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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. I am sorry you are going through this. I cannot add to the advice and wisdom that the others have already shared here. I can and will add my thoughts and prayers for you and your husband. Please let us know how we can help you. My best to you, Chris
  2. Hello Chrissy and welcome I am sorry to read about your mom, but you sure have come to the right place for information and support. Please keep us posted on your mom and the treatment etc. And keep in mind that you can get a 2nd opinion if you are not happy with the first dr and his or her treatment plan. Keep us posted and let us know how we can help you. Chris
  3. Hello and Welcome So sorry you had need to find us but glad you have posted. You have gotten some very good advice here. I cannot add much to it. Please keep posting and let us know how we can help you along the way. Chris
  4. Don and Lucie, WONDERFUL NEWS!! I am so happy to read this. My prayers continue for the 2 of you as well as your family. Love and hugs along with those prayers. Chris
  5. MsC1210

    PET Scans

    I cannot give you any answers unfortunately, but wanted to let you know you and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping the call for the pet was just for confirmation that there is nothing to worry about. Please let us know, Chris
  6. Lori I am so very sorry for your loss. I can only offer you my most sincere and deepest sympathies and condolences at this sad time. Love, Chris
  7. Grace, I have no words. Only prayers and my deepest sympathies and condolences to you and your sister and your families. Chris
  8. A TNOX-based Protocol For Early Detection Of Lung Cancer In Smokers And Nonsmokers 17 Sep 2006 Lung cancer is a formidable disease. While it is one of the most preventable cancers, with the vast majority of 160,000 annual deaths in the United States due to smoking, it is invariably difficult to find early when it is most amenable to treatment. As a result, it remains the top cancer killer in the nation. But a new test for the early detection of lung cancer that involves measuring levels of a certain protein may provide hope for thousands of smokers worldwide. While the findings are preliminary and involve a small group of subjects, the researchers see their early results as extremely promising. Results were presented at the first meeting on Molecular Diagnostics in Cancer Therapeutic Development, organized by the American Association for Cancer Research. A team led by Dorothy M. Morre, Ph.D., professor of foods and nutrition at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, and D. James Morre, Ph.D., distinguished professor of medicinal chemistry at Purdue, wanted to come up with a robust lung cancer screening procedure for people who smoke. "We'd like to have a means of detecting lung cancer early in individuals who smoke with a low incidence of false positives," Dorothy Morre said. "There's apparently no good method of finding this and there is a lot of interest at the National Cancer Institute in developing such a protocol." The Morres -- along with colleagues at Purdue, NOX Technologies, Inc., also in West Lafayette, and at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York -- focused their efforts on a protein called tNOX, a member of a family of proteins that are involved in cell growth. Normal cells express the NOX enzyme only when they are dividing in response to growth hormone signals. In contrast, cancer cells have gained the ability to express NOX activity at all times. This overactive form of NOX, known as tNOX - for tumor-associated NOX -l has long been assumed to be vital for the growth of cancer cells, because drugs that inhibit tNOX activity also block tumor cell growth in culture. The researchers compared four different protocols to determine levels of tNOX in the blood of 421 volunteer subjects, including 104 patients with lung cancer, 175 smokers who had not been diagnosed with lung cancer, 117 randomly selected outpatients and 25 healthy individuals. Two of the protocols used rapid high-throughput screening techniques and gave a low incidence of false-positive diagnoses of lung cancer. In contrast, the researchers employed a technique using two different antibodies that they created against the tNOX protein, which they found gave a definitive indication of lung cancer. "In healthy individuals, we have 0 out of 25 false positives," noted D. James Morre. "In lung cancers, 103 of the 104 patients were positive for tNOX. In smokers older than 40 years of age, 12 percent were positive, which is about the normal incidence picked up with high resolution tomography." The researchers envision the tNOX test as serving as a screening tool for the early detection of lung cancer. Those who test positive would then be followed up with a medical examination and further tests, ostensibly including high resolution CT. According to D. James Morre, current approaches to diagnosing lung cancer are costly and time consuming. "Our findings would provide a simple blood test that would indicate whether or not additional testing would be required," he said. "We could screen very large smoker populations and eliminate perhaps 90 percent of them, while encouraging the other 10 percent to go on to the next stage of testing. "This test is structured with the antibody we're using to be specific for lung cancer in one form or another," Dorothy Morre added. "It's a specific diagnosis and it also distinguishes between non-small and small cell lung cancer." The scientists are already doing similar studies in colon, ovarian, prostate and breast cancers as well. They are planning three collaborative studies in which they will correlate tNOX antibody test results with medical evidence such as high resolution CT, physician examinations of patients - standard procedures for detecting early stage lung cancer. ### The mission of the American Association for Cancer Research is to prevent and cure cancer. Founded in 1907, AACR is the world's oldest and largest professional organization dedicated to advancing cancer research. The membership includes more than 24,000 basic, translational, and clinical researchers; health care professionals; and cancer survivors and advocates in the United States and more than 60 other countries. AACR marshals the full spectrum of expertise from the cancer community to accelerate progress in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer through high-quality scientific and educational programs. It funds innovative, meritorious research grants. The AACR Annual Meeting attracts more than 17,000 participants who share the latest discoveries and developments in the field. Special Conferences throughout the year present novel data across a wide variety of topics in cancer research, treatment, and patient care. AACR publishes five major peer-reviewed journals: Cancer Research; Clinical Cancer Research; Molecular Cancer Therapeutics; Molecular Cancer Research; and Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. Its most recent publication, CR, is a magazine for cancer survivors, patient advocates, their families, physicians, and scientists. It provides a forum for sharing essential, evidence-based information and perspectives on progress in cancer research, survivorship, and advocacy. Contact: Warren Froelich American Association for Cancer Research Article URL: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medical ... wsid=51878
