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Everything posted by Muriel

  1. It looks as tho. we have a week or so to plan the trip. I always enjoy the planning stage Florida would be a great destination and you can pick me up along the way. If you take I75, stop in Orlando first; if I95, pick up Ann first. You all (note the Northern version of y'all) might want to stop at the parks here for a couple days. Our economy really needs your donations. I always have a concern re: who is going to be driving the bus. Also, we need to contact some of our "old timers" to let them know about this wonderful opportunity. This group would include Ry, Denise, Bruce and a few others who don't regularly visit these boards. FYI, when was the bus painted? I've forgotten. It used to be yellow when Randy gave it to us Now, for those of you who think I'm crazy, let me explain the annual trip on the now blue bus. The trip is imaginary, so we can go any place we want to visit. We considered visiting Eric in Scotland and did go to HI to see Ned. The ocean part of the trip is a little scary, but if you are lucky, you'll get a life jacket and inflatable small boat. I brought my own last year and didn't need them. Dogs are allowed on the bus. I'll be bringing Bailey, my Golden Retriever. If you have more questions, let me know. I can find more ridiculous answers. Now, for more realistic issues. I'm really glad that MI Judy is doing so well. If she wants to join us on the trip, we will have to wait until her stitches or staples are removed. That's ok. We need to decide if we want to wait until Lillian returns to CA or if we should pick her up in LA. Ahh....The Super Bowl. I don't know when it is, but we'll have a tv on the bus. Hope every one has a good day. Muriel
  2. Love your new picture, Judy. Muriel
  3. Best wishes for your surgery tomorrow, Judy MI. I think it will be fine - and I do know what I'm talking about. Sending prayers for a quick recovery. Muriel
  4. Congratulations, Jaimie! This is really good news. Muriel
  5. I read The Help before seeing the movie and was surprised at how some characters were portrayed in the movie. Not quite as I had expected. I loved the book and liked the movie. The "ick" factor is greater in the movie - but maybe that's because I skip over stuff that is too icky. I hope you enjoy the movie. I'm learning how to use my new computer. It's an "all-in-one." It takes a while to get all the settings the way we want them. And, no big surprise, my old printer just isn't compatible with the new computer. That's ok, I wanted a wireless printer anyway. Hope everyone is having a good weekend and the MI Judy's situation improves. You lost me in the "quality vs quantity" discussion. It seems to me that surgery would favor both. Muriel
  6. MI Judy, what an awful experience! I'm so sorry. FYI, what's the matter with being groggy when you're in a hospital and can't get out of bed, anyway? I hope you're in a private room by now and are out of there tomorrow! Keep us posted. Judy, KW, glad you finished chemo early, but if Stan is gone, how are you getting home? I hope the next few days are ok for you. Muriel
  7. Muriel

    7 years ago

    Very pleased that Kasey is still with us. It says a lot about getting second and third opinions! Have a great day. (Had you considered opening the bar - just for the day?) Muriel
  8. I loved the card, Eric. Thank you for sharing it with all of us. Hope your Christmas was filled with joy. Muriel
  9. Ann, I don't know what to say to you except that I'm so sorry. Muriel
  10. Judy (KW), ATT/U Verse did show up at my house as scheduled today. It took them 2 hours to change my phone and internet service from ATT to ATT/UVerse. Then they told me AOL runs slowly no matter what kind of service you have and I'd be better off using Internet Explorer. I'd do that, but I only like aol mail and I'm not yet comfortable with my home page at Explorer. I can't get excited about changing my e-mail address either. On the other hand, this is a lot less expensive! I'm sorta annoyed that I did this and, since it's all that I can focus on, it is all the news I have for today's Air, too. Yes, I know I'm fortunate that this is my biggest problem. Hope you all are having a better day. Muriel
  11. Muriel

    biopsy test

    It's not likely that many people on this board know very much about thyroid conditions. What we have in common is lung cancer. You might try an internet search on Serum Thyroglobulin test. Good luck. Muriel
  12. Good afternoon! MI Judy, I'm hoping your scans are ok and that you can post the resuts ASAP. Am I the only one who has noticed that the list of birthdays on the index page includes many, many people whose names are only a series (random, probably) of letters? What do you think that's all about? Hope everyone has a good day. Muriel
  13. Muriel

    14 years ago today

    Congratulations, Donna. Thinking I should move back to Minnesota - you guys are such long survivors! Wishing you many more years. Muriel
  14. Muriel

    Our 'Geri'

    Like MI Judy, I had no idea she was having any problems now. I'm so sorry that we have lost her. Muriel
  15. Also, Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, Northwestern in Chicago, and, as Randy mentioned, Duke in NC. As I recall, Ted Kennedy went to Duke. Muriel
  16. These centers typically rank very high in the Newsweek rankings: Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) in NYC MD Anderson Houston Dana Farber (Boston???) Johns Hopkins Baltimore I'm sure there are other - just can't think of them now. "Google" best hospital Lung Cancer and see what that brings up. Good luck. Muriel
  17. Thanks for the recipe, Judy. It sounds delicious and I'll try it soon. I'm always looking for good, easy recipes. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. If you are driving this weekend, watch out for the idiots who want to get "there" before you do (even if only by a car length). Muriel
  18. It's almost dinner time, but I don't feel that I can complain about people not posting if I don't do it myself. MI Judy, is your hash brown casserole from one of the lung cancer cookbooks that Andrea did? If not, would you share the recipe? Ginny, I love the Good Wife. Despite your review, I'm still going to see J Edgar. I let you know how bored I was. A friend of mine died on Christmas morning from colon cancer. At dx, they told her 6 - 12 months, but she lived for 2 and a half yrs. with a good quality of life most of that time. What surprised and scared us was that she was the healthiest person I knew - good weight, BP, cholesterol ok, excercised a lot, went running every day, ate really healthy foods. Obviously, there is something about cancer that we don't understand. Lily, have a wonderful trip to LA and a great vacation. You deserve it. Muriel
  19. I'm really happy for you and your family. I'm sure she will get the care she needs at Northwestern. Outstanding hospital and outstanding cancer care. Muriel
  20. Muriel


    Good to hear from you again, Dave3. Sorry, however, about your memory problems. Check in again with us - soon. Muriel
  21. Hi Beth, I remember you. It has been a long time since we heard from you. Obviously you've been busy. Good for you! I'm really happy to hear that you've remarried and are happy. Your grandson is darling. We'd like to hear from you a little more often! Muriel
  22. Muriel

    LC: Joe Paterno

    As if he doesn't have enough problems, now he has "treatable" lung cancer. (4pm NBC affiliate in Orlando). I suggest prayers. Muriel
  23. Muriel

    Colleen Brennan

    I'm so sorry. In fact, I'm shocked - I didn't realize she wasn't doing ok. What a tragedy. She leaves such a nice family. Muriel
  24. Sorry I gave you such a bad time on the "Good News" board. Good to hear from you! Muriel
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