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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. I am very sorry to have tell you that Shirley's father has lost his fight with Lung Cancer. She called me this morning and asked that I let you all know that her dad passed yesterday, October 12. Shirley sends her thanks for all of your prayers and support in the past months. Sending my love, prayers and condolences to Shirley and her family, Chris
  2. Hi Nutbar I am so glad you are feeling better. Please keep us posted and let us help you through this. Prayers and hugs to you Chris
  3. Hello Yellowbow I am sorry to hear this latest news. I am sending prayers to you and your husband. Please keep us posted, Chris
  4. MsC1210


    Don, No words as I really don't have answers. I am just sending you love and prayers, Chris
  5. Hi Nutbar Please keep posting and let us know how you are, what you are going through, etc. We are here for you, we care and we will continue to offer advice and support. You have gotten some very good advice here about the counseling issue and I hope that is something you can and will take advantage of. This disease is so awful, and it truly does not just affect the patient, it dominates everyone involved. Keep us posted, let us know what we can do and know you and your Mom are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs Chris
  6. MsC1210

    Randy 2000

    Congratulations and THANK YOU SO MUCH Randy.
  7. Andrea Add my prayers and positive thoughts to the others. Hugs Chris
  8. Beat it, Well I was hoping to read some much better news about the diagnosis. I am so sorry the cancer fears have come true. GRRRRRRRRR Nick has offered some good suggestions already and I am sure the others will be along soon with even more. The best I can say to you right now is to stay positive and be as supportive and reassuring as you can. This is an overwhelming time but once the treatment schedule is figured out and in place it will become routine. Keep posting and let us know how things go and what we can do. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Chris
  9. Hello Roberta and welcome, I am very impressed with your wonderful outlook on things. Sorry you had the need to find a site such as this, but I think you will be an inspiration to many here. My best to you, Chris
  10. Congratulations and all the best to you all! Chris
  11. Hello Nina and welcome I am sorry you had need to find a site like this, but glad you have posted and told us about your mother. I cannot offer any advice about the chemo, but there are so many wonderful people on this site that will be along to offer you words of wisdom regarding it. Please keep us posted and let us know how we can help you. My best to you and your mom Chris
  12. I have also submitted this to one of the local (Albany, NY) television stations. Hopefully they will help out as well. Chris
  13. Hello Beat It and welcome I am not able to offer much in the way of advice but wanted to say hello and let you know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted as you learn more about your mother in laws diagnosis and let us know how we can help. Chris
  14. MsC1210

    Lost my Mom

    I am sorry about your mom. Please accept my condolences on your loss. Let us know how we can help you through this difficult time, Chris
  15. MsC1210

    Randy Cappiello

    Nick I am so sorry about your mom. My condolences to you and your family. I will keep you in my prayers, Chris
  16. Hello Everyone, I came across an interesting thing while browsing eBay this morning and wanted to bring it to your attention. It might be a good way to get the word out to a fairly broad audience about LCSC and LUNGevity. eBay offers a service through Mission Fish that allows sellers to list items and have a percentage of the purchase price designated to the charity of the sellers choice. I am not sure how many of LCSC's members are eBayers, but it could really generate some much needed publicity if nothing else. And perhaps if our members here at LCSC are not actively involved with eBay, they may know someone who is and pass this on. Here is the information as it appears on the eBay site.... eBay Giving Works for Sellers eBay Giving Works is the dedicated program for charity listings on eBay, enabling you to list items on eBay and donate part or all of the final sale price to your favorite nonprofit organizations. Unique search and listing features allow you to build your business while supporting causes important to you. Since 2000, more than $81 million has been raised for charity from listings sold on eBay worldwide. Key benefits eBay Giving Works listings tend to sell at higher final prices, because buyers are more willing to purchase and often pay more for items that benefit a nonprofit. You can enhance buyer trust and loyalty by aligning with a cause, and you will receive a receipt for your tax-deductible donations. Your charity listings: Receive additional visibility through specialized search functionality reserved exclusively for eBay Giving Works listings. Stand out with a distinctive charity icon in the title bar of the listing both in search results and on the view item page, and donation information is displayed in the item description. If you donate at least 90% of the final sale price (and your item sells), your listing with qualify for the eBay Giving Works Fee Credit Policy. Start selling for charity Go to the Sell Your Item form on eBay. In the "Pictures & Details" section, click the "Add" link in the area titled "Donate percentage of sale." Note: Your browser must be JavaScript enabled. Additionally, you cannot create eBay Giving Works listings in the Real Estate ad format or Mature Audiences category. Select a certified organization from the nonprofit directory and designate your donation percentage (10%-100% of the final sale price). If this is your first eBay Giving Works listing, you will be prompted to create a MissionFish account, provide your credit card information to guarantee payment of your donation, and consent to terms in the MissionFish User Agreement.* If your item sells, a $5 minimum donation is required per transaction. Note: When you sell an item with eBay Giving Works and donate at least 90% of the final sale price to a certified nonprofit, eBay will donate the Insertion and Final Value Fees you paid to the organization you selected within your listing. Select PayPal or a credit card as one of the buyer payment options in the "Enter Payment & Shipping" section. Note: This is not required for listings in the Motors or Real Estate categories. Complete the remainder of the Sell Your Item form and submit your listing. Note: Your chosen nonprofit will be notified of your listing. If for some reason it would prefer not to be benefit from your listing, the organization has the right to request the listing be canceled. *eBay has selected MissionFish to power eBay Giving Works. MissionFish is a nonprofit with five years of experience helping organizations fundraise through ecommerce. Their valuable service and support includes: managing the nonprofit directory for eBay Giving Works; verifying that nonprofits are eligible for this program; collecting and disbursing sellers' donations; providing sellers with tax receipts; and tracking sellers' donations online. Sending your donation After your item sells, collect payment from the buyer as usual. MissionFish will send you an email notification that includes the exact donation amount due and payment instructions. If you do not fulfill your commitment by the second Monday after your listing ends, MissionFish will charge your credit card. MissionFish then forwards the gift (minus a small deduction to cover processing costs) to the designated nonprofit on the 20th of the second month after your listing has closed and issues you a tax receipt. For more information about selling with eBay Giving Works, visit the FAQ for Sellers page. I felt this had potential to be a worthwhile venture and would be a good tool to raise awareness about Lung Cancer as well as LUNGevity and/or LCSC. My best to you all, Chris
  17. MsC1210

