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Everything posted by Muriel

  1. Muriel


    Hi Bucky. I the upper lobe of my right lung removed in June 2003 and was diagnosed as IB. I had 4 rounds of chemo (taxol and carbo). Finished the chemo in Nov 2003. I had CT scans every 3 mo. after that. In Nov 2004 the CT scan showed a small tumor in the upper lobe of my right lung (also IB) and then had another 4 rounds of chemo - gemzar and cisplatin that time. Both tumors were squamous cell (NSCLC). The second tumor could have been a new primary or mets from the first tumor. CT scans and PET scans haven't shown anything else - no lymph nodes were involved and no mets to anyplace else. My thinking is that if you can develop one tumor, why not two (or more ) There is still lots of hope for your mom. I've been fine since Nov 2004. Is this second tumor operable? You might ask her doctor about chemo this time. Good luck to both of you. Muriel
  2. Oh Andrea, this is just too unreal - as everyone before me has said. Prayers that it's ok. Muriel
  3. Hi Beat it. Welcome to the site, but sorry you need to be here. I'm sure Connie B or DonnaG will give you some suggestions. Mankato is a ways from Mpls/StP, but for a second opinion, try the University of Minnesota or the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. I think it's easier to get to UofM than Rochester from Mankato. Let us know what you decide to do and what advice you get. Muriel
  4. Hello Heather, Sorry about your stepmother's condition, but you have come to the right place for help, information, and support. I don't know the answer to your question about it spreading so fast to the spine. What tests or scans has she had? (CT, bone, PET?) I think that she should get a second opinion re: what can be done for her preferably from a cancer center. Don't know what state you are in, but there is probably one not too far. Muriel
  5. Yes, and you can thank my husband for that! We've been recycling for years and years. We even take our newspapers to the vet's office to be used in crates. Muriel
  6. Muriel

    I'm Buyin'

    Wonderful news Kasey! I'm really happy for you. Muriel
  7. Welcome Marianne. Sorry you have reason to be here, but you will find lots of help. Glad you are in remission now. Muriel
  8. The same day that I donated to Debi's walk, I received a request from a good friend, to donate to a walk for another (also good) cause. I did so and sent her the information to donate to the Lung Cancer Walk. Never a thank you for my donation or a donation to our cause. Strange. Muriel
  9. I had the upper right lobe removed in June 2003 and the upper left in Nov. 2004. I'm doing fine. I get short of breath easily, but otherwise, I'm fine. I had chemo after both surgeries. Best wishes for your mom. BTW, it isn't nearly as scary the second time. Did your mom have the entire lung removed or just a lobe? Muriel
  10. Ginnie, I've had all sorts of aches, pains, muscles cramps, etc since chemo. In your case, it could be anything, but I'd see a neurologist. Muriel
  11. I vote in most primaries. I pretty much follow the party line as it matches my values. As we know, pre-election promises really don't mean anything. Also, this was my first time to vote in FL and I have little confidence in the system in this state. Muriel
  12. Hi Rochelle, How's grad. school? As for the frequency of CTs, I was first diagnosed (Stage IB)in June '03, had surgery and chemo. I had CTs every 3 mo. from the completion of chemo (11/03) to the discovery of a tumor in the upper lobe of the other lung (11/4). Surgery and chemo again and CT scans every 3 months. I've had two PETs since then. In both VA and central FL, generally they do CTs every 3 mo for a year or so and then go to 6 month scans for a while. I was feeling great in Nov '04 when the CT scan showed another tumor. I don't think "how you feel" is a good indicator of how you are doing. I didn't have a clue that I might have lc again. I don't know if not having insurance would make a difference in her treatment. It shouldn't. Her Dr.s should at least offer the CT and let her decide how she wishes to spend her money. Good luck. She's probably just fine. But it doesn't hurt to be sure. Muriel
  13. Melinda, I'm so sorry about your Mother's passing. Muriel
  14. My favorites were Woolworths and Kresge. Grilled cheese sandwich and chocolate soda. Yes, I think you can still get a real choc. soda - I had one at Baskin Robbins a few years ago. I'm a Minnesotan. Both the Woolworths and Kresges were downtown. Smelled like peanuts. Really awful. Byerlys arrived in MN after we left in 1967. Muriel
  15. Congratulations! May 22, a girl. Muriel
  16. The second time I had chemo, I had gemzar every week and cisplatin and gemzar every other week. They also gave me lasix to help get the cisplatin out of my system. Hope the next time is easier for your Mom Muriel
  17. Don, I'm so sorry that Lucie's condition isn't improving faster. Prayers for both of you and your family. Muriel
  18. Orlando, FL (central FL) At the moment (11:34am), the temp. is 79. We're expecting a high of 89. Muriel
  19. Five years ago we lived in Fairfax, VA, some distance from the Pentagon but not so far that I didn't hear the impact of Flight 77 (Dulles to Los Angeles). I was watching Today (NBC) before it even happened, so I watched it all from my kitchen table as my coffee was getting colder and colder. Just couldn't leave that spot to warm it up. Our oldest son lived in NW Washington. I called him to tell him what was happening and we spent several hours on the phone watching tv. He assummed - correctly - that the Smithsonian wouldn't be open that day. My husband was in a govt. office building in Arlington - much closer to the Pentagon. Our youngest son lived in Manhattan. That was scary for us. His apt. was E.21st St.(N of the Towers) and his office was very close to Grand Central Station. We all tried calling him and he was trying to call us. Finally, mid-afternoon we connected. Several days later, tho., Tom called me about noon one day. His building had been evacuated and no one new what was going on. He was hoping I could find out on CNN or MSNBC. It was nothing- just another scare. The next day I learned that two of my colleagues from National Geographic had been on Flight 77. Very sad. Muriel
  20. I'm still here, too. (3 years and 3 months!) My Onc said I could have my port taken out whenever I wanted to. Thinking I'll wait for one more scan. Sorry this is so late. Muriel
  21. Good to hear from you again. I was getting worried. Muriel
  22. Muriel

    New Look

    I like it too. But, I can't find the link to "Good Search" or whatever it was called. It used to be at the top of the message board index. Muriel
  23. Muriel

    Ernesto Woes.....

    Prayers for me, too, please! I'm further inland - just each of Orlando - and we're only expecting winds about 40 mph. It could change. Muriel
  24. Prairie Home Companion w/ Garrison Keillor
  25. Is leg the 10th one? Muriel
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