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Everything posted by Muriel

  1. I'll bring the birthday cake for Donna's birthday. I'll make an extra big one since there will be so many of us there. Chocolate ok? Muriel
  2. Muriel

    Hall Passes

    AMAZING It returned. When I went back to the index or whatever that's called, there it was. Muriel
  3. What happened to the Hall Passes board? I liked reading it. Muriel
  4. I loved my port. I had it from mid-Sept 2003 until the end of June 2007. I didn't have any trouble with it. The only "downside" that I saw was that when it wasn't being used for chemo it needed to be "flushed" every 6 weeks or so. That's a 5 minute procedure. The surgeon who removed my port said that he usually does that procedure in his office, but since he hadn't put mine in and wasn't familiar with the type that I had, he preferred to remove it at an "outpatient" surgical center. I highly recommend a port. Muriel
  5. Muriel


    Kasey's Pub or Kasey & Fred's Pub. Need a big German Shepherd on the sign, too. I'll help out if you get too busy. My repetoire of drinks is quite limited, tho. Muriel
  6. Before I joined LCSC I didn't think anyone lived more than a few years beyond diagnosis. Your experiences have changed my whole outlook towards this monster. Congratulations on the 12 years. May you have many times 12 more. Muriel
  7. Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico. Loved it. Muriel
  8. Return a DVD (that I checked out on Wed) to Blockbusters. It took us a while to watch it. Also, put gas in the car Muriel
  9. I'm sure this was very stressful for you for a time, but, this is funny. I thought I was the only one who did things like that. For me it was skin cancer (never had it before) on my forehead. Red, itchy. Dr. decided it was cellulitis or shingles. Onc's NP said cellulitis. Antibiotics fixed it. Muriel
  10. Muriel

    Tammy Faye Messner

    Donna, I'm just curious. The paper mentioned North Central Bible College in Mpls. Is that the one that was above the Varsity Cafe on Univ. Ave - across from Folwell Hall? If not, where was it? Muriel
  11. Kaptain Kangaroo Muriel
  12. I have a lot of experience with dogs as a volunteer at a county animal shelter and I have a healthy respect for any/all breeds and mutts. Any breed or dog can be dangerous. Find out about the dog before approaching. Remember, a wagging tail isn't always a sign of friendliness. And, with the exception of those breeds with a "natural" smile (Goldens, Labs, etc), a smile may be a warning of bad things to come. That said, I am more careful around Rotts, Dobermans, and Chows and won't go near pit bulls. Muriel
  13. Muriel


    Congratulations, Eileen! The first time I quit, it only lasted about a year. This time (back in June '03) my quitting seems to be permanent. It's really hard, but don't give up. Muriel
  14. Never tasted it. What a terrible thought! (One of our sons likes it, though.) Muriel
  15. I noticed that you're in NYC. Had you considered going down to NIH (In Bethesda, MD, I think, or Wash.DC) to get an opinion from someone there? Kasey probably wouldn't be with us now if she hadn't done that. Good luck. Muriel
  16. No, nothing that I really hated. But, lots of things I didn't like and couldn't use. I keep them in a closet and take them out just when the giver visits. Muriel
  17. Glad you found us. You really need a support group - this can be a lonely journey without one. We'll help you. Yes, you'll probably be sore for a couple months, but pain pills will help you alot. Take them before the pain really gets going. It takes a while to get your strength back, but it does happen. Are they thinking chemo, too? The biopsy before surgery probably doesn't matter. I've never had a biopsy and I've had 2 surgeries. They'll send whatever they find to pathology and will get a report telling what it is. Relax if you can. This isn't going to be fun, but it will be ok. Keep "talking" to us. Muriel
  18. Muriel

    Karen Medde

    Anne, I'm so sorry for your loss and that of the children. You did a wonderful job writing the obituary. It must have been very difficult to do. Muriel
  19. A lot of them! But I only order when I'm offered a really good deal. Just subscribed to Southern Living for $16 a year. National Geographic Newsweek U.S. News & World Report New Yorker Better Homes & Gardens Diabetes Consumer Reports Smithsonian Southern Living
  20. Muriel

    Sexy !!!!

    Love it! Muriel
  21. Aaron, Congratulations! You sure worked long and hard to make this happen. I'm delighted. Muriel
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