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Everything posted by Muriel

  1. That's how I remember it, too. I wish we had more jokes, games, etc. Even the last bus trip didn't get off the ground and we were planning a bus trip to Scotland and Hawaii - never leaving the bus. What's the matter? Don't you believe in flying buses? Stay safe and dry the rest of the weekend. Muriel
  2. So, Judy in MI, your doctor said don't take the pain meds and just "go with the flow." Pain is fine, get used to it. (Maybe the more the better.) Where in the world did he get that idea and where in the world did you find him? Sorry to be so outspoken, but I had my first chemo treatment last Thursday. (New cancer - uterine - same old chemo. Third time I've done the chemo thing. I was in incredible pain from Fri night until last night. You've got to treat it! Good luck! Muriel
  3. Donna, I'm so sorry for both of you. Sending prayers. Keep us posted. Muriel
  4. I'm a 9 year NSCLC survivor. I was diagnosed in May 2003, had surgery in June (Stage 1B), and decided to have chemo just to be sure I was doing everything I could to prevent its return. A yr. and a half later (Nov 2004) a tumor was found in the upper lobe of my other lung. Again I did the surgery, chemo routine and I've been NED ever since. It's not fun, but it's doable. If I lived in Houston I wouldn't consider going anyplace other than MDA. Are you taking your pain pills as needed? [As needed = before the pain begins.] Good luck, Muriel
  5. They found two types of cancers in my tumor also. Was the tumor removed? Is the doctor recommending chemo now? Those are both nonsmall cell cancers. If chemo is recommended, it might change the type of chemo, but maybe not. How are you feeling? It's been 9 days since your surgery? First be concerned with pain control and healing, then worry about the "what next." Easier said then done! Are you talking about MD Anderson in Orlando or Houston? I've dealt with MDACC-Orlando and Florida Health Orlando. I recommend MDACC. Good luck, Muriel
  6. Eric, I love your DC/VA reports. Keep them coming. We lived in northern VA for 18 years so I can picture most of your adventures. We never had your metro experiences, tho. Have you visited Arlington Cemetery? It's interesting and, as a northerner, I love the Robert E. Lee history. Wish I could be there with you all. Please send pictures, too. Muriel
  7. Hope your shingles are gone soon. (I have no idea how long that lasts and don't want to find out.) These are scary times for you, but things will get better soon. The surgery is quite manageable and available pain relief is adequate. Please let us know when you have your surgery and how it goes. Muriel
  8. What a darling little dog! Muriel
  9. Muriel

    Still Stable

    That's great news, Diane. Muriel
  10. Wonderful news! How often does she have scans? When are you opening the bar? Muriel
  11. Muriel

    Great Scan Results

    That's great news! Happy for you. Muriel
  12. Glad to hear that! Thanks. Muriel
  13. Muriel


    How long might depend on how much they are giving you - I'm not sure about that - and how fast it's being done. Not too helpful, I'm afraid. I had gemzar along with cisplatin. Combined they were an awful combinabion - I was really sick. Alternate infusions were just gemzar and I tolerated it pretty well. Not nearly as nauseous or achy. I had 4 infusions of the combo and 4 of gemzar alone. Good luck! Muriel
  14. Happy Friday everyone. Judy MI, I used Emla with chemo the first time. It helped a lot. Be sure to use a lot of it. I was told to apply it an hour before my appt and cover it with Saran Wrap. If you do that, add more after a while. With the second chemo, the nurse sprayed the port area with something she called "freezie stuff." It also worked. I wish someone would tell me what they learned in Pulm Rehab!!!!!! Please. I didn't have any trouble with Neulasta, but the nurse warned me that I might. Wish we had a NLC (Non-lung cancer)board for those of us who have been diagnosed with another, new, non LC cancer. I'm having surgery (hopefully robotic) for endometrial cancer on Apr. 4th. I certainly wasn't expecting this! On a lighter note, we've been watching the Ken Burn's series on the West (DVDs from Netflix). Really enjoying it. Hope you all have a good weekend. Muriel
  15. Muriel

    Stable is good!

