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Everything posted by Muriel

  1. Indeed, to the hospital or ER, NOW. Orlando Regional Medical Center is affiliated with MD Anderson in TX. The other big hospital is Florida Hospital System. The main one is "downtown" in Orlando, next to ORMC. Tell her to get to one of those ASAP. And let us know what happens. Good luck to her. Muriel
  2. Placing the chicken order later tonight. No, don't mention how you want them cooked. Alive is how you will find them! Muriel
  3. I had gemzar and cisplatin last year. They gave me gemzar every other week and cisplatin once every 4 weeks (with the gemzar). I found that most of my sideeffects were associated w/ the combo of drugs. Gemzar, alone, didn't bother me very much. What Gemzar side effects that I had started a day or so after the infusion. Encourage her to eat small amounts of her favorite foods and to drink A LOT OF WATER. Good luck. Muriel
  4. Loretta, after my Dad's sister. Muriel was my mother's younger sister's name. Her older sister, Ruth, was my godmother. Kids middle names are Lee, Glenn, and Andrew. Muriel
  5. That's cute. You have a nice weekend, too. Muriel
  6. I'll be a gorilla, but I wasn't really honest with some of the questions. Muriel
  7. The pictures are great. Thanks for posting them. Muriel
  8. Carleen, I'm so sorry. I just have no words to express my feelings. Will continue to pray for you. Muriel
  9. I've tried everything but ambien. That's next. I actually tried counting sheep. Then moved on to counting (in German) rottweilers. Listing things alphabetically. Getting up and reading. Just tossing and turning. Whatever, I can't get to sleep until about 2 or 3. I get up at 8:30, have a cup of coffee and breakfast and then am asleep on the family room sofa for a couple hours. Obviously, part of the problem is sleeping during the day, but I just can't stay awake. Muriel
  10. 1. arm 2. leg 3. lung(s)
  11. 1. Shirt 2. Bra 3. Boxer shorts 4. Socks 5. Shoes 6. Undies 7. Pants 8. hat (opps) 9. Skirt 10.panty hose 11. jacket 12. 13
  12. 1963 - 1990. The years between the birth of our oldest child and college graduation of our youngest. Loved those years. Historically,I think I'd stay right here where I am. Couldn't give up all the things we have today - computer, modern health care, etc, Muriel
  13. That sounds like a good idea. Also, if you get a wig, you might not want a long, long one. This will give you a chance to see how you like shorter hair. But, don't buy a wig until you talk to your doctor. Some chemos don't cause hair loss. Good luck. Muriel
  14. Muriel

    Three Years

    Congratulations, Debi. Three years ago, I thought it was iffy if either of us would be around now. Really worried about you not having chemo. Well, we both made the right decision. So, get on with your life! But don't forget us here. We need you. Muriel
  15. Carleen and Keith, I'm so sorry about this turn of events. Sending lots of prayers. Muriel
  16. Glad to hear that both of you are doing so well. Muriel
  17. I love them too. Muriel
  18. Before I started on Neulasta, I was warned that it could cause pain - legs maybe - and that they could prescribe meds for that, too. I was lucky, as I never had any trouble with it and I was given it at 2 wk. intervals between Feb. 11th and June 1st. Ask you Dr. if he/she can do something about the pain. Muriel
  19. Muriel


    I like it, Rick. It seems that it can be used from aol, too. Thanks for your hard work. Muriel
  20. Congratulations, Geri. I was proud of your first 80 miles also. Let us know, in a month or so, how often you use it. We had exercise equip. in our basement for years. It collected a lot of dust. We decided not to move it. Muriel K
  21. Muriel


    Thanks for all of your hard work. I really appreciate it. Muriel K
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