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Everything posted by Muriel

  1. Michelle, I am so sorry to hear this. You certainly did everything that could be done to help him. (((((Michelle))))) Muriel
  2. That sounds like good news to me! Glad you posted in this section - it seems like not many people do. Muriel
  3. Muriel


    I won't say a word. Muriel
  4. I'm in central FL, too, and it doesn't seem like fall too me either. Right now the temp. is 87 degrees and the sun is shining. On the positive side, I did see two leaves fall off a tree today. Muriel
  5. Muriel


    Happy Birthday, Cindy I was 64 when diagnosed, wondered if I'd see 65, and never thought I'd reach 70. I loved every one of those birthdays too. Muriel
  6. Muriel

    Test results

    Congratulations, Bruce. That's great news! Muriel
  7. I celebrated my 6 years as a survivor at the end of June. I did have another primary tumor in the ULL and had surgery & chemo again. In November it will be 5 years since that "incident." Both tumors was staged at Ib. I've been very fortunate. I do have a CT scheduled for this afternoon, with an Onc. appt. tomorrow. Xanax has helped a lot the last couple days I don't have any reason to think there is anything wrong, but I still worry. Muriel
  8. So many Maxwell House coffee (Columbian), Land O' Lakes margarine/butter, Bush's baked beans (love the dog in their commercials), Green Giant or Del Monte canned vegies (for the same reason as Dana), All laundry detergent, the list goes on and on . . . . . Why? More dependable than store or generic brands. I do buy Publix potato chips Muriel
  9. Incredible! I'm so happy that the stats didn't apply to you Muriel
  10. Muriel

    It's done

    Good work, Judy! Muriel
  11. Thanks for the information, Patti. Will continue prayers for Sandra and her family. Muriel
  12. We are overdue for a party, Ann. Sure hope Kasey sees this and opens the Pub. I'll have Beck's. Muriel
  13. I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry. That last post was meant to be a pm to Patti, not a comment for everyone to read. I must say, tho., that I am really, really concerned about Sandra. Muriel
  14. Hi Patti, Do you know Sandra L's last name and what city she lives in? (Or, more to the point, the name of her newspaper?) I hope that I'm wrong, but it's beginning to sound as tho. Sandra isn't able to use the computer or phone. She has posted so often and has been so quick to respond to things, I just can't imagine that she is able to use the computer and has chosen not to do so. I think she cares too much about all of us to want us to be worrying. Continuing prayers for her. BTW, how are you doing? Muriel
  15. (((((Kasey))))) I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you! This is just the best news ever. Muriel
  16. Oh Connie, I'm so sorry to read this. As you know, I met Wendy when I was in Minnesota a couple years ago. I thought she was wonderful. I know you'll miss her. (((((Connie and all of Wendy's family and friends))))) Muriel
  17. Muriel

    5 years tomorrow

    Congratulations! It's a great feeling, isn't it. Muriel
  18. Thank you! Today is our 48th anniversary. (We were married in 1961) Muriel
  19. Hope you're feeling better soon. If the wonton soup doesn't work, try hot and sour. Muriel
  20. I don't like pickles - alone or mixed into other foods. Yes, time flies faster as you get older and whether or not you're having fun. Muriel
  21. Muriel

    Dodged the bullet!

    Wonderful, wonderful news, Judy. Muriel
  22. We've missed you. Hope you're better soon. Muriel
  23. It's mid-afternoon here in FL and it is hot, humid, and raining. I have hope and happiness, thank you Lillian, but no sunshine. Hope anyone else that reads this has sunshine. Muriel
  24. That's a tough question, Ann. As I recall, Quincy was a Medical Examiner. So that cast would be my very, very last choice - and probably represent my last operation, too. The ER cast always seemed to be waiting for a critically needed OR and often performed surgery in the ER - not the best place. And then, not all of the MASH surgeons were actually trained as surgeons. Didn't Lt. Honnicut (sp?) return to his home to be a PCP. And, that cast's experience was with war injuries. Who knows how long it would take one of them to think about lung cancer. All in all, I didn't like him but I'd still take my Fairfax, VA surgeon over any of your choices. Fun question. Muriel
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