  9. Review Of Quantum Dot Technologies For Cancer Detection And Treatment 18 Sep 2006 The worlds of medical and biological research are abuzz with the promises offered by nanoparticles known as semiconductor quantum dots. These Quantum Dots (QDs) have unique optical and electronic properties that make them suitable for breakthrough treatments such as the detection and destruction of cancer cells. Just released on the nanotechnology website AZoNano, is a comprehensive review of the latest literature and studies into Quantum Dots. The review by Sandeep Kumar Vashist, Rupinder Tewari, Ram Prakash Bajpai, Lalit Mohan Bharadwaj and Roberto Raiteri, researchers from a range of Italian and Indian universities and research organisations, has been released as part of AZoJono*, the open access AZo Journal of Nanotechnology Online. With a focus on the use of QDs in cancer detection and treatment, the review includes a detailed examination of Quantum Dot advantages, their synthesis, properties and applications, toxic effects, use in imaging and analysis plus Quantum Dot drug delivery systems. The paper also outlines some early success in the detection and treatment of breast cancer. The paper concludes with a quick look at what the future may hold for Quantum Dots in providing new insights into understanding the pathophysiology of cancer and real time imaging and screening of tumours. The level of details provided in this valuable review paper could easily make up a chapter in an expensive text book. However, this paper is available to access free of charge in its entirety at http://www.azonano.com/Details.asp?ArticleID=1726 ### *AZojono publishes high quality articles and papers on all aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnologies. All the contributions are reviewed by a world class panel of editors who are experts in a wide spectrum of nanotechnology. [see http://www.azonano.com/founding_editors.asp] AZojono is based on the patented OARS (Open Access Rewards System) publishing protocol. The OARS protocol represents a unique development in the field of scientific publishing - the distribution of online scientific journal revenue between the authors, peer reviewers and site operators with no publication charges, just totally free to access high quality, peer reviewed nanoscience. [see http://www.azonano.com/nanotechnology.asp] Contact: Dr. Ian Birkby AZoNetwork Article URL: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medical ... wsid=51944
  10. Rochelle I am so sorry to read this today. I agree with Denise, please check into the cyberknife. I have read some excellent things about this procedure! My very best to you. Chris
  11. Hello Onlyone and welcome. I am sorry to hear about your Mom's situation but glad you have found us here. As Rod pointed out, there are so many stages of acceptance with this illness and rightly so. It is a huge life changing disease but one that can be dealt with. Right now the best advice I have to offer is to try and remain calm. There is likely to be a ton of information and tests and treatments discussed in the coming weeks. Have your mom get a small notebook or organizer and write down EVERYTHING! Jot down any and all questions you or she will have for the doctors as the appointments can be very overwhelming and you may forget to ask. If, as Rod said, you or your mom are not 100% comfortable with the doctor and/or treatment, by all means get a 2nd and even 3rd or more opinions. Please keep us posted and let us know how we can help you along the way. This is a wonderful group here with lots of knowledge and compassion and we will do whatever we can to help you and your mom. Chris
  12. This sounds so good! I hope she will enjoy the beach and celebrate the good news! Thank you for letting us know. Chris
  13. Hello Bellard Welcome. I am so sorry that you had need to find a site such as this, but glad you have posted. I cannot offer much in the way of personal experience advice but I very much do agree with Grace about the 2nd opinion! Please keep us posted on things and let us know how we can help. Chris
  14. Hi Grace and Betty The med that you are referring to, I believe, is Silvadene cream. I have used this myself for a 2nd-3rd degree burn on my leg years ago and can attest to its effectiveness. It really did take the pain away quickly and kept the area from becoming infected as it has antibiotic/antimicrobial properties. Hopefully this will help. My best to you, Chris
  15. Hi and Welcome Morgan I am really sorry about your MIL. You have gotten some great advice here already. The people on this site are the greatest and we will all be here to support you throughout this journey. Please keep posting and let us know how we can help. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers, Chris
  16. Hello Laurie and welcome Sorry you had reason to find a site like this one but very glad you have posted! As you can see there are a lot of great folks on here and we will do whatever we can to help you and your mom out with this journey. Please let us know how we can help.. Chris
  17. Hi All I have a small update from Shirley. I got the following message from her today... "Update: I called the hospital before coming to work today.... My mother said that since he got his dose of decadron last night - he hasn't had a fever, but has been sweating a lot. Since there's no fever, his appetite is improving." Thanks for the continued prayers... Chris
  18. Awesome summarization Ned! Welcome Ernie! Sorry you (both) had reason to find this site, but glad you are here. Just let us know what we can do to help you out and we will do our best to accomodate you. Best to you both, Chris
  19. MsC1210

    Job Issue

    Joanie, I am not sure how it would work, or even if it would at all, however you might try calling the Labor Board and consulting with them. And I agree with Ry, document it ALL, no matter how inconsequential it may seem, when it is all put togethter it may be precisely what you need. My best to you and I hope you continue to heal and feel better and better Chris
  20. MaryAnna, YAY!!!!! So glad to hear about the clean x-rays and the celebration! Hugs Chris
  21. Don, Prayers continue for you and Lucie and your family. Love Chris
  22. Was just reading this post and thinking exactly what Donna just said. Scary indeed. Thanks Randy Chris
  23. MsC1210


    Joanie Sending prayers and well wishes to you. I do hope you are feeling much better, very soon! Hugs, Chris
  24. MsC1210

    I am in shock now.

    I am so very sorry for your loss... My prayers and condolences to you. Chris
  25. MsC1210

    Crazy idea

    Randy As you are aware I am on a letter writing tirade (re: my posts in the LC News forum) If I can help, YELL.... Chris
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