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Everything posted by Muriel

  1. Hi Caty, Yes, all of my questions were answered in the title of your first post. Sorry I didn't pay better attention. Hope all goes ok tomorrow. It's not as bad as you may think it will be. I've been there, twice. Muriel
  2. Hi Caty, Yes, all of my questions were answered in the title of your first post. Sorry I didn't pay better attention. Hope all goes ok tomorrow. It's not as bad as you may think it will be. I've been there, twice. Muriel
  3. Muriel


    a prehistoric animal. I tried to outrun Big Foot, but . . .
  4. Welcome, Caty. This is a great website for information and support. I'm sorry about your diagnosis. That must have been a big shock. Do you know what kind of cancer (NSCLC or SCLC)? Have you met your oncologist yet? Do you know what treatment he has planned? I think there are a lot of things that can be done to relieve your pain. I hope it doesn't take very long for that to happen. If chemo is part of the plan, ask about having a port installed. That's an easier way to infuse the meds. than an IV in your arm. You might want to call today and ask how long you will be at this appointment. FYI, If the type of cancer hasn't been determined, I think you should wait until that info. is available before starting chemos. Different drugs are used for the two categories of lung cancers. Best wishes for your appointment tomorrow. Please, please let us know how it goes. Muriel
  5. Muriel

    Up, up, and away...

    Have a wonderful trip Teri. We'll miss you. Muriel
  6. That's good info! Thanks Randy. Muriel
  7. He's darling! Muriel
  8. Andrea, I hope your mom's scans are ok and will be looking for her results. 500 cal. is really spartan! Good luck. Muriel
  9. Muriel

    I'm still alive!

    Lenny, I have finally left the Pub, but am looking forward to your joining the 5 year club. Muriel
  10. That's progress, Coni. Glad to hear it. Muriel
  11. Glad to see you back, Chris. What a mess you and you're mom are facing now. Just stay away from the dangerous ones (that might be all of them). Muriel
  12. Muriel


    Hi Bucky, Good to hear from you. I was wondering how you were doing. Hope the avastin, tarceva, and zometa work for you. Muriel
  13. Denise, please wish Tom a Happy Birthday and give him my congrats on reaching the 6 month mark. Hope you and the family have a wonderful day. Muriel
  14. Lynn, I'm so sorry for your loss. It is good that Larry could have his wish to remain at home. That must have been comforting to him and to you. Muriel
  15. Muriel


    a highway sign that said Minnesota, not Wisconsin. I felt we were lucky we didn't skid right into the river (the mighty Mississippi). Instead we have driven (speeded) right through La Crosse and into MN. Next "big" town is Winona. We need to decide if we want to turn around (eek, on the interstate) and return to La Crosse or continue on in Minnesota. As the group was thinking about this . . .
  16. Muriel


    Bruce! Bruce was driving the keg bus and his dog was the navigator (too cheap to buy a Nav. system for the bus). As they zoomed by on the icy road (still frozen up there despite the heat), I was concerned that they might slide off the road into the river. A moment later . . .
  17. Happy Birthday, Sue! What a good idea, Denise. Gotta have more parties here. Muriel
  18. I had taxol and carbo in 2003. It's tolerable. Be sure that she takes her anti-nausea meds before she feels sick and that she drinks lots and lots of water. Little meals (snack foods) were better for me than trying to eat three meals with my hubby. Let us know how things go. Muriel
  19. Glad you made it safely home.! BTW, we live in Oviedo - near Lockwood and Mitchell Hammock. Muriel
  20. I'm really glad you've gotten some help, Lynn. Enjoy your coffee and some peace. Muriel
  21. Good to hear from you Judy. I was worried last night when you didn't come to chat. (Maybe you did after I left.). Sorry you've been feeling so bad for so long. Hope things continue to get better. Muriel
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