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Everything posted by Muriel

  1. It could be nothing, but he should find out. My dad was treated for a cold, bronchitis, etc. for a couple months (without an XRay), before stage IV LC was diagnosed. Can you call the Dr.s office and share your concern with the dr.? Then, if that doesn't do any good, call and scream at him, reminding him of your mother's experience. Muriel
  2. That's a great video. Thanks for posting the link. Muriel
  3. I had four cycles of carbo/Taxol at three week intervals. Each time it took a little longer to bounce back. After the 4th infusion (Nov 15, 2003) it really seemed to take forever. My blood counts were low (lower than they had been), I was given injections for that, and it wasn't until after Christmas that I really felt sort of ok. I'd check with his doctor, tho. Muriel
  4. Not really. I'll eat salmon, cod, canned tuna, shrimp, crab, and lobster but none of those strange things. The person below me likes chicken. Muriel
  5. What a nice thought, but false. Despite good intentions, I never get started till Dec. The person below me is going to a movie this weekend. Muriel
  6. Hi Austin, I remember when you had your ear surgery. Your grandmother was very excited about it. I'm glad that you can hear now. Muriel
  7. No, they are too scary! The person below me has experience driving a bus. Muriel (The keg bus needs drivers again)
  8. My whole family is vertically challenged. I was 5'2" for years and years. Now, I'm about 5'1". The tallest person in my family is one of the sons. He's 5'8". My Mom was shorter than I am now and my dad was short. My husband's parents were short, too. His Mom was less than 5'.
  9. FALSE She hates liver and onions or liver and anything. The person below me lives near water. Muriel
  10. Fortunately, I didn't have to wear the sweater. The cousin lived in Des Moines and we were in Minneapolis. She never visited in the winter. Muriel
  11. Hi Jim and welcome to our support group. How are you doing with the Alimta and cisplatin? I've had surgery and chemo twice and the second time I had gemzar and cisplatin. Hope you aren't having too many side effects. Congrats. on making it half-way through chemo. Muriel
  12. A pink sweater that my mother's cousin knit. It was way, way too big and the cousin either needed to improve her knitting or find a new hobby. I was 9 then. Muriel
  13. That one took me a minute. Muriel
  14. Good morning everyone. It isn't often that I am on the computer so early. Guess I'm not the only late riser. I guess the party/crazy/keg bus idea isn't as unique as we thought. I'll bet we have the only virtual bus, though. Last night in the chat room we wondered if either of the candidates (McCain or Obama - note that I listed them in alphabetical order) would be wearing a pink ribbon during the debate. I'm happy to report that I didn't see any pink ribbons, anyplace in the room. Nothing wrong with pink ribbons, but it's kinda overdone. Hope everyone has a good day. Muriel
  15. Those of you who are familiar with the story of poor Denise and Jayla on the keg bus trip might want to take a look at this Channel 4 news item. The bus trip I'm referring to is the one with the not-sober-enough driver (Patti) who wouldn't stop for Denise and Jayla, but insisted that they jump on the bus as we drove by. Jayla made it into the bus, but Denise had to hang on outside the window while Patti drove a million miles an hour. Finally, poor Denise fell off. This is just a tiny bit of the Port Orange story. Check out the website. PORT ORANGE, Fla. -- A mother and child were rescued from a broken down amusement park ride in Volusia County Friday night. When the "Crazy Bus" ride stopped suddenly at Family Days in the City Center Complex in Port Orange, the mother and toddler were dangling 20 feet in the air. PORT ORANGE, Fla. -- A mother and child were rescued from a broken down amusement park ride in Volusia County Friday night. When the "Crazy Bus" ride stopped suddenly at Family Days in the City Center Complex in Port Orange, the mother and toddler were dangling 20 feet in the air. http://www.wesh.com/news/17628203/detail.html Muriel
  16. I'm really impressed! Loved watching it. How old are they? Muriel
  17. In my opinion, you need more than just a second opinion. I think you need a new oncologist. Muriel
  18. CONGRATULATIONS, Joe. May you have many more 5 year anniversaries. Muriel
  19. Muriel


    Congratulations! Muriel
  20. Hi Jeanette, Welcome to our group. I think you will find lots of information, hints, tips, and support here. Forget the statistics - they're averages and you're an individual. I've been going to MDAnderson-Orlando for about a year and a half. I had already seen two other Oncs. in Orlando and one in Fairfax, VA (before we moved to FL). MDAnderson, it's doctors, nurses, facilities, receptionists, everyone there in fact provided the best of my experiences. I haven't had chemo, radiation, or surgery there - I had done all of that before we moved. Judy in Key West and I see the same oncologist (Dr. Tseng). I think she's wonderful. When is your appt. at MDAnderson? I hope all goes well and that you're happy that you got a second opinion. In your situation, I certainly would have done so. Muriel
  21. Congratulations, Patti. It's hard to be upbeat when you really don't know what's going to happen or when. Even if - and I do say if - the tarceva isn't working for you there are still other things to do. My suggestion is that, if you must, you sit down and cry for a while and then have a big bowl of chocolate ice cream. And do congratulate yourself for having made it this far. As for your family problems, do you want the keg bus? Muriel
  22. He's adorable. Love the pics with Jayla holding him. Thanks for posting the pictures. Muriel
  23. The first time I had chemo, the doctor's office, etc. was about 15 minutes from our home and on the way to my husband's office. So, he'd drop me off for chemo and then pick me up when it was time to go home. He went with me to the doctor appointments. This was heavy duty chemo and there was no way that I could drive after all the junk that was infused. We did the same thing the second time (in Florida) and it was a lot less convenient for Con. His office is about 10 minutes from our home and the Dr.s office, etc were about 30 - 40 minutes. Again, I was there long enough for Con to go to work for about 4 hours. The doctor appts. were also a problem as we both wanted him to be there, but the wait in the doctor's office was lengthy - an hour or more. This just cost him a lot more time. Things are much better now that I'm going to MD Anderson - just as far, but the waits aren't very long. I haven't had chemo there, but know that wouldn't be any more convenient than the last time. I was able to drive where ever I wanted to go after I recovered from chemo each time - took about a week or so - the first time (in Virginia). The poisons they gave me here had a much stronger affect on me and for the most part, after a month or so of treatments I didn't want to go anyplace and certainly wouldn't have driven. Muriel
  24. Dannie, I'm sorry for your health and personal problems. I hope that things get better for you soon. Muriel
  25. [i wrote this a minute ago, but guess I forgot to submit it Congratulations, Bruce. Glad you found us and glad you stuck around - even though you haven't finished the ark yet. Muriel
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