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Everything posted by Muriel

  1. Although a lot of good things can be said about the ark with the slide, I think I'd rather be on Randy's ark, hopefully with Randy piloting it. It looks a lot stronger than the little wood one. I do like the idea of being able to help troublemakers off the ark via the slide. It seems as tho. Josephine is also forming, along with Ike and Hanna. This is becoming very, very stressful. Hope y'all have a good day. [i'm from MN, so I have no idea how to spell the southern version of you all. Sorry.] Muriel
  2. Muriel

    checking in

    Good to hear from you again, David. Keep doing what you've been doing and may your success continue! Hope you'll update us again soon. Muriel
  3. Muriel

    Stayin' Alive

    Congratulations Sandra and Ned! Muriel
  4. Muriel


    slamming the door, the Vet and a horse walked by. I said to the Vet . . .
  5. Muriel


    save your money for dental implants. They would only fall out one at a time. He also suggested that I
  6. Muriel

    Tuesday's Chat

    Thank you, Sue. Glad you were there last night. We have some fast typers, some slow ones, and some who make lots of typos. There is room for everyone. Hope to see you next Tuesday. Muriel
  7. That's ok, Johnny. If somebody doesn't want it here, they'll move it someplace else. The NSCLC board is a good one for these kinds of questions. I'm sorry that your mother is in such pain. It sounds just awful. I'm sorry but I don't have any answers to your questions. Somebody else probably will. Muriel
  8. Muriel


    [well, it didn't land where some of you had hoped!] a gallon bucket of window cleaner. I looked at it lying there. I thought about picking it out and just putting it back in my mouth. I looked around to see if anyone was watching me. And then, I . . .
  9. So happy to hear that you are "officially" empty-headed. Some (not me, of course) have been thinking that for quite a while now. That's really, really good news Patti. What a relief. Muriel
  10. Muriel

    Tuesday's Chat

    We'd love to have you join us, Ned. And I will add "your" time to the list. FYI, what is that time zone called? Muriel
  11. Muriel

    Tuesday's Chat

    CHAT TONIGHT! 8:00 pm Eastern 7:00 pm Central 6:00 pm Mountain 5:00 pm Pacific 2 pm Hawaiin Standard Time aka Harry S. Truman time Hope to "see" you there. Muriel
  12. That's a great idea. Better to start it, as you did, before the kids get too old. Our youngest son did that for us about 10 years ago (when he was 30). In addition to a box for himself and each of his brothers, he had boxes for us, my family, Con's family, houses, cars, and group pictures that could go into more than one box. It took him a long time. He also had a stack of pictures of people he couldn't identify - some of which we couldn't either! Judy, I'll bet you could track down more of your father's family. Start with him, the aunt and G'ma and look in census data for the 30's. If you have any idea where they might have lived, you can narrow down the search to those states. I think it's doable. Muriel
  13. Welcome Shrimp. Sorry you have reason to be here, tho. I'm sorry your Dad has had such a terrible time so far. I'm really glad that he has a different onc. and hope things take a turn for the better now that he's getting the attention he deserves. Have his dr.s determined whether his cancer is NSCLC or SCLC? Just out of curiousity, what part of the country does he live in? Please keep us updated re: how he and you are doing. Muriel
  14. What precious pictures. Jayla is darling. Muriel
  15. Nice photo and nice looking ark. Too bad Patti and Bruce couldn't finish it in time to be helpful. Some of the FL people could use it now, not later. Muriel
  16. What will be next??????????????? I love the dove. Thanks Denise
  17. Great picture, Randy. Good idea to warn people about us, too. Finally, Patti has admitted that she's not the best bus driver. I've been waiting for that. I thought the Ark plan was funny, but now it's not so funny and it's not been completed yet. Our friends on Florida's east coast really need it now. Muriel
  18. I hit it twice. The first time it turned green and the second time, back to blue. Muriel
  19. Better do that quick Kasey. We're leaving for Minneapolis tomorrow morning. Glad you're back even if you did leave without a hall pass. Muriel
  20. Muriel


    an ark. No, it wasn't an ark, it was an arch. Am I in St. Louis or will I be having fries with my hamburger?
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