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Posts posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Joan,

    How tragic your Mom's death was. It is very unfortunate. Please accept my condolences. We have had several deaths on this board from bleeding. Did your mom have radiation along with the chemo? This could cause tissue damage and healing impossible. I am not a doctor, and there could be other reasons. I would suggest getting copies of notes from the procedure done. Good luck, and keep us posted.


  2. David and Karen,

    I fired off a prayer myself. I had a pericardial window, which was a cakewlak. The only thing that bothered me were the tubes coming out of my upper abdomen. It just wasn't natural. My sister and I had quite a bit of fun with all the tubes coming out of the wall plugged into me, till one of the nurses rushed in to see what was going on! Ha! I blamed it on my sister, who was dumfounded. Keep us posted on David's progress.


  3. Thanks Katie, best of luck with your meeting with Dr. Numanaitis. What a great guy he is. He has twin boys, or so I am told. He is also an extreme outdoorsman, with a big sense of humor. He is pretty young to be where he is, and so intelligent. You can tell he is pationate about his work, and takes the time to spend with his patients. You would never take him for a doctor, because his demenor is down to earth and approachable. Most importantly, he hasn't lost ability to care about people. He will make you feel at ease Katie. He probably knows me, because of my trial CT2103, and I have pestered him about the upcoming trials-Ha!

    I hope your meeting is productive. I am sure he will be impressed with the site and you! The statistics of how often this site is visited will impress him alone. Keep us posted on your meeting.


  4. Dean,

    So good to see you on the board. I set a few bird feeders out myself. We put up two Purple Martin houses also. I have dozens of Barn Swallows nests, in which they back come year after year to reclaim their nests, as unsitely as people think their nests are. Ha! My neighbors practice target shooting BB guns at them. Makes me so mad! I can see God in everyone of those critters. It deeply moves me.

    Dean, I know you are opposed to any evassive treatment, but would you be opposed to a vaccine. It has literally no side effects. I am not sure where they are being held in your area, but it could actually slow down, if not cure the beast. Forgive me, I am 100 percent with you, on what ever decision you make. Please , I am not trying to offend you in any way.

    My Regards,


  5. Hello All,

    I met with DR. Nemunaitis today. He wants me to continue with CT2103 till a new vaccine trial is underway, which should begin enrolling next week and start in about a month. He doesn't know if the vaccine TGF-B2 trial will get underway in a month, but tere is another vaccine, called Epimmune HLA-2, that has been approved. Not everyone will qualify for it. Your blood can be checked to see if it has this gene. On some people a tumor antigen is present and triggered to fight the cancer. I hope I said that right. I will research it more. If anyone has heard of this, please share. Fay you may be one of those people whose body has this!


  6. Tami,

    "IT'S YA BIRTHDAY! IT'S YA BIRTHDAY! IT'S YA PARTY!! CElEBRATE IT!!! Poo on everyone. Pamper yourself. Treat yourself to having your nais done, a massage, a new outfit, a mini bithdaycake or a big one. Don't let those inconsiderate sour puses spoil your day. I want to help you celebrat another year of life! HIP HIP HURRAY for TAMI!!!


  7. Francine,

    It is like homecoming week to have you and Carleen post this week. You are deeply missed. I will be sure to say prayers for you both. What symptoms are you experiencing? Some could just be an old fashioned headche. Hoping that is all it is!


  8. I went back to work 3 1/2 weeks after lung surgery. I had a little plueral efussion due to treatment, but just stopped when necessary to catch my breath. About a year later I was back in the hospital to have a pericardial window put in. I was in the hospital two weeks, and back at work in another two weeks. I too walked everyday and believe that it does help lung capacity. I had a cold and took 4 days off. I recovered quick, but apparantly not fast enough. My work wants me to take FMLA. I'm out only one day a week cause of chemo, which ends Dec.7th? It has been a battle. How is your work about taking some extra time off due to the cold. Your immune system is compromised right now.


  9. Girl,

    You got to go back to work to tahe a vacation! I hope the radiation is effective and relieves your Dad of pain. This time with your Dad is precious. I am so glad they you have it. You are a good daughter.


  10. Carleen,

    So glad to see this post. I think many of here were worried about you. Thanks for updating us! I have kept you and keith in my prayers, and will continue to ask God to watch over you both. You two are amazing people. Keith is still working even. How has his job been about treatment? Mine has not been to understanding to say the least. You guys drop us a line when you can. WE will be thinking of you.

    Much Love,


  11. Dean Carl we miss your posts. We miss your well thought words and beautiful view on life. I sure hope that Keith and Carleen are alright too. I haven't heard anything since I read Carleen's post of Keith being diagnosed with brain mets. Know that you guys are in my prayers.


