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Posts posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Cindy,

    So gad you are o.k.. Life can be hectic at times, but, yes it is glorious to still be here to experience the good along with the bad! Hope your new job goes off without a hitch as well as husband's biopsy. Glad to have you back.


  2. Cindi,

    I couldn't walk a few steps without stopping to rest and catch my breath due to the plueral and pericardial effusions. I went to see my onc and he hospitalized me right then and there. I had immediate surgery to reduce the pressure on the heart. I was in the hospital 2 weeks. No cancer was found in the fluid, but the doctor assumes it was from the cancer. I am walking over a mile now with no shortness of breath per say, but low blood counts due to chemo really slow me down. You need to talk to your doctor about this. It could cause a heart attack or heart failure.


  3. Angie,

    You are so impressive, to appreciate what God has given to you, instead of what he is taking from you. Your dear Dad will be rewarded for his dedication to his family and his Lord. May God cmfort you during this difficult time.


  4. Bill I can certainly relate to your wife's sentiment. Thanks all for your encouragement. Mary I appreciate the offer of the tank. Cat, my sister got me a voodoo doll while in New Orleans. I have been waiting for just the right time to use it! Ha! Just kiddding. Well things seem to be a little more in control now. I met with a couple of employees individually, who I think threw me in the grease. One is being supervised for his liscense by my boss. He is being paid by this employee while on company time to supervise him for his liscense! I doubt the Texas Board of Examiners would approve. He ended up writing me a letter to apologize. I am not sure really why? Fear, guilt, shame, who knows, but what goes around comes around. God sees it.


  5. Just never mind...

    Sorry Bo,

    I really think the folks here want you back but because of the fact I sent out the plea, I am afraid I have hurt the cause more than I have helped. This is not a reflection on you, It's a direct reflection on me. I get the message loud and clear.


  6. Shirl,

    It was months for me till I could stand to lie fat, It was so painful. Just slept in te recliner for a couple of weeks the really elevated msyself when I did get back in my bed. My hubby really helped me to get back on my feet. I hope you have help? I also walked every day to increase my lung capacity, not far, but made the effort. Do not be suprized if you have a plueral effusion from the treatment and trauma to that area. It is very common, have the doc check it out. Mine resolved own it's own after surgery. A year later, my cancer returned and caused a pericardial effusion as well. Don't want to scare you, that was me and not you. I then required emergency surgery, due to fluid build up around the heart.

    Continue posting, and WELCOME!!!


  7. Fay,

    I.have become reliant on spell check in this computer day and age. Unfortunately, My web tv doesn't have spell check. I too am a late night internet user., and the key board has to be positioned just right to ht the intenended keys...I type in my e-z recliner. Yet another excuse is that I have usually taken an ambian by this time. Oh, and my acrilyc nails too! So...don't beat your self up. You are probably one of the most versed and well written members of this board, I always learn something from your posts. My excuses, well they boil down to mostly a poor typist. Good points! I well try to respond later when I have more time.


  8. After almost 500 hits and 12 responses, 9 people have asked BoBennet to come back. How embarrasing... I thought this board was full of supportive people? I could have walked thru the mall and gotten more support than that.

    Not one person from administration asked him back, wow, unbelievable!

    Since so many did not see or understand what had happened before it was erased, It is talked about more in detail under "Anger", in the NSCLC forum.

    I suggest the leaders of this so called "caring group" put out a list of "untouchables" to all of the new members so they wll be aware of who not to mess with on this board.


  9. After almost 500 hits and 12 responses, 9 people have asked BoBennet to come back. How embarrasing... I thought this board was full of supportive people? I could have walked thru the mall and gotten more support than that.

    Not one person from administration asked him back, wow, unbelievable!

    Since so many did not see or understand what had happened before it was erased, It is talked about more in detail under "Anger", in the NSCLC forum.

    I suggest the leaders of this so called "caring group" put out a list of "untouchables" to all of the new members so they wll be aware of who not to mess with on this board.


