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Everything posted by Muriel

  1. Hope you get those results soon, Denise. And let us know ASAP. Thanks. It's another lovely, slightly cool day in central Florida. I'm thinking about cleaning the gas grill. Hope you all are planning to join the bus trip. Have a good day. Muriel
  2. That's a good decision, Bruce. Does that mean you'll wear more or less? You weren't very specific. As for your destination, Becky. Key West sounds fine to me. Hope you're not afraid of long, long bridges. (After that bridge in Minneapolis collapsed a couple years ago, I'm not too comfortable about that.) If Judy doesn't have room for all of us, will we just continue sleeping on the bus, or look for a motel/hotel? So glad Jayla can sing more songs this year. Can she sing on tune yet? Denise, I'm glad you insisted that Snow stop for you this year. It was foolish to think that you could just "jump" on the bus. Lynn in Space City probably wants to join us on this trip. Hope so. She's just a little east of where I am. I dare you to find Space City on a Florida map! Muriel
  3. That's wonderful news, Snow. I was so afraid that Patti would be driving. Do, however, stop to pick her up in Northern Ohio before going on to get Debi. I'm in central Florida. Probably best if you go south from Michigan to FL, then to the western states and Canada. It sounds as though you expect to have some control over things. Better you than me. It's a strange group - the cow, the herding dog, that dog on top of the keg, Denise and Jayla, Randy, the list goes on and on. Will you be setting any standards re: who can board the bus? I'm referring to things such as limitations on the number of legs, feet, and teeth per "individual." And, where are we going? I have not yet visited Arkansas, Oregon, Washington state, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota or most of Canada. Any (or some) of those locations would be fun. How about a theme for this trip? Sorry, but I don't have any suggestions. I'm really looking forward to a trip on that newly painted keg bus. Muriel PS. What kind of beer are we drinking? Will we have wine or other beverages? And snacks. Maybe we need a committee to work on this.
  4. Muriel

    I done it!

    CONGRATULATIONS, CAREN. That's really not an easy thing to do. I quit six years ago and it was hard to do. Muriel
  5. Clearly, the Golden will be a better driver than our last one. You know who I mean. The sweet lady who drove a million miles an hour and let poor Denise, clinging to the outside of a window, fall off in some godforsaken place. Should there be another bus ride, lets be careful just what kind of animals we let on the bus. For example, I'm allergic to cats. I'm glad the bus has been located. I was afraid that it was missing or that one of our members had stolen it. Again, you know the many suspects. Yes, we do need some fun and some laughter. I'll leave it to someone else, more creative than me, to start something. Muriel
  6. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Muriel
  7. That's a great response, Debbie. Me too. Muriel
  8. Muriel

    It's been a year

  9. Congratulations! Muriel
  10. Congratulations, Patti! See ya at the Pub. And, remember, I can drink a lot. Be prepared for a big bill. Muriel
  11. Good afternoon! I'm glad you started this up today Denise. Hope you all have a wonderful time at the shower. Sorry about your weather today, tho. Good to see you back for a moment - or longer - Judy. You've been missed. Janet, I'd love to send my Golden to you. Bailey really needs a bath and I'm sure you'd do a good job. Don't worry about grooming, except for triming his nails and the long fur on his feet. Thanks, so much. No, I don't know where you live, but we'll find you. Hope everyone has a good day! Muriel
  12. Mine is squamous cell. I was on carbo and taxol the first time and on cisplatin and Gemzar the second time. This was a while ago, tho: fall 2003 and winter/spring 2005. Muriel
  13. That was pretty tacky, wasn't it! Forgot to welcome Dawn to the site. So sorry! Welcome Dawn. I found this site really helpful - especially in the awful early days. In my opinion, you just can't know too much about LC or spend too much time searching for more info. Good luck. Muriel
  14. Please continue to reminisce as you are. This is fascinating - and I've only been to Honolulu once. Muriel
  15. WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL NEWS! I'm so happy for you, Patti. Muriel
  16. Yes, but it didn't take much effort. All of the alarm clocks, the clock in my car, and the one up high on the kitchen wall change themselves ("atomic clocks"). So that just left two that Con took care of on Sunday. Muriel
  17. I can't believe that Ann and I are the only ones at this site who will acknowledge watching Brothers & Sisters. It is soooooooooooooooooo good. I thought the Rob Lowe character acted like a jerk in not telling the kids right away or having their mother do so. There is enough drama in the story that it isn't necessary to create something as stupid as that. Fake crying? I agree - really bad. I'm not sure just why he was crying. 1. Sad that he might not see them grow up? 2. Sad that he's given them more to worry about? 3. Wishes he was living with them? 4. Anticipates missing them when they leave? And what was that comment at the end? I got the feeling that he was considering leaving Kitty. Now, as for Kitty. Why didn't she just tell him that if he didn't tell the kids ASAP, that she would? What's going to happen to Tommy? Prison, I hope. Never did like that character. Rebecca and Justin? Doomed, maybe. Ryan - I agree with Ann on that one. Did you notice how much he looks like Rebecca? Muriel
  18. 39. Amazing. How do you do it? HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RY! Muriel
  19. Cooking bugs? Yuk! Too many to count. The oldest is The Boston Cooking-School Cook Book by Fannie Merrit Farmer published in 1921. My mother-in-law used it in high school. Muriel
  20. I was "glued" to the tv for two hours also. My predictions are usually wrong, but I think Kitty is planning to leave him if he continues his race for governor. The long, slow recovery may change that, tho. If he's back campaigning in a couple weeks, they should fire the MD consultant - if they have one. I think Tommy's going to prison and that Rebecca and Justin's relationship will be strained for some time. Time will tell Muriel
  21. Me too. (Prayers for Tamara, her Dad, and Randy). Keep us posted on Tamara's Dad. Muriel
  22. Muriel

    Name 3.....

    Empty diet coke cans newspapers banana peels
  23. Muriel

    4th round chemo

    I'm really glad that your chemo has gone so well for you. It seems as tho. some have a terrible time and others tolerate it without much trouble. At this point, you don't really know what's going to happen next. At least I didn't and I certainly didn't expect it to return in 18 months. I am glad, however, that I still had my port for chemo following the second surgery. Please think positive, but keep the port at least until you have a few CT scans. Muriel
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