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Everything posted by Muriel

  1. Muriel

    It's not cancer!

    I am soooooooooooooooooo happy for you. This is incredible news. Muriel
  2. Wonderful, wonderful news. Do open the Pub. I'm buying and I think someone should volunteer to bartend. Muriel
  3. Congrats, Randy. It will be 6 years for me in mid-June. Muriel
  4. The first time I posted on this strand was 3 years ago and I was a three yr. survivor. At the end of June, I'll be a 6 year survivor. Never thought that would happen. Muriel
  5. Muriel

    It's a year!

    Congratulations, Dana. Wishing you many more years cancer- and smoke-free. Muriel
  6. You can have our Olive Garden, Sandra. It's about 15 min. from our house. It used to be fairly good. Now, they serve individual salads and just one breadstick per person. You can have more salad and/or breadsticks, but the wait is incredibly long. Muriel
  7. Not very far, I guess. We found a Thai restaurant about 45 min. from our house and, although we talk about going back, it hasn't happened yet. What are "little Krystal cheeseburgers?" Muriel
  8. The one that annoys me most is for a local car dealer. It features the owner and his daughter - about 5 or 6. I dislike all car ads and most others that run more than 30 sec. Also hate the ones with a 57 - 60 sec. explanation (required by the FDA) of all the things the product won't do for you and all of the risks associated with using the product. Muriel
  9. In case the chickens do try to get away, my 2 dogs are retrievers. Need I say more? Muriel
  10. Lynn, I am so sorry that you have to deal with this now. I don't really have any advice, but I do think you've done the right thing. Please let us know how things are working out. (((Lynn))) Muriel
  11. I'm sorry for your loss. Muriel
  12. That's wonderful news. Muriel
  13. Muriel


    Glad you are back, Bucky! We missed you and were worried about you.
  14. Hey, Snowflake! Just how long do I have to stand out here waiting for the bus? Muriel
  15. Ry, that's wonderful news. The highlight of our weekend was going to the play, Fully Committed at the Mad Cow Theatre in Orlando. Our oldest son has been visiting since last Wed., so that made the weekend even better. Muriel
  16. This would be nice for our trip to Hawaii. Nice car. Just the style for our "Travel Club." Muriel
  17. RE: The SEALS/seals. Forget about the monk seals. Just send the monks Muriel
  18. Of course we knew you were joking, Mike. How many Seals do you think we need? Maybe we could find our own. I hope that you will join us. Muriel
  19. Fun list! I remember all of them. The oranged-flavored chewable aspirin was after my "kid aspirin" days. The "grown-up stuff" wasn't flavored. Muriel
  20. I think there is plenty of room for anyone who wants to join us on this adventure. We had a wonderful time on the last trip and I'm sure this one will be even better. I'm looking forward to seeing Seattle, too. Muriel
  21. I worked for the National Geographic Society for a while. I agree with Lynn about the up, down, left, right stuff. Does the bus have a navigation system? I'd bring ours, but it's built into the car. Sorry. Maybe someone should make a trip to Target or Costco and buy one. When will you be in Central FL? If you're coming from TX, then stop for me before you look for Lynn on hwy. 1. Muriel
  22. I used zoloft (there is a generic for this, can't remember the name). I started out on Welbutrin, also. I don't know why, but at my first Onc appt., they switched me to zoloft. It did wonders for me. Also, I had a prescription for 1/2 mg. Ativan - 1 or 2 tablets every x (don't remember how often) as needed for anxiety. I think the irritability is related to the steroids given during chemo. Chemo and radiation (either/both) can be making him tired and this may get worse as he receives more treatments. My advice is to just let him sleep when he needs to and ignore his irritability as he really can't help it and, I'm sure, doesn't mean to say/do some of the things he is doing. Muriel
  23. We have a beer bus in Orlando, too. I think I like our Keg bus better, tho. Check out picture and an article at this site (Orlando Sentinel). I think you'll have to copy and paste it, but it does work. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/entertai ... 123.column Muriel
  24. Katie, we can make a stop in Texas. Not a problem. Muriel
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