the effectiveness of radiation after surgery for lung cancer," said Jean-Yves Douillard, M.D., Ph.D., lead author of the study and a medical oncologist at the Centre Rene Gauducheau in St Herblain, France. "The results show that radiation treatment should be considered for resected non-small cell lung cancer with involved mediastinal lymph nodes in addition to chemotherapy. The data observed in this study, however, needs to be confirmed in a prospective randomized trial of radiation, in addition to chemotherapy." ### For more information on radiation therapy for lung cancer, visit http://www.rtanswers.org/. The abstract, "Impact of Radiation on Survival After Complete Resection of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Descriptive Analysis In the Randomized Adjuvant Chemotherapy Trial Anita 1," was presented at the plenary session on Monday, November 6. Contact: Beth Bukata American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology Article URL: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medical ... wsid=56079
  8. Hello and welcome! As you can see there are so many wonderful people on this site, all willing to offer you advice and answer questions. It is also a wonderful source of hope and support. Please read through the survivors forum as well as the good news. As Randy said, this is not the end, but the beginning. Let us know how we can be of help and keep us posted on your Dad, My best to you and your family, Chris
  9. Hi Sis I echo Randy's comments on this. It seems to me that if there is no progression of things that would be good! Keep us posted and I will keep you and your sister in my thoughts and prayers Chris
  10. Hello Mary Colleen and welcome Although I am very sorry to read about your husbands diagnosis, I am glad you found us here and have joined us. Please know that we are here for you to answer any and all questions you may have as well as to offer support and hope! Keep us posted and let us know how we can help you and your husband. My best to you Chris
  11. Raney Good advice you have here already. I just wanted to add that it really never hurts to get that 2nd opinion. It will either solidify what you have been told already or open another avenue to look into. All the best Chris
  12. Hi Gwen This is such a sweet post really. Sending you hugs and prayers of strength. You are amazing! Chris
  13. Hello Teri and welcome I am sorry about your husbands diagnosis but glad you found this site. Please let us know how we can help you, ask any questions you have and know that someone here will be able to help you out. This site is such a wonderful resource and such a great place to get support and HOPE. Keep us posted as you can, we are here and we care Chris
  14. Hi Karen I was thinking about you the other day and wondering how you were and how things with Dad were going. I am sorry the news is not better. I am glad that Hospice is there working with you now though, it must give you a bit of peace of mind. Keep us posted.... Sending you tons of prayers and hugs Chris
  15. MsC1210

    Prayers for an aunt

    Tami I am so sorry about your Aunt. Prayers being sent for you and the family.. Chris
  16. Candy This is great news! Chris
  17. Thank you Randy for posting this. So sad. He will be missed. Chris
  18. Debbie I am so sorry.... Chris
  19. Has your husband been offered counseling at all to help him come to terms with the cancer diagnosis? I have to admit, most if not all of my experience with this hell came from Canada, the doctor made sure that while Brad was having his chemo there was a clinical social worker on site as well as volunteer counselors who happened to be cancer patients or survivors. It was so helpful for him to have people right there as he was doing the treatments to sit and talk with him, offer him advice and a shoulder to lean on if he needed and wanted one. Just a thought but from all you are saying here, if you can get away and pursue some type of therapy for yourself it would probably be a great thing. Please remember that YOU have to take care of yourself in all of this somehow in order to take care of your husband. Keep posting, let us know how you are and what we can do. Drop me a p~m if you would like to talk more. I am always willing to listen and will do what I can.... Hugs Chris
  20. I am so sorry things are so bad for you right now. I cannot imagine how you are coping. I wish so much that I had answers but all I can do is offer you my prayers and let you know we are all here for you. I do feel that you need to speak to your husbands doctor and let him know how he is acting. It would seem that they can offer him something to keep that anger (which is understandable in his situation) in check and maybe help him cope better with everything. Please keep posting and let us know how YOU are. We care... Chris
  21. Sis Sending prayers and positive thoughts. Please let us know how things are going.. Chris
  22. Hello Raney and welcome! I am sorry you had reason to find a site such as this, but very glad you did. Please ask any and all questions you have and be assured that there are many wonderful people here that will have answers, advice and most importantly offer you HOPE. Let us know how we can help and we will. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers Chris
  23. MsC1210

    RY 6000

    Thank You Ry. Chris
  24. Tami Prayers, positive thoughts and vibes and tons of stamina and hugs~ Chris
  25. Kelly I am so sorry to read this. Prayers for all of you. Chris
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