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Remembering Dave

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Posts posted by Remembering Dave

  1. Boy, I can't add much to what everyone else has said, but I will tell you this. Dave read your post and told me about it this morning. He has told me several times since his multiple metasasis returned, that he does not want to be in any pain, ever, no awful pain. He said after reading your post that you did the right thing because you made your dad comfortable and that's what he, Dave, would want.

    You were THERE with your Dad, all the way. You did nothing wrong. Nothing. You did EVERYTHING right and your Dad, and God, both love you for that.

    God Bless,


  2. 1. Dave doesn't have brain tumors

    2. Dave doesn't have brain tumors

    3. Dave doesn't have brain tumors

    4. Dave doesn't have brain tumors

    5. Dave doesn't have brain tumors

  3. New Cancer Drug May Block Tumor Growth

    Monday, March 14, 2005

    By Jennifer Warner

    A new cancer drug may halt tumor growth by blocking the division of cancerous cells while leaving healthy cells alone, according to early tests in animals.

    Researchers say if further studies confirm these results in humans, the experimental cancer drug may be a new way to offer highly targeted cancer treatment with few side effects.

    The study suggests that the drug, known as ONO1910, works by zeroing in on a molecule called PLK1 that is known to play a critical role in the spread of cancer. The molecule drives normal cell division. High levels of it have been found in human cancer tumors and have been associated with more aggressive and deadly cancers.

    Because cell growth regulation is awry in a cancer cell, a reasonable approach to cancer therapy is to develop drugs that block the function of a critical molecule that is required by a tumor cell to complete cell division, says researcher E. Premkumar Reddy, PhD, of the Temple University School of Medicine, in a news release.

    The results of the study have prompted the researchers to test the experimental treatment in humans.

    Experimental Cancer Drug Stops Tumor Cells

    In the study, which appears in the March issue of the journal Cancer Cell, researchers tested the effects of ONO1910 on tumor growth in mice as well as human cancer cells in the lab.

    “We found that ON01910 was a potent inhibitor of human tumor growth and also worked well with several existing cancer drugs, often inducing complete regression of tumors,” says Reddy. “Someday it might work either as a single drug or in combination with other drugs."

    Researchers say the drug stops tumor cells from reaching normal, healthy cells in three ways.

    “First, it blocks invasion, next it blocks angiogenesis [formation of new blood vessels needed for growth] and finally, it induces tumor cell death,” says Reddy. “It also appears to be very safe."

    Researchers say the experimental cancer drug did not appear to affect normal, noncancerous human cells, which suggests that it would produce a low level of side effects.

    The research was supported by grants from Onconova Therapeutics Inc.’s drug discovery program and the Fels Foundation.

    By Jennifer Warner, reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD

    SOURCES: Gumireddy, K. Cancer Cell, March 2005; vol 7: pp 275-286. News release, Temple University. News Release, Cell Press.

  4. One of my favorite signature lines is on BetPlace (Betty)'s - she says "Every Dawn is a Victory"

    No kidding.

    Just keep that in mind. Betty - that line has gotten me through some bad days and weeks recently, I want you to know that.


  5. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? WE FINALLY CAUGHT A BREAK! Dave had his third every six weeks brain MRI this morning and the neurosurgeon pointed out how the lima beans are back to peas again with MUCH less edema so he is SURE that Dave doesn't have brain tumors, just radiation damage which is improving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I was so so afraid that since he had other mets these would turn out to be brain mets, but as our resident poet Ginny said: " more mets does not brain mets make" or something like that and she was right!!

    thank you each and every one of you for your prayers and support!!!

    Ha, which makes me almost forget our weekly run to the ER. Dave had EXCRUIATING pain in both knees overnight Saturday so early Sunday morning we went to the ER. this time we got a physician's assistant who pretty much told me off for bringing him in there. Her tone, and almost her words: "your husband has cancer so of course he'll have pain, quit bringing him in there every time he has pain, take your oxycontin and your percoset and stay out of my ER." As you can imagine I let her have it big time. I told her that every REAL DOCTOR who has seen Dave in that ER has told us that BECAUSE he has cancer, to NEVER HESITATE to bring him in for anything, including pain or anything that scares us. They gave him a shot of something in his butt for the pain and did xrays of his lower spine down to his knees and nothing showed up - including the bone mets we know about - so if he does have small mets in the knees they wouldn't have showed up on an xray anyway but at least we know there's nothing else wrong in there. and as the day went on his pain got much better.

    we were supposed to meet with our real estate agent Sunday morning about lowering the price of the house and having an open house this coming weekend, so I called him and had him meet with us in the ER instead of at our house, which I think was a little freaky for him (he's a lung cancer survivor himself) but he came and we accomplished alot. Open house this weekend - come on you buyers, BUY!

    that's the report from Chapman Acres!


  6. Oh, the getaway weekend is NEXT weekend, but I haven't been thinking about it so far today, too busy! got two showings of our house tomorrow and meeting with the real estate agent during one of them to discuss dropping the price to get this house sold.

    Ginny, Love your Shakespeare!

    Cindy, I laughed out loud, what a comedy that would be, of course Faith would jump at the chance to drive. she thinks she's 16 already, with her cherry red finger and toenails!

    deep breathes!


  7. Peggy, sounds like a good plan, but I am going to pray for the fluid around his heart to just dry up and go away. I don't like that. it was scary; when dave had it, although thank goodness it wasn't malignant. and I hope your hubby's isn't malignant either.