  12. Hey Folks,

    I echo Debi's sentiments. Despite the rain and cold, it was a heart warming event. Katie is absolutely adorable, and she and Rick are awsome people. They worked so hard on this event, the live band was excellent! The clown had a huge a**, like Shanainai (Sp). Thanks to Katie's brothers for all their help too. The candle light ceremony filled my eyes with tears as Katie listed all those who have passed away from this board due to this dreaded disease.

    Debi added some humor relief, as she is even twice as funny in person. She kept me in stitches. What a real deal she is.

    Again, I want to thank Katie and Rick. I hope that you all can find room in your hearts to donate what you can to help find a cure for lung cancer.


  13. My German Shepherd had blood in his urine. The vet said it is a kidney infection or stones. He was give antibiotics and it went away. Please don't think I'm comparing you to a dog! Ha! ( Even though that would actually be a compliment from me, mine are my children :lol: ) However, treatments are pretty much the same considering the illness. I would think you would be jaundice if it were more serioius. My sister-in-law also gets kidney infections and urinates blood. Keep us posted.


  14. Kit,

    WE will be sad for you too. Tomorrow is a new day. I heard someone say "I didn't die today, and I probably won't die tomorrow." I like that. All we have really is today, thank you lord for every day is a blessing. You have a wonderful attitude kit. God be with You.


  15. Beth,

    I am so glad you have a new onc. Always get a second opinion. The chemo I was on also treated ovarian cancer, which several tumors have been seen in my ovaries. They are believed to be benign, yet reacted to chemo. I am not going to "borrow trouble" and go along with "benign cysts theory." I pray that it isn't cancer. Breast cancer has a 85% cure rate. Good luck Beth! Keep us posted.


  16. Thanks folks for the encouragement. I do have short term disability, but it wouldn't be enough money to make ends meet. I actually enjoy work. Somehow it makes me feel vital as a human being. I still feel well enough to work. I have my bad days, but work helps me to forget about cancer for a while. I feel like I can still contribute. My employers see me as a costly liability. I am not sure, but perhaps it causes a rise in insurance rates. I quit wearing a mask, because I "make people think I am "contagious" and feel uncomfortable." I had one kid ask me if I was "a doctor"! Ha! Everyone wants to look like they are "doing their job." As the MH Director said "this is our company policy." The lawyer asked me "What is going on over there? I have gotten quite a few calls from employes who worked for these agencies?" So I can see that I am not the first employee to seek legal advice who works for my company.

    Elaine, I never left work. That is the problem. They want me out on FMLA while undergoing treatment. I am afaid of possibly getting sicker one day and needing the 12 weeks. I personally don't think a day off per week qualifies as eligible for leave. FMLA is suppose to be designed for the employee, and not to use it against them. I am not opposed to taking the leave, but don't feel it fair to count retroactive days already missed into the 12 weeks when told by my boss to "take the time that you need", then tell me "you have to count that as FMLA" out of the blue by our HR Dept. Not to mention that this is the second notice of it, when never getting a first notice.

    I will get off of my soap box too! Thanks for listening.


  17. Our lawyer handled the American Airlines Baggage Carriers strike a few years ago and specializes in the field. Though he is well versed in the laws, there is a lot of "grey areas" to contend with. Whether you have been gainfully employed or not, your benefits are legislated to end in about three months. The message... die of a sudden illness and you have beat them. Have a chronic illness and you are in trouble.

    I contacted our US Senator, Kay Bailey Hutchison, and they showed a lot of interest, even setting us up with an Investigator from D.C. I know when they returned my phone calls, it showed up on the caller ID as US Government! Maybe it will shock the employer as much as it did me when they are contacted.

    Our investments will carry us through from now on, horses, house and dogs included. We may end up not having 300 satellite channels, cell phones and all of the credit cards but we will survive. The health benefits issue, we weren't prepared for. It's a shame we have to fight lawyers, doctors, employers and Ins. companies while fighting this disease. We are definatley outnumbered. The system is broke.


  18. Hey guys,

    Met with an attorney, who primarily deals with buisness law. According to the FMLA, you cannot retroactively count days off for FMLA. However, one case in 2002 proved prejudice, and was allowed to count back missed days.(Not quite sure what that means?) My employers sent me a letter telling me that I basically am being forced to take FMLA, beginning August the 23rd ( I took pretty much only one day per week for treatment, and three for a cold once.) Also, that this was the second notice of him telling me to take FMLA. The HR Director is covering his butt for never sending the first notice. I met with the MH Directors over my center and over all the agencies today. They started out very condescending and tried to set the pace of our conversation, as if they were empathetic to my disease. I will spare you the boring details, but lets just say I "put them on notice" They stand to violate not only the FMLA, but the ADA, and something called Erisa 510. All I want is to do is work as long as I can, I have to for economic reasons. I give my job 100%, and really care about my clients. I feel discriminated against, because of my cancer. I think they see me as a liability to them some how! I know God will provide for my husband and I, but I would be devastated to have to move and sell my horses. Worst yet, be denied treatmnet, due to lack of insurance. Praying for us all,


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