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Everything posted by Muriel

  1. Congratulations! What a lovely baby. Love the name. Muriel
  2. I guess I must have missed something. Everyone but me seems to know that your baby is a girl. So sorry that I referred to the baby as a boy. (It's the only kind of babies we had.) Muriel
  3. Occasionally a baby arrives just when expected. Let's pretend that your little boy is one of those babies. 7lb.10 oz. Muriel
  4. Randy, I'm so sorry that Daisydawg is gone. I'm sure she is with Deb watching over you. Muriel
  5. I worried about Eric - and what might happen to him - for a while, too. I guess we can stop worrying now, or at least not do it so often. Very happy for you and Eric. And, happy birthday to Eric. Muriel
  6. One of my friends was given 5-FU when she had colon cancer. They gave her something else, too, but I don't remember what it was. Muriel
  7. Muriel

    Shaky hands

    I've always thought that chemo did it to me (cisplatin and Gemzar). Eventually, it went away - a year or two after chemo. Muriel
  8. Muriel

    Recovery Time?

    How long probably depends on a lot of things, including how healthy you were before surgery and your age. I had a lobectomy at the end of June 2003 and was feeling pretty good after 2 + months. Everybody is different, so it's hard to say. It does take a while though. Muriel
  9. Muriel

    Off-Topic Test

    Great news, Don. Thanks for letting us know so soon. Muriel
  10. Muriel


    I was on Gemzar and cisplatin the 2nd time I had chemo. Cisplatin and gemzar followed, two weeks later by just gemzar. The combo or maybe just cisplatin made me really sick. Very little trouble with the gemzar alone. No hair loss. Muriel
  11. Muriel

    not one but two

    Oh Randy, I'm so sorry for you and DaisyDawg. I had no idea she was having so much trouble - and I was joking about herding dogs in chat. I apologise for that. Wouldn't have said a thing, had I known. Muriel
  12. Muriel


  13. I've had these pains (seemed like muscle spasms) on both sides ever since my 2nd surgery in Nov. 2004. Once the surgical site healed, I was able to wear a bra, but whenever I move too quickly or turn too far to the left or right the sharp pain returns. At first I thought it was bone mets, but the CT and PET scans were all clear. My Onc and Pulmonary specialist didn't seem very interested in the problem. My PCP was interested, but didn't know what it was. A while ago 6 mo. - a year ago) Debi mentioned the problem in a post and I realized that it wasn't uncommon. Still painful, tho. Since I started losing weight (20 lbs.), I've only had one incident. That's good, but what really bothers me is why none of my doctors seem to be able to tell me this was "normal." I certainly talked to them about it enough. Muriel
  14. Muriel

    My Guardian Angel

    How scary, Randy. Glad you and DaisyDawg are ok. Muriel
  15. Depends on how large my budget for cleaning help would be. You can never have too much space. Muriel
  16. WONDERFUL NEWS! Katie, I'm so glad everything is ok. Waiting is so stressful, too. Muriel
  17. I just read my response again and it sounds as though I can't go out for breakfast. Not so. I just can't eat anything that tastes good. Muriel
  18. Unfortunately, I can't do this anymore, but my favorite was always bacon (thin & crispy), eggs, toast & jelly, hash browns and coffee. Getting hungry just thinking about it. Muriel
  19. Muriel

    Port Removal

    Hope that umbrella is really big, as I'll be there too. I finished chemo in June 2005 and am afraid to have it removed just yet. In the fall of 2004 we made plans to move from VA to FL. The Onc. thought it would be a good idea to remove the port (I had chemo in the fall of 2003, too). I had one last CT before the port was to come out and guess what. I got to have surgery and chemo again. Muriel
  20. Did I miss something? There are 12 questions and only 11 answers. Maybe I should practice counting?? Muriel
  21. That's great news. Thanks for letting us know. Muriel
  22. Muriel

    Chef's 3000

    And herding dogs, Randy. Seriously, thanks for all the effort you put into this site and for all that you do. I appreciate it. Have you decided what kind of cattle to get? When's the barn going up? Muriel
  23. 1. candy bar 2. roll of toilet paper 3. crossword puzzle 4. battery operated radio The island is in the middle of no where, so there probably isn't a radio station in range. The radio can go. 1. candy bar 2. roll of toilet paper 3. crossword puzzle 4. computer w/ lots and lots of batteries Muriel
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