  8. Ry, yes, thank you.

    Frank: you are truly one heckuva good guy. heal up quick and get here, we need you and that great attitude of yours!

    God Bless,


  9. well, unfortunately Dave is working on his second recurrence - third bout in two years - started out with limited disease, then right at the one year mark of remission he got one met to his right frontal sinus cavity and surrounding bone. After six months of chemo, I mean, as soon as he finished six months of chemo (and radiation) for that (which went into NED) he was diagnosed with mets to his lower spine, pelvic bone and left hip and liver. now we are trying to figure out if he has brain mets or it's "just" radiation damage since theat part of his brain got accidentially zapped twice, once with PCI and then again for the sinus tumor.

    I asked the question a few weeks ago, are there any long term survivors out there who had EXTENSIVE disease, so I guess if you start out limited and then it comes back then you're pretty much in the extensive category, so I guess my question included peopole with a recurrence.


  10. Betty, again, I have to say you are one of my favorite people in the whole world, not just this board. You are always so cheerful and positive and you are such a strong woman! I hope the pain goes away soon, and I hope your psychic friend is right, no matter, she sounds like a wonderful friend to have because she is lifting you up with hope and that is important. Stay strong, kiddo, and know we are all thinking and praying for you.



  11. MrsManny, you are one awesome gal.

    I love your spirit.

    I just saw this post. I don't go to this forum that much since my husband has SCLC. But JustaKid told me about it and I looked it up. WOW! Yes, you are right, we are not stats but people and anything is possible if it's possible. And anything is possible with the power of prayer and God's Will.

    I'm so glad it's not cancer. now I hope it's something easily dealt with. Please please keep us posted!


  12. Don, I don't know a thing about your situation since my husband has SCLC, but I want to say I admire your spirit and stamina and to hang in there, it sounds like you're on the right track. I'd probably want to try the chemo, too, since you're now a repeat customer.

    Take care and God Bless,


    p.s. I hope things with your wife continue to improve or become a richer relationship or whatever. I value my marriage now more than I could have ever imagined.


  13. Ok, Dave goes back for his third brain MRI since December - one every six weeks - and THIS TIME, HOPEFULLY, the neurosurgeon will make up his mind whether the peas/lima beans are bran mets or "just" radiation damage. Now that he's got other mets I suppose it makes it a little more likely that it's brain mets. So I am very nervous.

    Think I should take a one whole mg of xanax that morning instead of my usual .5 mg? I'm driving of course, Dave can't drive.


  14. Andrea - I'm just seeing this, darn it all, but glad everything worked out fine, and you know, you should be very proud of yourself, you didn't freak out because you have a cyst! See, if you were REALLY ultra-paranoid you'd be doing that!

    Anyway, so glad everything worked out, and yes, I feel for you, mood swings on clomid. sure hope the clomid works, 'cause you don't want the mood swings you'd get on the injectibles!


  15. get the opinions. and while you are, use it as a shopping excusion for a different heart doc. I don't know MUCH about this stuff, but my dad did have two stents put in last summer and a dear uncle just had triple bypass when they couldn't do stents - anyway, waiting for a heart attack is just what Ginny said, waiting for Becky's beer truck? no way.


  16. Dave had PCI, he was first diagnosed with limited SCLC, did the chemo and radiation, got NED, had the PCI. The PCI was definitely harder on him than the chemo and chest radiation which he had at the same time, but well worth it in our book. Why? Because when he got his first return of the cancer, at just about a year later, it was in his right frontal sinus cavity and surrounding skull. Dave says it could have very well tried his brain but because of the PCI got stopped where it was. No way to ever know. and in fact, he's been followed now for possible brain mets although the neurosurgeon has said all along he doesn't think it's mets but radiation damage since the part of his brain where the suspected mets are, are right at the intersection of where the sinus radiation treatment would have criss crossed with where the PCI hit. does this make sense? we see the neurosurgeon Monday morning and he should make his final determination at that time so we'll see.

    I'd do it. SCLC is NASTY AGGRESSIVE stuff, and why bypass ANY TREATMENT for it?


  17. Our 12th wedding anniversary is Monday the 21st. I took Dave to the ER on our 10th anniversary two years ago and he was diagnosed. what a milestone, huh? anyway, we decided we need to get away together, despite him feeling like doggy doo doo, so on the 17th, after he goes to court for a speeding ticket he got on my birthday in early Feb. before he found out about all the mets and starting feeling like doggy doo, we are heading to the outer banks of NC for a long weekend, Thursday until Sunday.

    He got a speeding ticket in an obvious speed trap - new speed limit of 45 right after a 60 mph zone and he was going 61 - and he has a clean record - so we're going to play the cancer card, play the clean record card, and hope the judge decides we have enough troubles. I doubt Dave would make it through an eight hour driving school session anyway!

    Just the two of us. sleeping, seafood and a whirlpool bath in the room!

    Dave's parents will take care of Faith and the dogs for us while we're gone.

    Prayers, please, that Dave is still up to the trip in a week. And that our visit with the neurosurgeon on Monday doesn't make his prognosis any worse. Let's hope this dude says, yep, you have enough mets, this time it's radiation neucrosis in your noggin' FOR SURE.


  18. Mike - KEEP WALKING. that's one of the best things you can do for yourself, and being in shape for it now, keep doing it! you may have to shorten your walks but keep doing it, please!! that is so impressive and so good for you!

    and you know what, taking a brief break for a pity party is not such a bad thing - take a deep breath and start the fight anew!

    You're doing good - hang in there!


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