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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Any friend of the "Duke" is a friend of mine. Glad to have you aboard. Ginny has a special lady to all of us here. The Duke has weathered some tough storms, but always bouces back. I am praying that he continues to do so. Welcome, Cheryl
  2. Just thinking about you my friend. Here is another boost back on top. Cheryl
  3. -Cheryl-

    David A

    Perhaps David sensed his departure, by the sound of his last post. It just will not be the same without him. I will miss his sense of humor. David had the ability to make everyone laugh. He made us forget about cancer for a while. We all needed that! He lived life fully to the end. That is the way I want to go out. David didn't let this disease stop him from enjoying life. I am so sorry for his wife and boys. Please accept my condolences. Cheryl and Jack
  4. Cat, Please concentrate on getting better during this break. I hope your appointment with your chemo doctor goes well. We will be anxious for you to return. Cheryl
  5. -Cheryl-

    Fun in Heaven

    I Just love this post! I can actually see those two guys one uping the other with their fishing stories! I too had tears in my eyes, but a smile on my face. Cheryl
  6. Stephanie, We would love to read an update on you! We miss you and your lovely Mom. I hope all is going well for you. Cheryl
  7. Jane, I for one would really miss you if you went away. I do understand where you are coming from. It is very hard on one emotionally. The prognosis for those with lung cancer is not that great. I have been here quite a while and have lost too many friends to this disease. For me, this board has been a God send. It has helped me through some really low points. You are one of those special people, who just cares too much. Losing friends on this board is not easy. What helps me is my faith, and the belief that life on this earth is so brief. I trust that God has more in store for us after the death of our physical bodies. You have helped so many here on this board. Your brother's death has not been in vain. I hope you come back to us when you are feeling better. Cheryl
  8. Hope you and all our Folrida friends are safe and dry. I tried to send a Fax to Florida all day and it wouldn't go through. It must be the weather??? Cheryl
  9. Kicking it up a notch for you too David!!!!!! Cheryl
  10. -Cheryl-

    Missing Them

    I too have shed quite a few tears these last few days. I cry for the friends that we have recently lost from this board. I cry for those that are grieving the loss of a loved one, who recently passed away. And I cry for myself, because my carefree life will never be the same. I am not the same woman I was when first diagnosed. That kind of makes me sad. I from now on will never again take one precious moment for granted. I guess I never realized how lucky I was. I have a pretty great life. I have gotten almost everything I ever wanted, not that any of it came easy. I have always worked hard. I appreciate the smell of a horse after a long walk. I love every sunset, and am disappointed another day has gone by. I still cry when I watch The Wizzard of Oz. I'm crazy in love with Jack, even after 21 years of marriage. He makes me laugh, especially when he is trying to be serious! I thank you God for my life. You have blessed me God beyond believe. I hope my life continues, but if not, I thank you for the time you have given me. Love to all of you, especially you Jack- the one true love of my life. Cheryl
  11. Elaine, I was in a twilight sleep. I was out of it as long as they pumped me full of gas. I don't remember any of it, except trying not to cough when I awoke. They pulled the tube out and I felt no pain. Hope yours goes as smooth. Cheryl
  12. It is a sad day indeed. We will all miss David and his wonderful sense of humor. I am numb, I am so sorry Ry. I only knew him from the board, but he was a fellow warrior in the same battle. David died fighting this disease. He refused to give in to it. Thank you for sharing a part of yourself with us. It just won't be the same without you. Cheryl
  13. Dave, I sure am glad to hear from you. I have been thinking about you and will say a good prayer for you my friend. Glad your still around. I hope the trial is the ticket for you!!!!! Cheryl
  14. -Cheryl-

    David A

    I can't believe that David is gone. I am in shock. This news is just so sad. I feel so sorry for David's Boys and wife. I wish that I had some comforting words for them, but I am such disbelief right now that I am no help at all. David was such a vital part of this group. I will miss his humor and compassion for its survivors. Please accept my most deepest sympathy. Cheryl and Jack
  15. Hey Becky, I look forward to reading your posts. Your witt always makes me chuckle! I hope all is o.k.. Cheryl
  16. -Cheryl-

    David A Update

    Ry, Please let David know that he is in our prayers and thoughts. He is strong and and has the "will" to survive! I hope to see a post in the "Good News" section soon. Cheryl
  17. David, Vent away. It is good for the soul. I hope the procedure went well today and you are o.k.. My prayers are with you as always, Cheryl
  18. BLT, I am sorry about the growth of the nodule. You have good reason to be discouraged, but you sound defeated my friend. I am currently doing a trial, in which the delivery system is more precise . the cancer gets hit double hard. It is Carboplatin and Docitaxol. It is too early to tell, but not many side effects. I will keep you posted on it. I am hoping the hair doesn't fall out! Ha! Don't give up, we have some good efective teatments out there. Cheryl
  19. Good point Lillian! Great response Pecola! -Jack-
  20. I have said it before and I will say i again.... We need a forum for all of the survivors to complain about bogus Doctors. Put it out there in front of everyone to see. If people knew who and what there names were, maybe we could call him or her and give our opinions. I guarantee you this, if Cats Onc told my wife what he told her (she could be a clerical worker and was not eligible for Dis), his *ss would be mine. I would like to see if he would do the same if he was diagnosed with LC. Please don't give me his name and phone number. I would certainly ruin his day. -Jack-
  21. David, So sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. For some of us, our pets are a part of our family. They bring us such joy and happiness. I cannot imagine my life without mine. I hope that you are o.k. after such a sad loss. If you ever need to bend an ear, I am here. Cheryl
  22. Cat. You are entitled to just that, a break. But then I want your butt back here by Mon. morning! We will miss you till then :0 Try to have a fun weekend. Cheryl
  23. Jen, My PET lit up also in the pelvic area. I went to see my gynoclogist, she felt that it was ovarian cysts. I thought this new chemo would throw off the female process, but it hasnt yet. Oddly, mine also responded to chemo and disappeared. So, who knows? My recent CT showed activity in my kidneys of all places. I don't know what that is about. Well see on the next CT. Cheryl
  24. Peggy, Great news! Thanks for the good information! I have you and hubby in my thoughts and prayers. I love encouraging doctors, because that is half the battle, staying positive. I am so glad you guys have one! Cheryl
  25. Ginny, It must seem like the weight of the world is on you at times. I am so sorry that you and the Duke must endure this. You both are amazing people. I appreciate your sharing your story with us. It gives me courage to carry on. We are always here for you and the Duke. Cheryl
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