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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Hello and welcome, I am so sorry about your husband. I can understand how hard this is on you needing to go back to work. I have one suggestion and hope that someone else will be along soon with some more. Have you spoken to your husbands doctor or his office or the hospital to see if they can help you find a home healthcare aid? Perhaps they can point you in the right direction.... My best to you, and please keep us all posted and let us know how we can help. Chris
  2. Lori God IS good and your Mama is amazing and YOU are a blessing~ I am so happy to hear that you are able to enjoy this time with your Mama. Prayers continue, Chris
  3. Sis, I agree completely with what Don has told you. I would imagine that the dr is wanting to give your sister a break in treatment to allow her to get some of her strength back after such a bad reaction. IF they are stopping all treatment, get a 2nd opinion. Getting an opinion from a cancer center is an even better idea. Please keep us posted.... Chris
  4. MsC1210

    New Look

    LOL LOL too funny. My favourite colour happens to be purple, so you have my permission to call me Purple any time!!
  5. MsC1210

    New Look

    Kudos, indeed~ Looks great! Rod? What's wrong with purple? LOL Chris
  6. Hello Sis and welcome I am so glad you found this site. Please feel free to ask all the questions you have. There are so many knowledgeable and helpful people on this site who will be more than willing to help you with advice and answers. Please have a look around and read the different forums. You might check out the survivors forum and the nsclc one as well. Post your questions and concerns and someone will be along soon to reply! Let us know how we can help and we will~ Prayers and best wishes. Chris
  7. Hello Tracy and welcome I am glad you posted and told us what your mom is going through. I do not have answers to your questions, but I am sure that some of the wonderful people on this site will be along shortly and have lots of great advice for you. I will say, most people on here would, I think, definitely get a 2nd opinion and this situation sounds like it would be a very beneficial move. Please keep us posted and let us know how things work out as well as what we can do to support you and your mom. Chris
  8. Karen This whole situation is just so sad for you. I wish I could offer more in the way of advice. Please know we are all thinking of you and praying that things will get easier. Somehow, from having read your posts from the beginning, your kids do not sound like they are the issue really. It is so sad that you and your father are the ones that are losing out in this while your fathers wife continues to be a wedge between you. Please keep us posted. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Chris PS.. you can always PM me if you want or need to vent or talk further.
  9. Karen I am so sorry this situation continues to be so hard on you. I have no words of wisdom or advice other than to maybe keep in touch with your father by phone as much as you reasonably can, and as Connie mentioned, maybe spend a day here and a day there with him rather than the whole weekend. I will keep you and your family in my prayers and please keep us posted. Hugs Chris
  10. MsC1210

