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Everything posted by Muriel

  1. Obviously an overstated report of a death. I'm so glad you didn't have yet another death to deal with Shelli. You've been through enough. Muriel
  2. Welcome! I don't have anything to add to what's been said. I agree with them all. You might consider the fact that if she were to try treatment and didn't like it, she could quit. On the other hand, if she doesn't and later wishes she had, the cancer probably will have progressed. Please keep us posted. Muriel
  3. Muriel

    Story Time

    [Hate to be repetitive} 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer. . . While "chanting" on the bus,
  4. Muriel

    Story Time

    I thought, yes, check with the dog(s) and cow (still only one, I hope) and also determine who will and who will not be driving. Then I thought that we might need some start up money. So, I went to my local bank and
  5. Muriel


    Welcome, Deb. What an amazing story. Indeed, your mother did save your life - and your good sense (the PET scan) contributed, too. Keep us posted on your progress. Muriel
  6. Welcome, Mary. I'm sorry you have reason to be here, but I do think you came to the right place. Things will be a little less (maybe even a lot less) scary pretty soon. The beginning of lung cancer treatment is hard because you don't know just what you have, how it can be treated, or how successful treatment will be. And, of course, your knee is no better than it was at your preop. I had a total knee replacement in 1998 and my lung cancer was diagnosed in the spring of 2003. At least, I could walk comfortably by then. Please keep us posted as you go through this strange journey. Muriel
  7. Come on over and celebrate Sandra. The Pub has been open for quite a while, since I can't leave without a designated driver. Patti volunteered, but I didn't think that would be a safe idea. I'm here and everyone will be back soon, so hurry over. Muriel
  8. Muriel

    I'm still alive!

    Thanks, Patti, but NO I don't want you to drive me home. Besides that, I thought Denise tied you to the top of the keg bus 'cuz of the sick cow and dog. You must have awakened from you nap and untied yourself. We gotta keep these stories straight. Muriel
  9. Muriel

    Story Time

    screamed so loud that I frightened the sick cow and dog. They panicked and eventually pushed me back through the door. I fell backwards and
  10. Muriel

    I'm still alive!

    thanks, Maryanne. I've been in the pub since June 26th - 24 days and yes, I'm still alive. Appreciate your volunteering to be my designated driver. I sure can't get myself home. Muriel
  11. Muriel

    Story Time

    and I'm falling asleep.
  12. Muriel


    Have a good vacation, David. I don't think there is a right answer to the question about when it's best to take a chemo vacation or if it's safe to do so at all. How about a 2 or 3 week vacation? Rest up from the 7 mo. of chemo, ride your bike alot, and visit someplace interesting. If it were me, I'd go to downtown Chicago as I love the city. Guess you're already there. Check in with us. If you will be away from your computer, go to the Hall Passes board and request a "hall pass." Otherwise, we'll all worry about you. Muriel
  13. Muriel

    Story Time

    As I stumbled home,
  14. Welcome, Kathy. My gosh, you're a ways from UNC! I hope the needle biopsy goes ok and that they can determine what kind of lung cancer you have. I like your sense of humor ("at least they agree on which lung it is"). That helps a lot with cancer. I assume that the PET only lit up on the one lung. That's a good sign, too. A lot of people here with early stage (SCLC or NSCLC) have good results with chemo, surgery, etc. Some in later stages also do. I hope we can be of some help and support to you. Please let us know the results of the biopsy after you get home. Muriel
  15. Muriel

    Story Time

    Stop barking, dog, and give me a beer. I was afraid he'd bite, so I
  16. Coni, If you have any doubts about his treatment plan, please, please get a second opinion. Has he had a PET scan? Is there cancer in his bones? Muriel
  17. Connie, I'm curious too. Did you ever find out what it was? I'm more than 10 yrs. older than you and those symptoms are getting worse and worse for me. Altho. I recommended trying glucosamine and chondroitin, I haven't tried that for years. It did help the arthritis in my knee for a while. Eventually I had a total knee replacement. Now, I guess I need a total body replacement. Do you think this is joint pain or muscle pain? Muriel
  18. Muriel

    Story Time

    I saw Kasey, Fred, and Teddy. Teddy took my order and
  19. Muriel

    5 years ago

  20. Muriel

    Story Time

    I knew that I needed a drink. Fortunately, there was a pub next door.
  21. Muriel

    Scan results today

    Tracy, that's wonderful news. Hope you have nice weather and a great time on your vacation. Muriel
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