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Everything posted by Muriel

  1. That's wonderful. Thanks for letting us know! Muriel
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Judy (in Orlando today). Good luck with your scans tomorrow. Muriel
  3. Six month scans - without contrast. Both my MRI and chest CT were fine and I don't have to go back for six months. I'd suggest celebrating at the Pub, but since I'm on the bus to Hawaii we'll celebrate on the roof of the bus. There have been some great parties up there. Muriel
  4. I'm really glad you will be having your surgery so soon. I had surgery just a couple weeks after Debi in June 2003. Then I did it again 18 mo. later. Altho. my experiences with the two surgeries weren't identical, they were pretty similar. Most important, pain meds help alot. You need to take them before the pain starts for them to be most effective. Don't hold back until you just can't bear the pain anymore. You'll feel better and recover faster with the pain controlled. The breathing exercises are important. The staff who encourage you to do them may be annoying, but try to put up with them. Best wishes for a great outcome. We'll be looking forward to hearing from you after you get home. Muriel
  5. Randy, you look as tho. you're dressed for MN weather. I love the picture of the snow and house, but it makes me miss the snow states even more. Nice pictures! Judy have a safe trip next week and good luck with your scans. I'll be there on Mon/Tues for a CT and MRI (brain). It's 71 degrees here (at 12:45 EST). Muriel
  6. Good grief! Just how are we supposed to be entertained in South Dakota? Really! The winters are pretty bad there. So, I guess we won't be even near the Rockies for a while and we're a long way from the beach nearest Andrea's house. I'm disappointed. Muriel
  7. Gotta know where we are 'cuz I want to ask "Are we there yet?" So let's decide where we are. I agree with Ann about Becky doing a great job driving. Things were a little rocky on Sunday while she was driving and watching the football games. And, according to her FB entries, she was watching very closely - especially the replays. (I must agree with her about the officiating.) I worry about people driving and texting, but driving and watching tv is even scarier! Maybe we're somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. That would account for the rocky ride on Sunday. Looking forward to crossing the ocean soon. Also, is Lily on board yet? Muriel
  8. Fantastic, Geri. BTW, the elephant in the middle of our house will be returning next week, to help us anticipate my first week in Feb. scan and MRI. Muriel
  9. Sorry about that. I'm sure you are really annoyed. I don't want to sound selfish, but I am concerned about the trip to Hawaii. Let's just stop someplace and get your computer fixed. In the meantime, you can use mine. Muriel
  10. Judy (in Key West) might have felt it, but I didn't in Central FL. Wonder if Ann or Lynn did. It's 62 and sunny near the Magic Kingdom. Muriel
  11. Many thank yous, Lynn. I don't know why he has trouble with cats, but he certainly does. If you could just move Smokey a few rows away, the barking should stop and we can hear the people singing (screeching). Muriel
  12. Don't people go skiing in Utah in Jan? Might be a bit colder there. Are we leaving the mainland from northern or southern CA? I think southern CA would mean less time over the water. Altho., that part of the trip could be great for tanning. FYI, do we have any cats on the bus? Bailey seems to be barking a lot and I know he likes the dogs and Roo. Muriel
  13. I was told that they get a much clearer picture with contrast. I'm surprised that you've never had it before. Muriel
  14. I thought we'd NEVER get here! I'm sooooooooooo hungry. Hope someone starts the grille soon. I'll be happy to do some of the cooking. (A few of us have been on the bus a bit too long and I'm not sure if they're able to cook now.) Nice job of driving, Becky! FYI, will you need a pilot's license when we reach the Pacific? Muriel
  15. I have Bailey, also a Golden Retriever, with me. I think Kasey is making the trip - must be on the bus by now. I can't imagine she'd make the trip without Teddie. He'll be good in watching the other dogs, etc. Better warn him about Roo, tho. Muriel
  16. Let me tell you, Dawn. This will be a real experience. I look forward to meeting you on the bus. See ya then. Muriel
  17. I'm sure Becky will be there soon, Dawn. You don't want her to get a speeding ticket with all those open bottles on the bus. Muriel
  18. Guess I'm on the bus, too. I'll share the bottle. Who else is here? Muriel
  19. Yes, I do see the bus. I'm hungry and would like to eat before boarding. Also, I'd like to hear from some of the folks who have already been riding with Becky. Is she a safe driver? How many dogs on the bus? Are there enough pit stops? How's the beer, wine, etc? How wild are things? Hoping to join you in a few minutes. Muriel
  20. I think she is near I 196 and Hwy 131 in SW Michigan or that she left that spot not long ago. So, Ann and Lynn (waiting at Animal Kingdom), I think you got there too soon. I'm going to wait to go to the park until Becky has left NC - that may be days from now. You two must be freezing out there. Find some shelter and be careful with the baby animals - remember they're still wild animals. Muriel
  21. Becky, please drive very carefully. We can't afford to have you wreck the bus. Muriel
  22. I can't imagine that you're too late. No one ever is for this kind of trip. So, assume that Becky will pick you up. Glad you'll be joining us. Muriel
  23. Let's meet at the Animal Kingdom ticket gate before the crowds get too big. Maybe about 8:30 am? Maybe we should decide how long we'll wait for late-comers and maybe pick a time that someone will go back to the gate and look for stragglers (sp?). I'm all for the safari - altho. I've done it before. Sorta a bumpy ride, but fun. Someone should bring a cell phone so that Becky can let us know when they arrive. Muriel
  24. I just realized that Patti hasn't signed on for this yet. She is always fun on these trips - a little unpredictable, but fun. But, remember we musn't let her drive! Patti, where are you? Sign up quick. Muriel
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