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Remembering Dave

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Posts posted by Remembering Dave

  1. David, what an awesome job!! Sounds like it was a lot of fun. You look pretty good as a fellow Chrome Domer. What an inspiration you are to us all. I have already pledged to myself to get my head shaved next year for the St. Baldericks event. I will work as hard as possible to get as many people as I can to join me. Again what an inspiration.

    Ray, coming from a guy I think you look pretty good also. Keep the positive attitude.

    David C

  2. Hey Ray!!! I know exactly how you feel, as do many of us here. Hang in there buddy you can do it. Keep your mind busy and your body as active as possible. Push yourself. Fight, fight, fight!!!!!!!!

    David C

  3. I caught the first catfish this year for me. Today is the first time I have felt good enough to go fishing on the Mattaponi River. We live high up on the banks, a cliff actually, with 80 steps down ( and 80 steps back up, which is the hard part) of this beautiful river which has been declared one of the cleanest most pristine rivers on the east coast and there are some good catfish in this river. It was only about 3 pounds well maybe 2 (it was thiiiss big) but I still got some good fillets off it. I hope feel good enough to fish a few times a week. Of course I overdid it and am now ready to keel over from exhaustion but it was fun. I was diagnosed in March and when I went into the hospital it was still winter here and the week I was in the hospital everything turned green. I walked out of the hospital and just stared at the trees and all the flowers around the hospital and then the summer was taken up by the chemo and the radiation treatments so to be able to go out on the boat---by myself---was a tremendous experience. I think I am slowly getting better and I am so ready to get some energy back. We are going to try and go to the State Fair tomorrow and then to the West Point Crab Carnival on Saturday so I had better get off here and get to sleep. Hope everybody had a good day. My prayers are with us all.

    David C[/img]

  4. Good "F" words!!!!!!!

    It's downright chilly here in Virginia. Actually had to turn on the heat today as evening came on. A/C last week aqnd Heat this week. We may even get a frost here tonight. Hope you stay warm.

    David C

  5. Yo David!! One of the other Davids here. Brochitis is kind of how they found mine, that and severe leg cramps caused by low sodium. I hate to say welcome aboard but.........

    Please let us know how you are doing.

    I actually felt better 2 weeks after my diagnosis than I had in months!!!

    David C

  6. There's A Fungus Among Us!!!!!!!!!!!

    Great news about no cancer, you don't know how happy that makes me.......well, I guess you may, ha,ha. Cheers, Bottoms Up, Nostrovia and all that good stuff for the Voriconazole.

    David C

  7. Gina, hang in there. I have the big scans scheduled for 1 month from now so I can't answer your questions. Just stay calm. I know you can do it and you know you can do it, heck if you can get that Barium down you can do the tests, ha,ha. Sounds like a long day. Glad you feel so good that will make it a lot easier. Hang in there and keep the Faith. Fight, Fight, Fight!!!!!!!!

    David C

  8. Berisa, thank you for the update. Sounds like things are progressing smoothly, or as smooth as possible for your Father. I just finished my PCI last week. Tell your Father I am praying for him and get him to the beach to swim!!!! The video camera is such a great idea, Karen and I bought one and took it to China when we adopted our little girl but have not used it much since we got back. I will make it a point to use it more. I also have problems breathing sometimes in crowds especially when there are people smoking or other pollutants in the air and I remember the air in Guongzou while being better than Beijing was still a little difficult to breath. Please keep us posted on how you and your Dad are doing.

    David C

  9. Ray, vent away!!!!!! Your neighbors sons death is truely a tragedy. I am so sorry to hear about it. I can relate to what you are saying about your sons not only because of my daughter but the other day I was talking to my Mother and we got on the subject of diabetes and cancer which runs on different sides of our famuily and I said told her that I was glad I got cancer instead of my sisters. I know that my cancer has nothing to do with my sisters odds of not getting it but I guess it makes me feel better in a way. Hang in there buddy and never give up the fight. By the way how is that twitch??

    David C

  10. Donna, what would life be without foolish stats!!! I turned into a lurker the further my treatments went along. I guess everybody fights in thier own way. Snowflake I love the quote you have--Courage is being scared to death - and saddling up anyway. ~John Wayne-----John Wayne is my all time hero and when I read that quote I thought what a perfect attitude for all of us to take.