    That's great news! Happy for you. Muriel
  16. Judy, I responded to your Fri. message in "Friday's Air." Forgot to address ringing in my ears. This isn't good news for you. Mention it to the dr. next week. I don't think there is a lot that can be done, except to discontinue cisplatin. Hope I'm wrong. I had it too and shortly after I completed chemo I found that I wasn't hearing as well as I used to. That can be dealt with - invisible hearing aids. Nothing to do re: the ringing tho. My dr. said if it's keeping me awake at night, try melatonin. Melatonin does wonders, but doesn't cure the ringing - that's nerve damage, I was told. Sorry to hear that you are suffering from it too. Muriel
  17. I'm 1/2 Irish and 1/2 German. I love corned beef and just a tiny bit of sauerkraut. Love red cabbage (also a German dish). But, the corned beef that I like has to be lean and slicked very thin - like in a deli. I assume that Mike will be eating ordinary food - good 'ole red meat and wheat products from the central plains. Judy MI I had cisplatin and gemzar the second time I had chemo and the cisplatin made me feel just like you described. Shakey, nauseous, and achy muscles. I slept a lot beginning day 3 and took a lot of compazine (which also makes you sleepy, I think). I had zofran tablets at home, but never got very good directions on using them. The compazine did the most. Also, I ate a lot of small meals or snacks. Watch out for food that's too heavy. Oatmeal was a great comfort but it would barely hit my stomache when it was back on its way up again. Cheerios were good, soup, crackers, toast, a little ice cream. Not a good diet, however. Good luck with this. How many cycles is your doctor planning? Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Muriel
  18. It is almost time to start dinner, but I want to comment on "all-in-ones" first. We bought an a-i-o computer about a month ago. I absolutely love it. It takes up so little space, and it is really, really fast. It has a wireless keyboard and mouse. The only downside to it, and this may be common to all new computers, is the keyboard. The keys are only raised about a sixteenth of an inch and it takes a while to get used to it. I'm really pleased with mine. I don't like to see products "pushed" on these boards, but if you are interested, pm me to find out which one we got and why. Then, a week or so later we got a wireless a-i-o printer (it prints, scans, faxes ?, downloads pics. Love it, too. I had the Geek Squad set up the computer before I took it home and I was able to set up the wireless network and the printer. I probably could have done the computer, too, but I didn't want the possible frustration. Brand? sent me a pm. The printer is unbelievably fast. Really, really and it was on sale the week we bought it. It is fun to get new computer stuff. Now, if I could just adjust to the newest Office Pro, I'd be even happier. Today is cloudy. We will be having an out of town guest for almost two weeks - arriving tomorrow. I went to the car wash today and they were closed due to the weather! Sure hope they open as promised tomorrow. Muriel
  19. Thanks everyone. It's always good to know that people care. I tried to visit Kasey's bar and it was vacant - no people, no dog, nothing! I'm thirsty Muriel
  20. Too soon for scanxiety, KW Judy! Slow down, take a deep breath, and think about all the good food you've had recently. (I hope it was good.) Wait until a few days before the scan. Easier said than done, but try. I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you. Good luck. Muriel
  21. 8 and three-quarters yearss
  22. That I'd even be alive today, let alone posting good CT results? Hopefully, last Friday was my last CT for many, many years. The scan was great and today my Onc. said I could go to yearly chest XRays! BTW, this is the first posting on this board since Dec. 6th. Maybe Becky will stop in. Muriel
  23. Muriel

    Sad day today...

    (((Randy))). Muriel
  24. Janet and Diane, we'd love to have you - and anyone else who is interested - join us on the bus. This is going to be a great trip and we'll see lots of interesting places. Yes, I'd like to see the Katherine Hepburn house and I'd like to stop in NYC for a short time. My son would love to meet y'all and to see our dog again. I hope our junky looking bus doesn't embarrass him. If we go in mid-Feb. maybe we could catch the Westminster Kennel Club show at Madison Square Garden. They won't let our Goldens in, however. I've only been to CT once and never to OR. Where else shall we stop? We need more people, too. Becky, shouldn't we be hearing from you on this? Ann mentioned that the Central FL weather has been great, but Tony on WESH 2 says a cold front is coming our way tonight. Muriel
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