    Lost Member

    Thank you for posting this Kasey. I am so sorry that Amy's fight ended so soon. How very sad. My thoughts and prayers are with her children and family. Just too young to be gone so soon. Chris
  18. Terrific news! Congratulations Judy Chris
  19. Hello Dar and welcome I am so sorry about your mom but glad you found us here. This site is such a wonderful source of information, answers, support and hope. Just let us know what you need and someone will be along to help you out. A couple of recommendations, which you will see mentioned a lot here. Get a small notebook or an organizer and write down everything!! All the questions you or your mom might have, the tests, results, doctor appts, simply everything. This disease is an overwhelming thing to deal with but it is do~able. Ask for copies of scans, test results, etc and if you are not comfortable with the first doctor, do not hesitate to get a 2nd opinion. Keep posting and let us know how we can help. We are here for you. Chris
  20. Hello and welcome Tracey, As you can see this site is full of wonderful people who can and will offer you help and support in this fight. Please let us know what you need and we will do our best to help you. Chris
  21. Nick I am so sorry to hear about your mom. My sincere sympathies and condolences to you and your family. Chris
  22. Hello Heather. I apologize for not having seen your post earlier and welcomed you then. I cannot add to the wonderful words of wisdom you have already gotten here. I simply want to extend my support and let you know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. My best to you, Chris
  23. KEAPing Tumor Cells Susceptible To Chemotherapy 06 Oct 2006 Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related death worldwide, in part because these tumors often are or become resistant to chemotherapy. A study by Shyam Biswal and colleagues, published in the international open-access journal PLoS Medicine, now shines some light on what causes this resistance. Cancer cells acquire resistance by making high levels of proteins that destroy chemotherapeutic agents (detoxification enzymes) or pump them out of cells (efflux pumps), and by making antioxidants that protect cells against the oxidative damage caused by some chemotherapy drugs. All of those proteins have normal functions as well; they protect cells from environmental toxins and from oxidants produced by the chemical processes of life. Their production is regulated by NRF2, a transcription factor (a protein that controls the expression of other proteins) that is in turn controlled by a protein called KEAP1. Biswal and colleagues investigated whether changes in KEAP1 might underlie the drug resistance seen in many lung cancers. The researchers examined the KEAP1 gene in tissue taken from lung tumors and in several lung cancer cell lines and found mutations in KEAP1 in half the cell lines and a fifth of the tumor samples. They also found that about half of the samples had lost one copy of the KEAP1 gene--cells usually have two copies of each gene. Five of the six tumors with KEAP1 mutations had lost the other (functional) copy of KEAP1--geneticists call this biallelic inactivation--leaving them without any functional KEAP1. As would be expected, the tumor cells had more NRF2 than normal cells and also made more detoxification enzymes, efflux proteins, and antioxidants than normal cells. And Biswal and colleagues showed that lung cancer cells with KEAP1 mutations were more resistant to chemotherapy drugs than normal lung cells. These results indicate that biallelic inactivation of KEAP1 is a frequent genetic alteration in lung cancer and suggest that the loss of KEAP1 activity is one way that lung tumors can increase their NRF2 activity and develop resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs. If other studies confirm that high NRF2 activity is associated with a poor response to chemotherapy, then the development of NRF2 inhibitors might help to improve treatment outcomes in patients with chemotherapy-resistant tumors. Citation: Singh A, Misra V, Thimmulappa RK, Lee H, Ames S, et al.(2006) Dysfunctional KEAP1-NRF2 interaction in non-small-cell lung cancer. PLoS Med 3(10): e420. PLEASE ADD THE LINK TO THE PUBLISHED ARTICLE IN ONLINE VERSIONS OF YOUR REPORT: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.0030420 Immunohistochemical staining of Nrf2 in NSCLC tumor tissue harboring KEAP1 mutation ### About PLoS Medicine PLoS Medicine is an open access, freely available international medical journal. It publishes original research that enhances our understanding of human health and disease, together with commentary and analysis of important global health issues. For more information, visit http://www.plosmedicine.org/ About the Public Library of Science The Public Library of Science (PLoS) is a non-profit organization of scientists and physicians committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature a freely available public resource. For more information, visit http://www.plos.org/ CONTACT: Shyam Biswal Johns Hopkins University Environmental Health Sciences E7624, Hygiene 615N Wolfe Street Baltimore, Maryland 21218u United States of America Contact: Sarah Clark Public Library of Science Article URL: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medical ... wsid=53277
  24. Hi Mike Great news about the diabetes! Prayers and positive thoughts continue for more GOOD news with the biopsy. Keep us posted, Chris
  25. Hello Alexan and welcome I agree with TomK.. Wait for the biopsy and then take it from there. Praying that the spots on your mom's scans are benign and nothing to worry about. Please keep us posted and know that we are here to help you out however we can. Best regards, Chris
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