    David C

  11. Becky, I agree no growth is good news. Hope the breathing and coughing are getting better for you. Keep it up!!!

    I may have already asked you this in a previous chemo induced haze but...... is there still a little roadside park in Nacadoches that has an old fighter jet parked in it. We lived in Vernon TX when I was a little boy and used to go to Paris TX to visit our relatives and we would always stop in Nacadoches and eat a sandwhich in that park and I would play on that plane. Fond memories of your home town.

    David C

  12. Cheryl, I always enjoy your posts and especially enjoyed this one with the great news! You express yourself so well. Sounds as if the surgery went as well as could be expected if not better. I don't know about you but I was a raging terror on my pain medication and all I had was a biopsy!! I was on morphine for 2 days and had 3 different nurses in my room allthrough the night telling them my pump was not working.....it was. Now I am getting over steroids and have been almost as bad on them. I hope you continue to recover and the shortness of breath is getting better. Have you tried any breathing exercises? They really do help with lung capacity and strength. You have been and continue to be in my prayers.

    David C

  13. Don, I hope Lucy is getting better day by day. I am looking forward to going to church tomorrow for the first time in a few weeks. Hope y'all have a wonderful day tomorrow and a great week.

    David C


    Grrrrreat news!!!!!!!!!!! I know you enjoyed Hilton Head, there are some terrific golf courses there. Keep it up!!!

    David C

  14. Well I posted this under my last post in the general section but you know, this is some darned good news so I am putting it here as well, sorry for the duplication but it really does belong here, ha!

    Halleujah!!!!!!!!!! We finally got our power back on last night!!!! 9 days without power sure does make you appreciate the..........powered things in life such as a well pump, never thought I would be thankfull to have a well pump but here I am. Oh, the price you pay to live 20 miles from civilization relying on a well (with no bucket!!) to get your water. The hospital got power back last Monday so I finished my PCI on Wed. and am now being gradually taken off the steroids, Thank goodness. I can't stand myself. No power and steroids are not a good thing. At least my wife has not left me yet, ha,ha,ha. Actually we have been looking on the bright side of things because since we lost everything in the fridge we can now go and stock up on our anti-cancer diet foods. I have been eating like a horse on these steroids, just constantly eating, out of control, everything and anything under the sun so we need to start eating right. Any sugestions????? Karen has ordered a cancer diet book but it has not arrived yet so any help will be greatly appreciated. We ended up taking the trailer over to Karens folks and camping out in the driveway. They hooked us up to the water and electricity and it made it a little easier. There are people who will not be getting thier power restored until the 15th of Oct. so says the power company, there was that much damage. I could not imagine another 2 weeks without power. Well, to all who read this I have not been posting much but I am on everyday and read everyones posts. You are all in my prayers every single night. This is a wonderful sight and I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone of the administrators who set this up and watch over it.

    David C.

  15. Halleujah!!!!!!!!!! We finally got our power back on last night!!!! 9 days without power sure does make you appreciate the..........powered things in life such as a well pump, never thought I would be thankfull to have a well pump but here I am. Oh, the price you pay to live 20 miles from civilization relying on a well (with no bucket!!) to get your water. The hospital got power back last Monday so I finished my PCI on Wed. and am now being gradually taken off the steroids, Thank goodness. I can't stand myself. No power and steroids are not a good thing. At least my wife has not left me yet, ha,ha,ha. Actually we have been looking on the bright side of things because since we lost everything in the fridge we can now go and stock up on our anti-cancer diet foods. I have been eating like a horse on these steroids, just constantly eating, out of control, everything and anything under the sun so we need to start eating right. Any sugestions????? Karen has ordered a cancer diet book but it has not arrived yet so any help will be greatly appreciated. We ended up taking the trailer over to Karens folks and camping out in the driveway. They hooked us up to the water and electricity and it made it a little easier. There are people who will not be getting thier power restored until the 15th of Oct. so says the power company, there was that much damage. I could not imagine another 2 weeks without power. Well, to all who read this I have not been posting much but I am on everyday and read everyones posts. You are all in my prayers every single night. This is a wonderful sight and I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone of the administrators who set this up and watch over it.

    David C.

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