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Everything posted by Debi

  1. Debi

    Ginny 3000

    Ginny, Thank you for spinning your wonderful tale of the "Duke" so that we could all know him and feel so much a part of your lives, through good and through bad..although even during the 'bad' you managed to write about the good.. And thank you for staying with us in the epilogue when sometimes its too painful for many, and for showing all of us your wisdom, grace and humour, time and time again.
  2. I'm with the rest of the 'girls', we win!! I'm thinking you tried to sway the vote with your use of adjectives, as in "gabby" girls and "gifted" guys. We saw right through it Frank..no subliminal messages for us.. And by the way, what is with you and poop lately? Now your using it as an adjective. Jeesh Frank! Thanks to you and Mr. Ry, as always, for watching over the funny farm ...
  3. Debi


    Holy crap! I never thought about why glue doesn't stick to the bottle!! These are great Eppie!! Love them, am copying them to share with my friends (of course I'll take all the credit for them )
  4. Donna- Just happened to 'peek' in here and saw your post. Am glad that things are okay!!
  5. Yeah, what SHE said!! And Lynne..what is WRONG with you with the NO whipped cream thing.. Anyway, hope you all have a wonderful birthday and a happy year to follow..
  6. Okay, let me be the first ... boobs. !! (Is this considered plastic surgery?) Also my eyelids would be on the list if there was any money left over...
  7. Debi

    Can't Wait...

    Oh man, I am soooo jealous, 2 of my favorite people, getting together, without meeeeeee!! The least you could both do is go out and get a tattoo in my honor after the seminar !!! Seriously, have a great time and take those pictures!!!!
  8. Okay John, I'm still under the week deadline. I've been sick and not on here much so I have a good excuse. Hope you had a happy birthday and best wishes for the coming year..
  9. Happy Birthday to both of you.. And Muriel, are you ready for me to send my son down to you yet??
  10. I'm not sure if this is going to work by clicking on it from here, you may have to copy and paste the URL- This is what a computer should do first thing in the morning! Click on the line below and then type in your first name... http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~geoffo/humour/flattery.html
  11. I wasn't angry either, ever. The only thing I have been angry with has been insurance companies, incompetent medical people, misinformed people, tobacco companies, government, ignorance in general. I have never been angry about having lung cancer, it just happened, nothing to be angry about. AT diagnosis, my number one, two and three emotions were fear, terrible fear and paralyzing fear. I had no room for anger. If you had asked how I handled the fear, THAT would have been appropriate for me. Good question though, brought some interesting insight into the emotions of both the caregiver and patient..
  12. It is good to hear your good news Don, once again!! I'm thinking that I need to take Lucie to that tattoo place in Dallas one of these days...
  13. Debi

    Ok My Turn...

    Ry, Helpful hint: Don't make eye contact and DON'T talk to potential customers.. Kelly is right.. everytime she opened her mouth when she was helping out, the people would run off. She would be halfway into her .. normal recipes from regular people... routine and the cookbook would go back down and the customer would flee. (It actually happened to all of us, we didn't know whether to talk to people and scare them off or not talk to them and be perceived as rude!) Anyway, dress warm and get some hot chocolate!!
  14. Leslie, These pictures are great - makes you realize how young America actually is. I love history, and the way people used to live so I am sure Rome would just fascinate me. Until I can afford to go there, I'll just have to settle looking at your pics. And don't worry about overkill. It's not like we HAVE to go to the link if we don't want to. Unless of course you're preparing a quiz...
  15. Debi

    Really rough night

    Pat, I am so sorry that you and Brian are going through this. Wish there was something I could do to make things easier..but there isn't. Just know that my thoughts are with you both.
  16. Jeesh Frances, I have no idea. But thanks for giving me something else to worry about ! Holy Crap
  17. Debi

    Tattoo Who???

    Oh my... where do I begin... Frank, all I can say is, I welcome any ideas for tattoos but you can skip the part where you tell me where to put them Connie, I really want to put it on my hand, kind of between my thumb and my first finger, on that spot on the back of your hand...either that or the back of my shoulder..oh yeah, and hardy har on the lung. Babesdaughter..I actually kind of like the superman symbol..It is sticking in my head... Donna.. I would NEVER put someone's name on myself, I can't believe people do that, they must be far less cynical than myself!! Ginny, I don't know about a Jeff Probst bust but I would certainly take a Jeff Probst.. Becky, call me silly but having a needle tattoo me holds no fear after having 2/3 of my lung ripped out of my body ! And I like the idea of what a koi represents except for the fact that its a friggin fish!! Bill, I have nothing against the ole Marine tattoo but usually I like to see it on an arm that has more hair than mine .. Jan & Lynne - The white ribbon was a cool idea while it lasted ... And Pat, you always say the nicest things, even when your own plate is full.. Anyway, keep those ideas rolling. And where the heck is Don Wood, I think I finally eeked out 1000 posts.....
  18. Cindi- Am so sorry about Timmy the cat, you know I went through that myself last year and its not easy... I have no doubt that his leaving you may have contributed to your recent breathing bout - hope things get better for you soon Cindi!! And for crying out loud, next time let us know sooner when things are going on !!!
  19. Leslie, Your pictures are great!!! And I LOVE your captions- your words make the pictures more real -
  20. Debi

    Tattoo Who???

    Okay, so this post is just a little frivolous and doesn't necessarily have MUCH to do with lung cancer, but then again, maybe it does... When I was 16 I wanted to get a tattoo and my dad said that if I got a tattoo, he would throw my butt out of the house. For years it has been in my head, not an urgent need, but just the idea that I wanted one. After my surgery and all, it became more compelling. Well, Oklahoma doesn't allow tattoo parlors , I honestly don't know why, I just know that they are illegal. So I have to go to Texas to get one. Well, the other day, I was in Texas with someone who I thought MAY discourage me (I won't mention any names ) but instead they were as ENcouraging as a drunken sailor and all but dragged me into the tattoo place . The only reason that I didn't get a tattoo right then and there was because I couldn't find one - the guy had about 50,000 tattoos in his shop - but its a big commitment! Anyway.. this is why I am posting - I have no idea what kind of tattoo to get and need help! (Frank, I already thought about having FRANK LAMB tattooed on my knuckles but it doesn't fit!) Seriously, I want to get a tattoo finally and I want something to symbolize my survival. Does anyone have any ideas? Tattoo stories? >
  21. Welcome Sheri and dad.. glad to meet you!
  22. Jen, Both you and your mom are in my thoughts.
  23. Thanks for your kind words everyone, as usual.. And in answer to your question Ginny, we sold about 25 cookbooks - and lots of other stuff. Katie was unbelievable as far as having all this stuff to sell. And the events people hooked us up, we were right in the atrium, inside the doors - we were the first table you saw on the way in and the last one when you left. People at work today told me that they couldn't beleive what a good spot the event people gave us!! THEY are the ones that rocked!! How nice to not be judged and to be treated so well (we talk so much about the ignorant people, we forget about the rest sometimes!)! And Kelly.. I think the flutist's 4th song was "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" although on Sunday, he did add "My Way" by Frank Sinatra to his never ending, looping set . I am told that next to the yodeling Dolly Parton look alike and Willie Nelson twin performing in the main room, we fared pretty well !
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