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Everything posted by Debi

  1. And who was it that taught Frank how to post pictures in his posts?
  2. Janis Joplin / Jimi Hendrix (I'm hoping they don't have to be alive?)
  3. I also want to add my sorrow that Jen is gone. Thank you for posting Debbie, and my sympathies to you and all Jen's family.
  4. Fay, I am so glad that you posted a picture. Like Aimee, I feel like I have always known what you would look like (I just knew that you weren't the real Poultrygeist!). Wishing you a restful night filled with good dreams.
  5. Pam, Well, I'm nuts too but I think its great that your doctor is being overly cautious, hell..I couldn't PAY for a PET scan in this town- I think the doctors all own stock in the insurance company and don't want to order any tests.. Anyway, I would be nervous but I'm sure everything will be okay. I have the pins and needles thing going on too over here, and have since my surgery. I still don't know what it is, so for crying out loud will you find out for me?? I will keep everything crossed for you, just to be on the safe side!!
  6. Fay, I know how you feel about leaving your loved ones. I had always said that if something happened, I wasn't so afraid of dying, the part I was afraid of, and am still fearful of, is leaving my children. I can only imagine the weight that was lifted from your shoulders today. Keep coming on as long as you're able Fay. And when you rest in between, I wish you dreams filled with fields of flowers.
  7. Debi

    Valentines Game

    Oh boy. Now we've got Don singing..
  8. Debi

    Valentines Game

    "Love me 2 times" by the Doors.. oh and "Love her Madly" by same.. now I can't get either song out of my head.
  9. 45 here and yes, I like to be the center of attention- I confess!
  10. Glazed here. I was just SO hoping I wouldn't be a chocolate donut.
  11. Debi

    From Fay A.

    Thank you for posting Mike. And for Fay- I am sorry that these days are not being spent in your home, you deserve more than this. I hope that the love of your family and the love that we are all sending to you, will help bring at least some comfort and peace to you. So many people wonder if they have made a difference in other's lives - you have made so many impressions on so many hearts and minds here. You have always been the warrior princess, I have posted that so many times. Your strength and courage have been a shining light, and your tenacity at fighting for yourself has taught people to question when they need to question. Fay, I will always be sorry that I was never able to make the trip to come visit you last Spring, and see the flowers that you described so beautifully. You are close to my heart today, as always.
  12. Becky, Congrats on your 3 years.. I know it would sound horribly selfish to say that although I hate that your here, I'm also glad that you're on here, that its been great having your company on this journey, that its comforting to know that you are out there fighting monsters too, maybe not physically alongside me but at least in spirit.......and hey, you always have those fresh batteries.. SOOOOOO of course I won't say all THAT, since I am not at all selfish! Anyway, you go girlfriend...make sure you do something to celebrate that involves chocolate!!
  13. What works for me is alone time. When I am hurting, or stressed, or really feeling any strong emotion, I am sort of like the dog that goes under the porch to lick their wounds. Where some people talk about their "stuff" to their friends, I need to gather myself up in my own way, and talk to myself until I figure out how to deal with whatever it is. THEN I will talk about it later to others.
  14. Come on Ginny.. Do ya think I ever went to a dude ranch? Find me a dude ranch with a concierge and room service and I'm there.. Speaking of which, have you ever gone to a really tacky motel??
  15. a hornbeam Kelly?? Is that an extinct tree or something- I never heard of it? Well, I'm a cedar- most of which rings true. With the major exception of the "in good health" part. I think having had lung cancer would dispute that.
  16. Kelly, Great news!!! I understand about the shortness of breath- I'm usually okay but have been short of breath on occasion the last few weeks. Smoke seemed to be in the air all the time for awhile there..
  17. No, 25 would be about the most. Have you ever flown in a small plane?
  18. Fay, I'm not good at praying but you know you have my thoughts, as you do all the time.. I'm sending all my best wishes out to you..
  19. Debi


    I'm so sorry that Addie is gone and my sympathy goes out to all her friends and family, both online and off...
  20. Debi

    Coughing a lot

    I'm sure it is probably nothing, but if it were me, I would call the doctor just to make sure. It could be so many things, one of them that you're coming down with something, and you may need antibiotics to fend it off. Right now, just out of surgery and all, it is better to be safe than sorry- I strongly suggest to call the doctor, the least it will do is put your mind at ease. Good luck, and keep us posted!
  21. Ann - this was hilarious, and so true. I'm going to print it on out and give it to the HR Generalist at work. We can include it with the new insurance packets for new hires.
  23. Patty, I know that many people's PET's on here have lit up from time to time, and there was nothing wrong- it was from scar tissue, etc. That said, I understand everything that you are saying, and have been there and back and there again! Right now I am nearing my first 6 month checkup with my Onc (before now it had always been every 3 or 4 months - the waiting 6 months is killing me) and am a bundle of nerves - every ache and pain I am sure is the cancer. This survival thing isn't easy. Between second guessing each pain and wondering why we are the 'chosen ones', it leaves us little time to celebrate the fact we're alive. I hope that in the 2 1/2 months ahead, you find some time to do that. Whether we worry or not, the outcome is going to be the outcome..worrying never really changed anything that I know of. Anyway, all you have to do is read some of the Early Stage posts to see what a mess I (and dare I add others? ) can be dealing with this disease, so don't feel bad. You're in good company here.. keep posting.
  24. Debi

    3 Years

    Congratulations on your 3 year mark Heather..
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