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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Hey Guys, I spoke to the onc nurse tonight. She said, "Oh it is mets." I asked her how can she be sure. The report read "undertermined" mass. So I will still have to wait till Thursday I guess. The nurse said "Short of surgery to biopsy, if they respond to chemo by changing in size, we will know then." I really don't want surgery, so I will wait and see. You guys are so great. Thanks for your input. Oh, I forgot to mention my baby sister had her spleen taken out, along with three large benign tumors last year. Mine are small and numerous....so I pray for them to be benign. It is probably unlikely though. The nurse said my kidney function is good. I am feeling all these mysterious pains since that aranesp shot to boost my red blood cells. I am starting to get paranoid. Thanks for listening. Any prayers are appreciated, and I pray for you all daily. Cheryl
  2. Thanks to you all. I will have a CT next Thurs. I will also hopefully meet with the doctor. The doctors now have moved to an entirely different building downtown. I will try to call Dr. Neumanitus. I appreciate the information you guys have provided. I know that chemo will take care of everything,but I have many questions. I will keep you posted. Cheryl
  3. I lived in San Antonio and Louisiana . Attended school in both states. I know...a career student! I did finally graduate though. Ha!~ Years later. Ha! San Antonio and Louisiana are kicking states. Hey...wait a minute, who said anything about shrimp???? I better talk to Ry. This may have been an oversight. I think your pushing it. Oh well, if Ry said o.k., I guess it is all right. Have a wondumous time in the Bayou State. Watch out for Gator people karen. Cheryl
  4. -Cheryl-

    lung nodules

    Donna, You have such a great attitude. You have given back so much to the members of theis board, not to mention survivors everywhere. I am praying it is benign! Cheryl
  5. Fay, My parents died from cancer. I have five siblings. They all are diabetic except my brother and me. One is being treated currently for recurring tumors in her kidneys. She had 3 large tumors and her spleen removed. My masses are small and more in number. It is odd they aren't in my adrenals. I will ask my doctor about them. He seems interested in the lung cancer though, not my kidneys. Any thoughts? Cheryl
  6. Weird thing is my last CT showed no mets to Adrenals or anywhere else, outside of both kidneys. He thought thy were probably mets becaused of the appearance, like my BAC. My onc said that it is unusual, but could happen. They are so small. I am not having any problems out of them...yet. Cheryl
  7. Thanks Peggy, Donna, Bruce, and John. I will look under renal metastisis. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I suppose treating them with chemo should impact them if theiy are lung mets. Could they be cysts? I guess we won't know for sure unless biopsed. or they respond to chemo? Cheryl
  8. Hi Group, Does anyone know of anybody who has had mets to the kidneys (7 total to both, all very small). What treatmens, results, any information? The researchers just kind of blew my mets off, and were interested in the lung cancer. It is weird, I mean, It is not common for it to spread there. No tests were done, but chemo should hit it too I guess. No percautions on diet or advice about drinking lots of water, nothing. I have only met with a doctor a couple of times, otherwise it has been the nurse. Welp, I suppose I will have to get teste won't I. They need me just as much as I need them. Jack is worried I will blow the study by not following protocol to a "T". Ha! Please help me if you may know any information. Again, web tv has squat on it! You guys are a Godsend!!! P.s.. no symptoms at all on the kidneys. Cheryl
  9. Fay, I really feel like you guys are family. I agree with you, like any family there will be "growing pains." What a boring world this would be if everybody agreed. I for one, like diversity. We just have to learn to accept differing opinions, not necessarily agree with them. Fay et al, I love you guys! Cheryl
  10. Shelly, Thanks for posting your picture. You are a beautiful young lady! It helps to place your face when posting to you. Cheryl
  11. Connie, So happy for your little Man! What wonderful news! I hope all goes well Thursday, and will be thinking about your grandson. Cheryl
  12. -Cheryl-