    Ginnyde 4000

    Congratulations Ginny
  11. Lori Simply amazing! Continued prayers for you and your family. Chris
  12. Medical Society's Labor Day CheckList Addresses Cancer Prevention 30 Aug 2006 Millions of Americans are fighting the battle against cancer - a disease that can result in adverse or fatal health outcomes, high health care costs, and reduced workplace productivity. It is important to remember that many cancers are preventable by addressing workplace exposures and individual lifestyle choices. With early detection and quality care, patient outcomes are improving. Because of the impact this disease has throughout so much of the workforce and the general public, the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) has chosen cancer prevention as the focus of its annual Labor Day CheckList, a compilation of “quick tips” developed to assist both employers, employees, and the general public in improving the health and safety of workers and the workplace. Controlling Cancer in the Workplace is posted on ACOEM's web site at http://www.acoem.org/news/laborday.asp. This year's CheckList was developed in conjunction with the CEO Roundtable on Cancer, which has developed the CEO Cancer Gold Standard™ (http://www.cancergoldstandard.org), a series of cancer-related recommendations for employers to fight cancer. “The identification of occupational cancers and the reduction of occupational cancer rates in the United States due to uncontrolled exposures has been a major public health success and how to do it is well known, but more remains to be done,” said ACOEM President Tee L. Guidotti, MD, MPH, FACOEM. “Cancer remains a leading cause of lost productive and otherwise vital years, including among younger workers. We know that many cancers are not recognized as arising out of work because they occur years after exposure, often after retirement. We need to recommit ourselves to prevent cancer and to make work as safe as it can be, and this year's Checklist is a first step” he continued. The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) is an international medical society of more than 5,000 occupational and environmental health professionals. Founded in 1916, ACOEM provides leadership to promote optimal health and safety of workers, workplaces, and environments. The College is headquartered in Elk Grove Village, Ill. American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) 25 Northwest Point Blvd. Suite 700 Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-1030 http://www.acoem.org Article URL: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medical ... wsid=50856
  13. New Thermal Ablation System For Cancer Therapy By BSD Medical Comes With Advanced Predicate Technology 30 Aug 2006 BSD Medical Corp. (Amex: BSM) has developed a powerful new system designed to kill cancer through precision-guided microwave thermal ablation of cancerous tissue. The new system, the MicroThermX 100, incorporates advanced features and capabilities made possible by years of research, design and development in the discipline of thermal medicine technology at BSD Medical, supported by leading research centers throughout the world. The MicroThermX 100 is intended to broadly expand BSD Medical's market for thermal medicine systems in cancer treatment by also including certain cancers that can be treated through heat alone. Today BSD Medical reviewed some of its breakthrough technological developments that have preceded and contributed to the design of the new MicroThermX 100 thermal ablation system. BSD Medical was an early pioneer in the development of thermal ablation technology used to resolve the symptoms that accompany enlargement of the prostate as men age. By means of patent licenses issued to other companies and the development of its own company, TherMatrx, Inc., BSD Medical's breakthrough technologies have provided the basis for an important new medical industry, offering a major solution for men's health. Through microwave thermal therapy that shrinks prostate tissue, BSD Medical's developments relieve men of obstruction or retention of urinary flow caused by enlargement of the prostate, bypassing the need for surgery or medication. BSD Medical is also an early pioneer and the leading developer of precision-guided RF and microwave systems used to treat cancer at relatively mild (high fever) temperatures, forcing the cancer into hyperthermia to kill cancer cells and boost the effectiveness of companion treatments with radiation. Research has also shown strong promise for the use of hyperthermia therapy in combination with chemotherapy, or with combined radiation and chemotherapy. Because the treatment of most cancers is prescribed with radiation and/or chemotherapy, BSD Medical's hyperthermia cancer treatment systems were developed to support and complement the mainstream of cancer treatment. A large percentage of cancer patients continue to die from the disease, despite conventional therapies, and the need for improved results from these treatments is self-evident. The objective of BSD's hyperthermia systems is to provide more effective treatment with existing cancer therapies by killing cancer cells with heat and increasing tumor response to the companion therapy. For its advanced design the BSD-2000, BSD Medical's primary system used to deliver hyperthermia therapy in cancer treatment, received last year's Technology Innovation of the Year Award for cancer therapy devices from Frost and Sullivan. Cutting-edge developments in electronic design and advanced software operating on state-of-the art computer platforms from BSD's hyperthermia systems have been employed in the design of the new MicroThermX 100 thermal ablation system. The technology of the BSD-2000's phased array is the most advanced hyperthermia system in the world, enabling deep electronic focusing of energy. The MicroThermX 100 is being prepared for FDA 510k clearance, normally a much more rapid clearance process than the PMA application process under which the BSD-2000 is currently being reviewed, and through which the BSD-500 hyperthermia system has already been approved. The BSD-2000/3D/MR by BSD Medical also lends advanced technological concepts in the use of electromagnetically generated heat therapy applied under the guidance of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for use with the new thermal ablation system. This system allows simultaneous MRI imaging and the operation of an advanced hyperthermia system so that the treatment can be viewed in progress through MRI images. MRI guidance capability is being valued more and more by interventional radiologists and surgeons performing thermal ablation procedures, and BSD Medical's new thermal ablation system draws on the advances in MRI guidance pioneered by the predicate BSD-2000/3D/MR hyperthermia system. The MicroThermX 100, an 18 month development project, was created under design specifications established through a careful survey of industry requirements and competitive features, and after research extending more than a decade using BSD equipment to treat many patients with and without cancer through thermal therapy and ablation. BSD Medical's objective in cancer therapy is to offer a complete solution in thermal medicine to the medical community based on precision-focused microwave/RF systems. For further information about BSD Medical visit http://www.BSDMedical.com. Statements contained in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements, as that item is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All forward-looking statements and projections or expectations of future events, including FDA approval of the Company's new cancer therapy systems, are subject to risks and uncertainties detailed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. BSD Medical Corp. http://www.BSDMedical.com Article URL: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medical ... wsid=50735
  14. Kathleen I cannot add anything to the great advice you have gotten here. I am just adding my prayers to the others and letting you know that you and your parents are in my thoughts. I am so sorry this is such a horrible situation for you all. Hugs Chris
  15. Melinda Please know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Chris
  16. Lori What an amazing lady your mama is! Continued prayers for you all, Chris
  17. MsC1210

    Ernesto Woes.....

    Sending prayers! Be safe~~ Chris
  18. Congratulations Gin~ Chris Forgive the double post.. my computer is possessed this morning,
  19. Adding my prayers and positive thoughts for good scan results!!! Chris
  20. Hello Miss Piggy I am glad to see your post here. Do you have specific questions that you are looking to get answered? If so, please feel free to ask away. As Shirley pointed out you can get a lot of information from reading the profiles of others in their posts, as well. But if there are certain areas of concern that you would like to learn more about, by all means post the questions and you will have answers, advice and tons of support and hope. Chris
  21. Hello Carole and welcome. As Rod has pointed out, this nodule may very well be nothing at all to worry about. I realize that it is nearly impossible to be in your situation, waiting and wondering and worrying. Especially after what your aunt went through. Keep us posted. Check out the other forums on here, especially the good news and LC survivors threads. There are so many people here who have been exactly where you are right now and we do understand the stress of waiting. Feel free to post, and post often if it helps. We will be here to support you throughout this wait. Sending prayers and lots of positive thoughts to you, Chris
  22. Lori Just continued thoughts and prayers. Hugs Chris
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