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Remembering Dave

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Posts posted by Remembering Dave

  1. Hey folks, I seem to be having a hard time dealing with things this Christmas lately. Not sure whats going on. I should be ecstatic due to my last scans went well but I am just so tired all the time and have no energy whatsoever. I am working 4 hours a day and am just so wiped out after that. I am not making it easy for my wife either who does such a good job of taking care of our little girl, not to mention me. I just get so cranky when I am tired, which, like I said is all the time it seems. I don't feel like posting replies to folks who need the support more than I do although I do read everyones posts every day. I have always had such a positive outlook on my prognosis never once thinking this is going to get me and don't get me wrong, I am not doubting that I have beaten the beast ..... I'm just tired of being tired and cranky. I can't seem to help it. I know that there are people who have it much worse that I do here but folks please keep me in your prayers this Christmas season. You will all be in mine.

    Thanks for listening.

    David C

  2. I'm so sorry to hear this. I wish you'd come here in April but glad you're here now.

    In my opinion, a healthy 58 year old woman, even with mets to bone and brain, can fight this. You might want to find another doctor or at least get another opinion. I am disappointed that they didn't keep a close enough eye on her to not realize the cancer had spread until recently.

    Browse this board and read what others have said, you will find out lots through other's experience.

    Take care,

    Karen C.

  3. Hey you, Kat,

    They think it's a mets and not a primary, meaning that it's probably not ovarian cancer but lung cancer spread there? Just wondering.

    I know it's hard to not get depressed, but keep your chin up and your spirits high. We're all here to cheer you on, ok?

    Keep us posted on how you're doing.

    Take care and God Bless,

    Karen C.

  4. Cathy,

    will include you in our prayers. I think you're in good hands with your brother, and on the right track yourself. By the way, very attractive photo! Keep up your spirits!

    God Bless you,

    Karen C.

  5. Katie,

    Where/how you selling those items like the tote bag? Something you can/will advertise on this website? Something we can help you sell? Something we can buy from you?

    Karen C.

  6. When Dave was diagnosed last March, I went to one of our local Christian bookstores and bought a book called "The Beginners Guide to Intercession" by Dutch Sheets. I hadn't been much of a praying person in the past, had wanted to learn to pray better, and all of a sudden, I felt like it was time to get on the stick! I picked up this book, and I learned so much about prayer, how to talk to God, how to ask for help. It's not a book about Christianity and cancer, but it was very helpful to me. After that I began praying every day and got more and more comfortable with that. So far, I feel very confident that God has really been listening to me!

    I also like the book Don Wood mentioned (am having a brain blockage right now, can't remember it's name).

    Good luck!

    Karen C.

  7. Thanks, Fay!

    By the way, we got our copy of CURE the other day, and it DOES look like you on the cover! Did you get a side job as a model? You do have a beautiful head! I had a friend once who's sister was a foot model. She wasn't the best looking person above the ankle, but apparently had some good looking feet! So if you can be a foot model, why not a bald head model?

    Take care!

    Karen C.

  8. Anne, I am so sorry to hear the news of your mothers passing. I know this is a very difficult time for you. This is a beautiful time of year and it is so sad that we must deal with these things. You are correct that we must ask God to help us in times like this. Please know that you and your family will be in our prayers.

    David C

  9. Wow - I LOVE THAT! I was just talking to a dear co-worker, who's father has been recently diagnosed with NSLC Stage IV. She was saying how many good things come out of this terrible situation, good comes out in people, etc. So I shared this post with her.

    Thanks, Don!

    God Bless,

    Karen C.

    p.s. I want to know why we don't have an angel emoticon if we have not one, but TWO devil ones?

  10. Dear Ray,

    This is Karen C. I've been wondering about you. I see by your profile that your treatment is working! I'm so glad to see that!

    You do what you need to do. Everyone understands!

    By the way, Dave is doing GREAT, if that helps! He had a PET Scan and a CT scan and a chest xray, all within the last month or so, and although the doctor can't say for sure that he's cancer free (there's something in there but can't say if it's scar tissue or a tumor) he feels that he is. In any event, he's feeling good, which is what matters! So I hope that's a little bit of good news to help counteract the bad news. Dave probably hasn't posted too much about it because we're just not sure.

    You have a wonderful Christmas!

    God Bless,

    Karen C.

  11. Shawna,

    sounds like a true miracle to me. I bet you have been praying HARD for your father. And I bet God listened to you! I tell you what - TAKE IT! And don't worry too much about the doctor's reaction. They're always afraid to get too excited, get you too excited, and then if something bad happens . . .

    Dave's oncologist is a dear sweet man, and even when he is really excited, he doesn't physicall show it too much. We've gotten used to that. Dave complained to him that the radiologist was too dry, so now the oncologist tries to be funny, and he just can't quite do it. Too many years of trying not to show emotion, I guess.

    Keep praying, and have a Blessed Christmas!

    God Bless you, your family, and especially your dear ole' Dad!

    Karen C.

  12. In laymans terms it means preventative brain radiation. From what I understand it is only offered for SCLC patients Who have no evidence of disease after chemo and radiation. It is a low dose of radiation given to the brain to kill any cancer cells which may be floating around due to chemo drugs cannot effectively get into the brain. This is my understanding, hopefully I am not too far off but I am sure someone will post more technical info if I am not quite right............OK, no comments from the peanut gallery.

    David C

  13. I have no words to express my feelings over this news. I am so very sorry. I felt a special bond with Greg since we were diagnosed about the same time and we actually hooked up on another web site before coming to LCSC. I will miss Greg and his postings. My condolences go out to his family and you will all be in my prayers.

    David C

  14. I had been having recurring bronchitis for approx. 5 months and then I started feeling very tired and coughing a lot. I attributed the cough to the bronchitis. Then I started getting leg cramps and the cramps got so bad that it looked like electrodes were attached to my calfs-it was like deep sea waves rippling through the muscles in my calfs. My wife took me to the emergency room were a blood test showed extremely low sodium in my blood, caused by the tumor in my lung I was told. My sodium was so low the docs said that if I had waited another day or 2 the low sodium would have put me in a coma which I probably would not have come out of. A CT Scan the night I went to the emergency room showed something in my left lung. It took them several days to get my sodium up to a level where they could do a biopsy. Had the Biopsy on Tuesday, had my porta cath in on Wed. and started chemo Thur., Friday and Sat.

    So started my journey.

    David C

  15. Heart, heart, heart, heart,heart. Hey great news Sandy-sorry about the heart but they can do miracles with a heart. Mine is a little off also they say due to the treatments but hey, I will take a weird heart anyday of the week because we are here for the LONG TERM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    David C

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