    Curtis, I am a Child and Adolescent Therapist. My job is not to give advice, but help people look at their options and make better choices. Nobody has the answers for what's best for you, but you. Having said that, now lets look at your situation. Is there a proper grieving time to start dating after the loss of a spouse? I don't have a 4 year old who needs a mommy. Yet, I would not expose Katie to any other woman right now. How could she not be confused. Does she even understand about death. You stated that she asked if your parents would be her "new mommy and Daddy." What does this tell you. Have you really been there for her? What if You and Alisa don't work out? You have been busy in school and busy with mommy's cancer. Now is Katie's turn, make her the priority. If you need to date, please do it in privacy. When the time is right, and if Alisa sticks around, a gradual introduction would be nice. Curtis, I want for you to be happy too. But, your baby girl should be your first priority. What a beautiful gift from God and Becky she is. You are responsible for this child's life. My husband has a good friend who has gone through exactly what you are going through now. His young boys are paying the price for the mistakes he made early on. Make sure Katie knows that you aren't going anywhere too. I wish that you could meet the kids that I counsel who have gone through similar circumstances. Please look at the consequences and how Katie will be affected. Sincerely, Cheryl
  13. Dawn, Bless you for this information. I've tried various searches on my web tv, but could come up with nothing. Thank you to all of you for your responses. I am really feeling like poop. I am pretty dissy and breathing hard after little exertion. I am pretty sure my blood counts are down. I don't have my blood checked till Thursday. I wonder if I should have it checked before then? I know I am on CT2103, but thought it was docitaxol. I will ask the nurse to be sure. That is pretty scarey, tell you the truth I am not sure I want to know. I may get psuedo side-effects! I hope the appetite returns. Thank you so much for the support and information my friends! Cheryl
  14. Hello Folks, I just wanted to report the side effects of the trial that I am on for those interested. Today was the forth day of my 2nd cycle. I worked Friday, but could not make it in today. I have been nauseated the last couple of days. I also have been really tired and experiencing constipation. I absolutely have no appetite. I am feeling better tonight, and hope to make it in to the office tomorrow. My hair is still all in tact, and I had to shave my leggs! So, outside of the fatique and slight nausea all is well. I must say, this is not as bad as before. Jack keeps waking me up to take my temperature and offer me water. He is worried, and I prefer to just sleep through it. Chemo Sucks!!!! I just hope it kicks the bejeepers out of the cancer! I have been checking out the internet to see if anyone else has any knowledge on this chemo, but I guess it is too new and still in trial. If anyone out ther has any knowledge on CT2103- or Docitaxol, please write me. I will have a CT soon and let you guys know about it when I do. Thanks, Cheryl
  15. So sorry to hear of the news. We were all wondering how he was doing. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Cheryl
  16. Oh Beth, This is a frightening thing for anybody to go through. I imagine your anxiety is from passing out. I too would fear the treatment. Are you sure that your passing out didn't have someting to do with that anxiety, because the reaction you had could definately trigger a fear induced fainting spell. Perhaps meditation and deep breathing would help, along with the Ativan. I am on a clinical trial, with the famous GVAX doctor, Neumanatis. The GVAX trial is really hard to get into, because of the FDA. They had a death from a lady, trying to retrieve a cancer sample from inside the lung. Now they only take superficial nodules or plueral fuid. They are doing something new called CT2103 (Docitaxol) and carboplatin. I have had no side effects- a little indigestion that is easily treated with Maalox. No nausea, no hair loss...nothing so far. This is only weel 4, but so far so good. I am working full time too. My blood counts dropped pretty low though, but it didn't keep me from treatment. This Docitaxol binds to the cancer, so you can administer more of a dose with fewer side effects. It is only in trial though. They are also doing a vaccine made from other's tumors and something called PT100. It depends on your health and prior treatment. I have only done one round of chemo (Cisplatin/VP16), along with radiation. Then had surgery. I was cancer free for a year and a 1/2, but had tiny nodules that turned out to have been cancer all along. They never showed up on a PET scan , because they were so small. I will let you know about the treatment's progress. We do have people who fly in monthly. Cheryl
  17. Debi, I use to hate birthdays. Now, I rejoyce each and every one. May you have many more. Cheryl
  18. Long live the Duke for all eternity! He was a brave soldier in the battle of Lung Cancer. Take comfort in the Lord. May he help you through this difficult time. Cheryl and Jack
  19. Ginny, My heart is heavy and saddened for your grief. The Duke fought this disease with more fortitude than I have ever seen. I love to think of he and David A, along with TBone and Buddy chasing that one that got away on their way to the Rainbow Bridge. That boat is getting awfully crowded! Ginny, Know that he is safe in God's arms. Not in any pain any longer. He will be waitig for you. I felt as if the Duke were an old friend to me. My love to you. I am always here if you need a friend to bend an ear. Love, Cheryl
  20. Angie, This disease has so many ups and downs. I hate to play doctor, but it could be anything from neuropathy to something dealing with the spine. It is best to let him know of the symptoms and make that call. Having said that, chemo can really do a number on the nerves. The damage done can effect people sometimes permanantly. Chemo kills cancer, but it also kills healthy cells. It may take months till the effects completely manifest. I am still feeling the effects from the radiation. When I look down after a long walk my thighs feel like I stuck my finger in a electric socket. It has improved, but hasn't completely gone away. I am sure Don will respond to you. If I recall Lucie had neuropathy pretty bad. Keep us posted. I started a trial on a new chemo. I just started it, but so far no real side effects! Lets hope that continues. God be with your Dad and family. Cheryl
  21. John, I was going to suggest that very same thing. I hope he feels better soon! How are you hanging in their Angie? Cheryl
  22. Sharon, Sounds like your Dad could use some motivation. What are his interests. or shall I say what can he still do? I think each of us needs a purpose in life, whether it is a pet, taking care of something- a plant, a pet, ect. Being responsible for something or someone helps. He has only been on the anti depressant 3 weeks. Tell the doctor. Perhaps he needs the dose adjusted. If he is able, get him out of the house. If he is not amblitory, get hospice to help out with a wheel chair. Saying prayers, Cheryl
  23. Ginny, Saying a prayer for the Duke right now. I am glad he has no pain. He is my "Hero"!!!!!!!! Cheryl
  24. Carleen, I am so glad to see you post. I think of you and Keith often and keep you in my prayers. I pray that you see results from this chemo. I hate that you will be alone by yourself in New Orleans. I wish that it was a pleasure trip for the both of you instead. New Orleans is fun place to play. I was there years ago. I do hope you treat yourself out to eat while your there during some down time. I wish I could make it better for you, and hate that you are going through this. I will continue to ask God to heal Keith and watch over you both. Love, Cheryl
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