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betty boop

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    traveling, reading, family

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  1. I just read about your journey and want to thank you for posting. I am so happy to see long term survivors like yourself. I will be at 4 years in April, so I am so thankful for my health. I do have some nodules on both lungs now but Tarceva is working miracles. Thanks again, would love to hear from others.
  2. Hello, I just wanted to do a quick update for everyone on my cancer journey. It started April 2006. I was 43 years old, nonsmoker who thought I had pneumonia. Surprise, it was IIIB Adenocarcinoma. Went through gemzar and carboplatin and radiation - back for more radiation due to a new tumor, then since May 2007 I have been on Tarceva 50 mg. 75 mg was too much for my system. Anyway, I am still battling nodules growing in both lungs but they are small and not causing any discomfort. Staying on Tarceva until a major change. I just want to encourage you if you are just starting this cancer diagnosis, hang in there. God is still in the miracle business. They told me April 25, 2006 that I had 6 months to live. Here I am with a good quality of life and working, taking care of my family and living with lung cancer. You can do it. I pray for the best for you, if you'd like to talk, just message me.
  3. I have several new nodules and will rescan in April, but I was wondering if just by having a CT Scan of chest and abdomen would it show any bone results? Thanks for your help. Betty
  4. suggestion for prescription meds for scalp: ketoconizole 2% shampoo and Betamethasone valerate lotion usp, 0.1% This has helped me. Betty
  5. Well, I don't have shingles. I have bad case of dermatitis. I guess from the tarceva. I am clearing up with antibiotics and prescription shampoo and a salve for the back of my head. I was so frustrated last week. I know the tarceva is working, but the devil makes it so easy to not want to take the drug. My last check up was good, no sign of cancer so I know that it is doing the job. I have been on tarceva for 17 months now. Betty
  6. I think that I have shingles around the back of my head. I am going to get checked tomorrow, but I am in some pain. It hurts to wash my hair and combing it is very painful. Also, the right side of my face is a little numb feeling. Anyone else experience shingles? I am on Tarceva and my blood counts have been good for quite awhile. Thanks for any info. Betty
  7. Hi Lilly, I have a funny story about work... it wasn't funny at the time but now I look back and laugh at the girl. I had a secretary whose grandmother had just went through breast cancer. So, when I was diagnosed and on chemo she told one of our realtors that she was afraid to go to the bathroom after me since my chemo might cause her to become sterile! I thought I would scream!!! However, I emailed Dr. West and he sent me a speedy reply that said that was crazy and I simply forwarded it to her and the other agent. Never another word! Betty
  8. Anne, Thanks for posting. I read some of your info. Hang in there girl!! Life is tough sometimes but we have to be tougher! I too ache when I am in bed. My knees and ankles mostly. Today not so bad, but I dropped a picture of ice tea last week because of the pain in my right wrist. Is this an over the counter drug? I haven't heard of it. Thank you again, betty
  9. I have been on Tarceva 75 mg for one year and have just started experiencing joint pain. Does anyone have any advice or have you experienced the joint pain and did the doctor take you off of tarceva for this? Thanks for the info! Betty
  10. I too have been battling the thyroid issue. I am on 88 mg of synthroid a day. Seems to be helping now though. I was unusually tired, lost weight and just couldn't function too well. I thought the cancer was back full force, but my gen. practictioner said he wanted to test the thryoid and it was the problem. It took about 1 month of the synthroid for me to feel better. Just recently it took a dip again and I started feeling more tired so they upped the mg. Thank goodness for baby oil. It seems to help with the dry skin and I have to condition my hair daily. It was falling out but it has quit doing that. Didn't lose too much though.
  11. Best wishes on the tarceva. I am right there with you. Been on tarceva since June 07. So far so good.
  12. Just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you and hoping that you will get great results. My scan is Thursday. I'll let you know and I'll check on you and Flo. Betty
  13. Been on tarceva since June with some minor side effects but lately since starting an antibiotic I have noticed that my tongue is swelling. Called my general practioner and he said to change antibiotics but that hasn't changed the tongue swelling. The swelling went down with liquid benedryl...but I wonder if anyone else on tarceva has ever had the same type of reaction. Please let me know if you have experienced this. Dr. West said to ask you all because he hasn't heard of this occuring. Thanks for your input. Betty
  14. betty boop

    Scan results

    Ernie: Nothing is too big for our God. Praying for you buddy!! Betty Cline
  15. Day 10 and my face looks awful. Doc called in a creme for me to use twice a day. Any suggestions from those who have suffered with it????? Thanks, Betty
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