  10. Jana,

    I am taking a taxane derivative called paclitaxol,along with carboplaton in a clinical trial. Since the chemo goes more to the cancer instead of the healthy cells, there are fewer side effects. I will post of my results in an upcoming CT. I have not lost my hair, and do not feel too bad. A little tired, some indigestion a few days following chemo, which is cured with over the counter stomach antiacids. There has also been some numbness in my toes. This chemo is suppose to be more effective than taxol and easier on the body.

    I am not sure you can get it in your country yet. Some drugs they wikk fly to you if you find a reputable doctor and clinic. Mine is flown to Mary Crowley's Research Center every three weeks, who are participating in the study. You would have to work it out with them. Keep us potsed!


  11. Cathy,

    Mary Crowley's Research Center in Dallas at Baylor Hospital will be doing a trial in the near future using other peoples cancer to make a vaccine. I will probably do it after my trial of CT2103.


  12. Jonathan,

    Unfortunately, my husband was layed off from this same Company in a mass layoff. He now manages and maintains our investment properties and does not have S/E insurance. My insurance covers us both.


    Thanks for the offer. I'm thinking more of a flame throwing tank. Do you know any one that I can borrow one from?

    I am defiately documenting everything, it is about all I can do. I called the ADA and the EEOC. My boss has not done anything legally wrong according to the law. The ADA does not consider cancer to be a disability. He has the right to ask me if I am mentally compotent! He is not allowed to ask me about my disease though. I just do not get it? Well, he sure acted differently toward me today. Perhaps he thinks I am going to sue his a**! When I asked him "where this was comming from" the day of our meeting, he described a couple of incidents. One incident was me missing a meeting and the other was an appointment. I fired of a e-mail to him today asking for the minutes of said meeting, and told him the e-mail about the meeting was not found in my computer mail over the last two months, could he provide the documentation of it to me? He e-mailed me back and had no min., nor any memo about the mandatory meeting.

    I also put out a memo demanding that my employees turn in their progress notes typed within 24 hours. They are expected to report to me at the end of each day. That should keep them from splitting at 3:00 everyday. So, despite being close to home they will still have to come in from the field, where they go out to see clients (They are social workers basically.) Our county is close to 50 miles from one end to the other. No, the little back stabers want more supervision, they got it! Pay back will be fun! I'm just doing my job. I will show them just how competent I really am as their supervisor.


  13. TAnn,

    I am sick to hear about this for you. You certainly don't deserve this. Of course you are scared my Dear. The unknown is always scarey. but you have conquered some pretty heaviy duty treatments thus far. You are truely a cancer warrier.

    The mets are very small, and very treatable right now. I myself have always feared getting them, and am not immune from getting them still. I wish that I could somehow make you feel better. I wish I could make them disappear for you. Don't worry TAnn, this treatment will make them disappear for you.

    You are in my prayers and thoughts,


  14. Pamela, thanks for responding and offering your opinion. Mean spirited and hateful is how you described Bo's post if that is what you read into it. I don't think Bo came out of the blue and blasted this person, I think quite the contrary. I think these 2 had some diagreements prior to this episode and I feel Bo felt he was pushed past his limit, after all, like everyone here, we are all under a great deal of stress to begin with. Sometimes we all look at the effects and never question the cause. Like in a football game, the guy that throws the first punch rarely gets caught... it's always the guy that retaliates that gets the flag.

    In answering how I think the correct way to handle it would be? That is very hypothetical because Cheryl doesn't seem to put herself in that position as she has never had incidents like these. If it came out of the blue from a guy and for no reason.... I'd probably want to rip his head off. No, God wouldn't like it, but that's how I would feel. Those that didn't get a chance to read the post before it was erased, would have been shocked. Yes, Bo had some unpleasant things to say (loudmouth being the worst) but the responses were downright dreadful. Like "TERMINATE YOUR MEMBERSHIP NOW", and so on. Almost a RIOT type of atmosphere. Pretty sad. You would think that the person for whom Bo had the argument with would be willing to ask him back personally by now. I guess holding a grudge is the cool thing to do these days.

    Hope I answered some of your questions Pamela... thanks for listening to my opinion as well as giving yours.


  15. Yes, and lets continue to gang tackle the individual that is unlucky enough to have the so called "bad day." Bruise him up real bad! It seems to me there is an awful lot of similarities between the few flare ups that have occured here on this board. Imagine that!


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